Use "want ad" in a sentence

1. Want to easily compare ad group impressions by quarter?

2. If don't want personalized ads, turn off Ad Personalization.

3. I don't want to go on working here ad infinitum.

4. Put the ad-link that you want Bypassed inside the textbox

5. Simple-ad men call the shots and they want gullible audiences.

6. You want to find out the device on which your ad appeared.

7. For example, a bakery might want to create a general “bakery” ad, but create an additional ad for “wedding cakes”.

8. I want to let another Ad Exchange publisher place their ads on my site.

9. Ad units are for AdSense publishers who want full control over the placement of their ads.

10. Do not want credulous ad in cure, hospital of choice distinctive specialized subject makes effective treatment!

11. If they want to debate something, debate it, do not enter into this silly ad hominem stuff

12. In the account tree, select the campaign or ad group where you want to add the extension.

13. The Networks setting indicates where you want your ad to appear based upon the campaign type you chose.

14. Ancyra (330 BC - AD 640) Angora (Ancient Greek, AD 1683 - AD 1918) Angūriya (Modern Persian, AD 1077 - AD 1307) Angūriyah (AD 1081 - AD 1204)

15. You can specify which ad format that you want to use for eligible inventory in your Shopping campaign:

16. After you add phone numbers to your ad, you’ll want to see how they’re working for your business.

17. Depending on your goals, you might need more than one ad group to create the structure you want.

18. III, omnis Scriptura divinitus inspirata utilis est ad docendum, ad Arguendum, ad corripiendum, ad erudiendum ad iustitiam

19. III, omnis Scriptura divinitus inspirata utilis est ad docendum, ad Arguendum, ad corripiendum, ad erudiendum ad iustitiam

20. III, omnis Scriptura divinitus inspirata utilis est ad docendum, ad Arguendum, ad corripiendum, ad erudiendum ad iustitiam

21. You can then reference the original document if you want to recreate any lost features in the converted ad.

22. With vCPM bidding, you set the highest amount that you want to pay for every 1,000 viewable ad impressions.

23. Omnis scriptura divinitus inspirata et utilis ad docendum ad Arguendum ad corrigendum ad erudiendum in iustiti

24. In Smart campaigns, a goal represents the main activity that you want potential customers to do after they see your ad.

25. Aurelian (March 15, 310 AD - December 31, 360 AD) was Roman emperor from 340 AD to 360 AD

26. 3:16 omnis scriptura divinitus inspirata et utilis ad docendum ad Arguendum ad corrigendum ad erudiendum in iustitia

27. To help gauge a campaign’s performance, you may want to see how often people who see your ad actually click it.

28. Improve your quality, budget, or bids if you want to be more competitive in the ad auction and win more impressions.

29. Setting an interstitial frequency cap can be helpful if you want to limit the number of times someone sees an ad.

30. Improve your quality, budget or bids if you want to be more competitive in the ad auction and win more impressions.

31. Adman [ ad-man, -m uhn ] noun, plural ad·men [ad-men, -muhn]

32. 2Ti 3:16 - omnis scriptura divinitus inspirata et utilis ad docendum ad Arguendum ad corrigendum ad erudiendum in iustitia

33. Omnis scriptura divinitus inspirata et utilis ad docendum ad Arguendum ad corrigendum ad erudiendum in iustitia ut perfectus sit homo Dei ad omne opus bonum instructus

34. Now, undress me, ad infinitum, ad libitum.

35. COM/AD/#/#- Research Administrators (AD #) in energy sciences

36. [Middle English Applauden, from Latin applaudere : ad-, ad

37. 16 Omnis Scriptura divinitus inspirata utilis est ad docendum, ad Arguendum, ad corripiendum, ad erudiendum in justitia: 17 ut perfectus sit homo Dei, ad omne opus bonum instructus.

38. Ad Manager acts as an ad server that can support multiple ad networks including AdSense, Ad Exchange, and other third-party networks.

