Use "voluntarily" in a sentence

1. They subscribed materials voluntarily.

2. So you got in voluntarily?

3. He submitted voluntarily to arrest.

4. The fund is voluntarily administered.

5. He surrendered voluntarily to his enemies.

6. Rudolph voluntarily renounced his U.S. citizenship.

7. He made the promise quite voluntarily.

8. He voluntarily surrendered to the police.

9. Both Jacob and Abraham voluntarily offered tithes.

10. He voluntarily surrendered himself to the police.

11. They will never voluntarily relinquish their independence.

12. Telemetered Freddie repays, Besiegements broadside horselaugh voluntarily

13. He voluntarily suffered the agony of the Atonement.

14. Since when do you voluntarily go see patients?

15. Steir voluntarily surrendered his license to the State.

16. No one ever thought she would go voluntarily.

17. Some companies have already voluntarily disclosed similar information .

18. 1 Some companies have already voluntarily disclosed similar information .

19. A good many young men leave their jobs voluntarily.

20. 17 Some companies have already voluntarily disclosed similar information .

21. They were said to have left their land voluntarily.

22. Vows are made voluntarily, of one’s own free will.

23. 4 Some companies have already voluntarily disclosed similar information .

24. He was not asked to leave—he went voluntarily.

25. Susan worked in the studios voluntarily, to gain experience.

26. Unlike most mouse strains, it drinks alcoholic beverages voluntarily.

27. I would never leave voluntarily until I had finished.

28. Asch's large music catalog was voluntarily donated to the Smithsonian.

29. " Did you say that Lord Pershore went to prison voluntarily? "

30. We prefer you to work voluntarily rather than by coercion.

31. She attended voluntarily, and the adjudicator issued a departure order.

32. As I was voluntarily unemployed, I wasn't entitled to benefit.

33. We have succeeded in persuading many districts to desegregate voluntarily.

34. Continence definition is - the ability to retain a bodily discharge voluntarily

35. Of those purchased, some were sold under duress and others voluntarily.

36. 13. (a) Why do the Witnesses serve voluntarily and without payment?

37. Parents may therefore voluntarily agree to give notice before recovering their children.

38. Four people who sought refuge in the Italian embassy have left voluntarily.

39. Ridley Block Operations is voluntarily recalling three Batches of CRYSTALYX Sheep-lyx

40. * Set individual goals and formulate action plans voluntarily for improving energy efficiency;

41. You don't want to come voluntarily, I'm gonna take you by force.

42. We voluntarily agree to do God’s will, not follow our own inclinations.

43. Jehovah’s Witnesses —architects, engineers, plumbers, bricklayers— did the entire job themselves voluntarily.”

44. He that commits a cruel act voluntarily, Is guilty of malice aforethought.

45. Park's Saenuri Party initially preferred Park to voluntarily step down in late April, but with mounting protests, the ruling party became divided on whether Park should step down voluntarily or be impeached.

46. Beta activity is increased when movement has to be resisted or voluntarily suppressed.

47. They invited state employees to voluntarily submit proposals for projects to improve performance.

48. Here an attempt was made to make voluntarily given consumer guarantees legally enforceable.

49. Christ voluntarily put Himself in union with humanity living in a human body.

50. Last year, the United States voluntarily funded almost 30 percent of UNRWA’s budget.

51. We voluntarily affirm this Statement of Principles while acknowledging its non-binding nature.

52. 10 The Bible Students voluntarily donated funds for the advancement of the work.

53. Some Jews voluntarily became slaves to their fellow Jews in order to repay debts.

54. Authorities did not order an evacuation in the neighborhood, but several residents left voluntarily.

55. On entering the asylum involuntarily, he voluntarily made vows of poverty, Chastity and Obedience.

56. At that time[Sentencedict], enough members paid their dues voluntarily to keep services going.

57. “Boots” Blesse, who’d voluntarily extended his tour, destroyed his 10th MiG during mission 123

58. The first is that students are adults, and enrol and attend their courses voluntarily.

59. To lose the present in lamenting the past, was voluntarily to protract a melancholy vision.

60. The advocacy system gives the child the right to voluntarily admit himself or refuse admission.

61. Antonyms for Aversely include voluntarily, willingly, freely, gladly, readily, spontaneously, eagerly, lief, purposely and intentionally

62. The regime used violence and economic pressure to encourage Jews to voluntarily leave the country.

63. Norfolk Admirals voluntarily opt-out of ECHL hockey season, citing COVID-19 safety and logistical

64. It happens every year and no department of the council will cut its costs voluntarily.

65. I would only leave here voluntarily if there was a big chance to work abroad.

66. Last June, he closed his business voluntarily and signed his assets over to someone else.

67. In Citizen science, the public participates voluntarily in the scientific process, addressing real-world problems

68. The children worked essentially because they had been separated from their families either voluntarily or accidentally.

69. These are the most desirable reasons for Culling as they are made voluntarily by the manager

70. Later, my employer was asking for voluntary redundancies (a financial incentive to employees who voluntarily resign).

71. Many protest leaders voluntarily gave themselves in to police on 14 April 2009, ending the violence.

72. You provide your personal information voluntarily and Burberry can only send you updates with your consent

73. User "Anoxias" has voluntarily disabled access to their account and all of its contents

74. The purpose was to conduct interrogations and to ask the men to voluntarily provide DNA samples.

75. The Region does have access to some purchase slip data that are provided voluntarily by fishers.

76. In other instances, the Israelites could voluntarily donate as much or as little as they desired.

77. Who is an Accomplice? An Accomplice is a person who assists in a crime knowingly and voluntarily

78. In 1915 the government urged all young men to join the army voluntarily and thus avoid conscription.

79. Compulsorily or voluntarily recruit(ing) indigenous persons under the age of 18 into their national armed forces;]

80. Violence and economic pressure were used by the Nazis to encourage Jews to voluntarily leave the country.