Use "world peace" in a sentence

1. You guessed it: world peace.

2. World peace and personal satisfaction.

3. Aggressive nations threaten world peace.

4. Well, predictions of world peace?

5. Is World Peace on the Horizon?

6. They always cant about world peace.

7. Inner Peace in a Troubled World

8. At Peace in a Hostile World

9. She felt at peace with the world.

10. The world stood poised between peace and war.

11. World peace was the keynote of his speech.

12. Can You Find Peace in This Troubled World?

13. (Video) Boy: The World Peace Game is serious.

14. They Found Peace in a World in Turmoil

15. Who can bring justice and peace to the world?

16. Bill: If that would guaranty world peace – of course.

17. □ What outcome did Jeremiah prophesy as to world peace?

18. Countless people the world over have experienced this peace.

19. If it's true, it's a sad blow to world peace.

20. OPTIMISM over the prospects for world peace is running high.

21. Its primary objective is “to preserve world peace and security.”

22. The Chinese Government and people will safeguard world peace unswervingly.

23. So the question is, Will peace, not just in the Middle East but world peace, ever be achieved?

24. Others worry about peace and security, stability in the world.

25. Lasting Peace: How many world trouble spots can you name?

26. How can we have world peace with different cultures, different languages?

27. They have found peace despite living in a world in turmoil

28. In order to develop the world peace, we relive old friendship.

29. He was awarded a prize for his contribution to world peace.

30. It involves how to enjoy peace in a strife-torn world.

31. He was full of sugary talk about world peace and love.

32. The peace of the Savior subdues the swirling whirlwinds of the world.

33. Such peace of mind is a rare blessing in this hard world!

34. It urges organized international action for disarmament, collective security and world peace.

35. It alone will bring enduring peace for all the world of mankind.

36. Only a government that can change people’s hearts will bring world peace

37. Dante believed that peace could not last in a politically divided world.

38. Pax Britannica was supposed to bring peace and prosperity to the world.

39. In 19 the World War One Peace Congress opened in Versailles, France.

40. ▪ Is it possible to find inner peace in this troubled world?

41. Dante believed that peace could not last in a politically divided world

42. Better still, God’s peace means a world without sickness, pain, sorrow, or death.

43. We have peace of mind amid a fear-stricken and anxious world population.

44. Clearly, the United Nations does not have the ability to bring world peace.

45. The world is uneasy and some regions are warlike, but peace generally reigns.

46. Many have put their hope for world peace in the United Nations organization.

47. Who does not long to live in a world of peace and justice?

48. It is the only the road of peace that builds a better world!

49. He regards it as his mission to help the cause of the world peace.

50. Ambassadorial Scholarships Rotary promotes peace in the world through the understanding of other cultures

51. The peace and quiet is like another world, with all the reeds and Bullrushes.

52. John Lennon's "Imagine" has become the anthem of peace-lovers all over the world.

53. All this proves there is no detente, let alone lasting peace in this world.

54. We trust you Scouts of the World to help bring about the reign of peace and goodwill in all the world.

55. For the first time in months, she felt calm and at peace with the world.

56. 🔊 During the Armistice, the two world leaders were able to negotiate a peace treaty

57. 22 At home, Mami and my sisters and I said a rosary for world peace.

58. Mankind’s desire for peace can be realized only by the creation of a world government.”

59. Is the UN a government that can bring true peace and security to the world?

60. We also agree that in the troubled world of today, our cooperation will help advance our shared values and peace in the world.

61. A new awareness of how religion is impeding the efforts for world peace is evident today.

62. They sought to link Antislavery to such reforms as women's rights, world government, and international peace

63. (Jeremiah 10:23) This explains why man’s efforts to achieve world peace have met with failure.

64. Is there any hope for peace, justice or widespread happiness in a world so ineluctably stratified?

65. Above all, a prosperous India will be a force of peace and stability in the world.

66. Will this movement force governmental leaders to take action toward securing some kind of world peace?

67. 2 Like the League, the professed goal of the United Nations is to secure world peace.

68. Men hoped in vain that the last world war would usher in an era of peace.

69. The league of Nations was formed after the First World War to try to keep peace.

70. Venuste is today a member of the ‘Champions for Peace’ club, a group of 54 famous elite athletes committed to serving peace in the world through sport, created by Peace and Sport, a Monaco-based international organization.

71. The lofty but toothless declarations on behalf of world peace and brotherhood of man were gone.

72. The creation of a world at peace is one of the foundation stones of Judaism and Christianity.

73. The significant threats to world peace and security, to financial integrity and environmental protection need concerted action.

74. I just want peace in the world And good relations between the Xiang Yu and Liu Bang

75. “Do you think that the prayers of religious leaders or anyone else can bring about world peace?

76. The post-cold war world has witnessed a firm acknowledgement of the link between peace and development.

77. 29 Only the united struggles of the people of the world can check aggression and save peace.

78. On July 5, 2017, Kento Masuda received an Artisan World Festival Peace International Initiative "Music, Performance & Humanitarian" Award from the H.R.H. Princess Angelique Monet of The United Nations (World Peace & Tolerance Summit & Concert) Hamptons at the United Nations in NYC.

79. After the first world war, the punitive peace treaty was surely a ‘pushing,’ an incitement to retaliation.

80. The front-page headline of an African newspaper described this as “A Giant Step to World Peace.”