Use "urged" in a sentence

1. He also urged: “Acquire wisdom . . .

2. Caution urged with bears Aprowl

3. He urged her to study English.

4. He urged everyone to act responsibly.

5. 'Don't give in now,' she urged.

6. “Curse God and die!” she urged him.

7. • Christians are urged to seek what treasures?

8. The stench of petrol urged them on.

9. “Pursue to know Jehovah,” as Hosea urged.

10. Gilead Graduates Are Urged to “Start Digging”

11. He urged restraint on the security forces.

12. They have urged people to boycott foreign products.

13. People were urged to boycott the country's products.

14. It urged Mr Dornbusch to revise his opinion.

15. Paul urged them to “widen out” in response.

16. He urged them to remain within the federation.

17. Gilead’s 108th Class Urged to Render Sacred Service

18. Teens are being urged to abstain from sex.

19. He urged the horse on with a whip.

20. Employees were urged to evacuate their offices immediately.

21. The unions urged people to boycott the referendum.

22. She urged everyone to rally behind the president.

23. He urged the committee to reject the plans.

24. She urged her mare to jump the fence.

25. States are urged to allow dual or multiple nationality.

26. In contrast, Jesus urged a far different mental attitude.

27. My horse was flagging, but I urged him on.

28. Similarly, the United Nations also urged authorities to investigate.

29. 18 Jehovah urged his people Israel to display kindness.

30. Both sides were urged to lay down their arms .

31. “Be zealous for the service,” urged one circuit overseer.

32. Police urged continued vigilance in the fight against crime.

33. David urged her on(Sentencedict), ignoring her quizzical glance.

34. He urged her forward, his hand under her elbow.

35. I urged him to rest, but he remained motionless.

36. 5 Government officials were urged to repudiate the treaty.

37. He urged the millions of protesters to exercise restraint.

38. He urged people not to resort to retaliatory violence.

39. He has recently urged more tolerance of sexual promiscuity.

40. He urged that they be devalued against the dollar.

41. Burke urged Clinton to stay with the original plan.

42. Bajans urged to break addiction to unhealthy foods, drinks

43. Lot and his family urged to leave (12-22)

44. The senator urged against the adoption of the measure.

45. One company urged me to manage their clothing store.

46. * Still, Moses urged God’s people not to lose hope.

47. He urged all to swim or float to shore.

48. Arafat has urged his people to refrain from violence.

49. Timothy was also urged to “pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace.”

50. He again urged passage of a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.

51. 10 He urged people not to resort to retaliatory violence.

52. She urged Dot to drink a glassful of fresh milk.

53. Jesus Christ urged his followers to ‘seek first the kingdom.’

54. She urged States to acknowledge and prohibit any double discrimination.

55. The influential German philosopher Nietzsche urged, “Become who you are!”

56. The order urged the armed forces to enhance their alertness.

57. More Engagement Urged to Maintain Strong Growth in Shifting Economy

58. He urged that a referendum should be held by December.

59. I urged her time and again to do what's right.

60. He urged the adoption of the draft resolution by consensus.

61. 13 He has urged complete reform of the welfare system.

62. A repentant woman is urged not to look back (74).

63. Even the pope himself urged Copernicus to publish his work.

64. Gandhi urged Indians to return to spinning their own yarn.

65. They urged her to do the honourable thing and resign.

66. Aratus, who accompanied Aristomachos as an adviser, urged him to retreat.

67. (Deuteronomy 6:6-9) Private reading of the Scriptures was urged.

68. 27 He urged them not to give up on peace efforts.

69. A colleague urged him to see a psychiatrist, but Faulkner refused.

70. She also urged him to denounce the protest from the pulpit.

71. Instead, as Jesus urged: “Agonize . . . to enter through the strait door.”

72. Greater Efforts Are Urged to Get and Keep Girls in School

73. (Matthew 24:36) Jesus, therefore, urged his listeners: “Prove yourselves ready.”

74. Jesus urged us to “pray continually” for help in fighting temptation

75. But now businesses are being urged to keep metaphorically clean, too.

76. The Christians in Thessalonica were urged to adhere to what traditions?

77. “Call at the top of your voice,” Elijah urged those charlatans.

78. Eliminate/avoid a Bottleneck He urged the department to identify and eliminate …

79. Biden urged to Back water bill amid worst US crisis in decades

80. After he fell, La Rochejaquelein urged Royrand's followers to avenge their leader.