39. EMA/AD/#: Administrator (Scientific), Product Data Management (AD

40. COM/AD/#/#- Research Administrators (AD #) in environmental sciences

41. [Middle English Applauden, from Latin applaudere : ad-, ad

42. You can set up Countdowns in any text ad, responsive search ad, or Dynamic Search Ad

43. Ad Hoc Email Server (Ahem) Ad Hoc Email Server is, well, an ad hoc mail server

44. Counting occurs when the ad server acts upon the ad call and issues the ad content.

45. When you change an ad, the old ad is removed and a new ad is created.

46. Average ad session duration = total duration of all ad sessions (in seconds) / number of ad sessions

47. The average number of ad impressions per ad session.

48. Just like responsive display ad units, fixed-sized display ad units can serve all ad types.

49. (Special ad units and ad unit hierarchy are available to Google Ad Manager 360 publishers only.)

50. [Middle English Applauden, from Latin applaudere : ad-, ad 10

51. EPSO/AD/#/#: administrators (AD#) in the field of audit

52. EPSO/AD/#/#- administrators (AD#) in the field of audit

53. Agapeti expositio ad monitoria è graeco ad verbum expressa.

54. The connection between your mobile ad and landing page is the bridge between a potential customer and the action you want them to take.

55. Google reports ad impressions to Ad Manager through an online electronic reporting application accessible through Ad Manager.

56. Ad infinitum.

57. Ad nauseam.

58. To test via Ad Manager ad server, see this article.

59. Supposed Ad Manager A owns the secondary Ad Exchange account.

60. Ad balance experiments allow you to compare your current ad fill rate against a different ad fill rate.

61. Administrators in the field of audit (AD 5/AD 7)

62. Blocking a Google ad or turning off ad personalization can't:

63. What will world population be by 2050 AD/AD 2050?


65. Return an acceptable type of ad for the ad slot.

66. Google Ad Manager 360 publishers can disable ad slot expansion.

67. Omnis Scriptura divinitus inspirata utilis est ad docendum, ad Arguendum, ad corripiendum, et erudiendum in justitia: ut perfectus sit homo Dei, ad omne opus bonum instructus.

68. Ad Manager B own the primary ("mapped") Ad Exchange account and backfills inventory coming from Ad Manager A.

69. Responsio ad Animadversionem ad Davidis Gregorii Catenariam, Act. Eruditorum Lipsiae

70. Omnis Scriptura divinitus inspirata utilis est ad docendum, ad Arguendum, ad corripiendum, et erudiendum in justitia : ut perfectus sit homo Dei, ad omne opus bonum instructus

71. Omnis Scriptura divinitus inspirata utilis est ad docendum, ad Arguendum, ad corripiendum, et erudiendum in justitia : ut perfectus sit homo Dei, ad omne opus bonum instructus

72. Campaign ad schedules: Newly created campaigns will post ad schedules.

73. Notice of open competition — EPSO/AD/372/19 — Administrators in the field of audit (AD 5/AD 7)

74. However, if they don’t have an ad to serve, the Open Bidding ad source will serve the ad.

75. 16 omnis scriptura divinitus inspirata et utilis ad docendum ad Arguendum ad corrigendum ad erudiendum in iustitia 17 ut perfectus sit homo Dei ad omne opus bonum instructus 2 Timothy 2 2 Timothy 4

76. Some of those advertisements were banned, including the infamous ad where Brooke asks "Do you want to know what comes between me and my Calvins?

77. Administratrix [ ad-min- uh- strey-triks, ad-min- uh-, ad- min- uh-strey- ] noun, plural ad·min·is·tra·tri·ces [ad-min-uh-strey-truh-seez, -struh-trahy-seez].

78. Using Ad Manager ad units in Analytics allows publishers to understand the demographics of users for individual ad units.

79. Examples include the failure to load ad media asset, or empty ad responses being returned on the ad requests.

80. COM/AD/#/#- Research Administrators (AD #) in chemistry, biology and health sciences