Use "without prejudice to" in a sentence

1. Conciliated—Pay Without Prejudice

2. This administrative process will be without prejudice to any judicial remedies.

3. He supported the without prejudice clause in subparagraph (c).

4. My client is prepared to entertain an amicable dissolution to the marriage without prejudice

5. Radio spectrum policy activities in the European Union shall be without prejudice to:

6. Case dismissed without prejudice or refiling in small claims court.

7. The novelist must look on humanity without partiality or prejudice.

8. This penalty shall apply without prejudice to additional penalties provided for under national rules.

9. 21 This is however without prejudice to the rights to financial benefits to any export credit insurance.

10. He was able to turn down the promotion without prejudice, and applied again several years later.

11. Such right of an Allottee is specifically made “without prejudice to any other remedy available to him”

12. Without prejudice to Articles 11b and 11c, the Agency may process personal data for administrative purposes.

13. Without prejudice to the allocation of responsibilities for enforcing the provisions of European Parliament and Council Directive

14. 11. Without prejudice to paragraph 14, the supply shall be complete when all the goods have actually:

15. Without prejudice to specific provisions contained in sectoral rules, the clearance-of-accounts procedure shall consist in:

16. We accept the outcome of the inquiry,[ ] without prejudice to the unsettled question of territorial waters.

17. We had no preconception of the results and analysed our data without prejudice.

18. Without prejudice to Articles 47, 48 and 49, the Agency may process personal data for administrative purposes.

19. It may not abandon its premises, without prejudice to the rights of third parties in good faith

20. This Regulation shall apply without prejudice to any specific Community rules concerning the use of food additives:

21. The use of dried aerial parts of Hoodia parviflora should be authorised without prejudice to that Directive.

22. Major carstairs, please note that all city trust will reinstate sergeant brown's account without prejudice.

23. He said he hoped the Swiss authorities would investigate the case thoroughly and without prejudice.

24. 14 We can blend the two, without prejudice, to provide the stepping-stone for a more complete psychology.

25. This Agreement shall be without prejudice to the obligations assumed by the Republic of Serbia or the European Union on the basis of international treaties and agreements in accordance with generally accepted principles of international law and shall be without prejudice to their application.

26. Synonyms for Adversely include negatively, sceptically, skeptically, resentfully, unsympathetically, without sympathy, with prejudice, badly, unfavourably and

27. Arder will be dismissed without prejudice, Plaintiff will not be prevented from filing a suit against

28. Without prejudice to the measures referred to in Article #, Member States may if they so desire carry out additional checks on

29. Without prejudice to other Community legislation, the Member States shall immediately notify the Commission under the rapid alert system of:

30. In Conciliation proceedings, the parties are free to withdraw from Conciliation, without prejudice to their legal position, at any stage of the

31. Racial prejudice is anathema to me.

32. Whereas the measures adopted in this Decision apply without prejudice to the decisions to be taken by the Council acting on the Commission's proposals on transitional measures and without prejudice to the measures taken or to be taken by the Commission under the other provisions of the abovementioned Regulation and Directive,

33. Without prejudice to the limitations emanating from Section 3.2., notified bodies may subcontract clearly defined parts of the conformity assessment activities.

34. I try to rise above prejudice.

35. Without prejudice to the limitations emanating from Section 3.2., the notified bodies may subcontract clearly defined parts of the conformity assessment activities.

36. The use of chemically synthesised allopathic veterinary medicinal products or antibiotics for preventive treatment is prohibited, without prejudice to Article 24(3).

37. To consider prejudice Cumulatively, instead rejecting Mr

38. Under God’s Kingdom, all mankind will enjoy an abundance of food, as well as true justice and life without prejudice

39. Bigotry vs Prejudice The key difference between prejudice and Bigotry is that while prejudice is a milder version, Bigotry is an extreme stance

40. Divine Education Conquers Prejudice

41. The greatest obstacle to progress is prejudice. 

42. Society needs to advance beyond prejudice and superstition.

43. This type of prejudice hurry give to throw.

44. The speech was just pandering to racial prejudice.

45. Often, elders encounter prejudice.

46. He continued to smoke, to the prejudice of his health.

47. Divest you of your prejudice.

48. Except for Article 5, the Parties shall apply this Agreement provisionally as from the day following that of its signature, without prejudice to constitutional requirements.

49. Nurturing prejudice foments racial hatred

50. Without prejudice to future ESRB recommendations, this Recommendation does not address the actions of designated authorities within the Union in relation to third country countercyclical capital buffer rates.

51. I'm calling in reference to your series on prejudice.

52. To do so is based upon prejudice and thoughtlessness.

53. 5 The greatest obstacle to progress is prejudice. 

54. 4 We've got it within us to react against prejudice.

55. Without prejudice to any disciplinary measures that may apply, any unauthorized absence which is duly established shall be deducted from the annual leave of the person concerned.

56. Without prejudice to any disciplinary measures that may apply, any unauthorised absence which is duly established shall be deducted from the annual leave of the official concerned.

57. His judgement was warped by prejudice.

58. Without prejudice to any disciplinary measures that may apply, any unauthorized absence which is duly established shall be deducted from the annual leave of the person concerned

59. We have to begin by purging our minds of prejudice.

60. Jesus did not harbor racial prejudice.

61. How did Jesus deal with prejudice?

62. Without prejudice to the limitations emanating from Section 3.2., notified bodies may subcontract clearly defined parts of the conformity assessment activities in particular where clinical expertise is limited.

63. Distinguishing Fact, Opinion, Belief, and Prejudice

64. Collins has had to deal with deep-rooted prejudice against him.

65. ‘the difficulties of combating prejudice and Bigotry’

66. She has a prejudice against modern music.

67. Women still face prejudice in the workplace.

68. It takes the form of a “without prejudice” clause which, in such cases, seeks to preserve the application of all the expelling State’s legislation concerning the expulsion of aliens.

69. “Divine Education Conquers Prejudice”: (15 min.) Discussion.

70. Little by little, though, we were able to break down prejudice.

71. I must admit to a prejudice in favour of British universities.

72. Without prejudice to the limitations emanating from Section 3.2., the notified bodies may subcontract clearly defined parts of the conformity assessment activities in particular where clinical expertise is limited .

73. What he said was tinctured with prejudice.

74. He was a victim of racial prejudice.

75. Prejudice is the reason of fools. 

76. • Stopping Hate-motivated Violence & Addressing Prejudice - Winnipeg

77. He has removed the virus of prejudice.

78. You should liberate the mind from prejudice.

79. Because of prejudice, others rejected Jesus’ teachings.

80. Prejudice remains deeply ingrained in many organizations.