Use "wind up" in a sentence

1. Wind her up.

2. They all wind up dead.

3. A mighty wind sprang up!

4. You'll wind up in a middle of a star... wind up in the middle of a planet.

5. The wind tangled up her hair.

6. Wind up your watch every day.

7. Little bit of wind, up higher.

8. He could wind up in gaol.

9. The wind breezed up to fifteen knots.

10. The wind had blown up a rain.

11. Try to bring the baby's wind up.

12. Mr Allen, come up on the wind.

13. What happens when you wind him up?

14. We've got a wind anemometer up there.

15. The wind let up during the night.

16. 4 There's a gentle wind springing up.

17. The wind stirred up a lot of dust.

18. You wind up the car and release it.

19. The wind is too strong; Don't clew up!

20. 14, as Breezing Up, or A Fair Wind

21. The campfire flared up in me sudden wind.

22. Since July of 2012, the solar wind has decreased, while the galactic wind has sped up.

23. The Bowspritted 'Merlin' trucks up wind like it's predecessors

24. You don't wind up with that job by accident.

25. Any extras on here you might wind up needing?

26. Head up, chin out, hair blowing in the wind.

27. You looking to wind up in an abortion clinic?

28. I always said he would wind up in jail.

29. Make sure you wrap up in the cold wind.

30. The wind that we want is way up there.

31. Wind me up, point me in the right direction.

32. The balloon soared up on a gust of wind.

33. I think it's time to wind up this meeting.

34. If we all agree, let's wind up the discussion.

35. You don't want to wind up homeless, do you?

36. Wind scuffed up dust and moaned in the sandstone.

37. Herb could wind up on the Ginza in Tokyo.

38. Lawyers were called in to wind up the company.

39. I always said he would wind up in prison.

40. Curvaceous Wind Up hydrates waves, revives definition, and controls frizz

41. The wind had dropped and the rain gradually let up.

42. We'll have to bear up, the wind is too strong.

43. The wind had piped up to half a gale overnight.

44. You' re going to wind up working a school crosswalk

45. So what you wind up with is unlimited clean energy.

46. The wind blows away the thoughts, rolled up unruly time.

47. 1 The balloon soared up on a gust of wind.

48. Wind it up if you like -- eventually it will stop."

49. And then you somehow wind up overcooking the turkey anyway.

50. The wind was getting up and it was becoming cloudy.

51. If you don't work hard, you will wind up nowhere.

52. Sailors know how to wind up a long rope neatly.

53. The rain beat down and the wind was picking up.

54. Anabatic wind, also called upslope wind, local air current that blows up a hill or mountain slope facing the Sun.

55. We need to wind up now, we've only got five minutes.

56. You know you're going to wind up in court over this.

57. The President is about to wind up his visit to Somalia.

58. On 8 March 1974 the ZPG decided to wind Adena up.

59. If you take risks like that you'll wind up dead.sentence dictionary

60. She tacked up the fell like a sailboat before the wind.

61. A wind-up clock ticked Busily from the kitchen counter: 7

62. But at sea the wind can build up giant, powerful waves.

63. The dunes break up around mountains, where the wind direction shifts.

64. OK, just to wind up, could I summarize what we've decided?

65. The leaves were caught up by a sudden gust of wind.

66. Mark my words; one day he'll wind up running the company.

67. Who's gonna care if a bunch of crooks wind up dead?

68. Do you know how to wind up a long rope neatly?

69. Tachikaze can also manipulate wind, as demonstrated when Kensei uses several wind blades to slice up a hollow, killing it instantly.

70. So it's been picked up by wind, blown across the Atlantic Ocean.

71. Set up strong wind water shearing and hot air cycle drying system.

72. I love waking up, not knowing what will happen or who I'll meet. Where I'll wind up.

73. Before I wind up, there are two more things to be said.

74. Synonyms for Anemograph include anemometrograph, wind gauge, anemometer, windsock, wind sleeve, wind cone, windmeter, wind indicator, wind vane …

75. Wind is caused by the sun drawing up moisture from the earth.

76. And didn't I wind up having to wear a beret to the dance?

77. But what happened that year was the wind suddenly and unexpectedly picked up.

78. You're gonna wind up just like your dad if you don't straighten out.

79. Will it not dry up completely when the east wind blows on it?

80. In January 2001 they signed with Wind-up Records, their first major label.