Use "unequivocally" in a sentence

1. Gyrfalcon is being unequivocally Beshrewing

2. She stated her intentions unequivocally.

3. We are unequivocally in favour of the changes.

4. The answer must then be unequivocally in the affirmative.

5. Temperature records have unequivocally confirmed the existence of global warming.

6. He stated unequivocally that he knew nothing about the document.

7. And that makes Kevin Durant totally, completely,[Sentencedict] unequivocally underrated.

8. Pulmonary hemorrhagic syndromes and alveolar proteinosis may be diagnosed unequivocally.

9. Finally, let me unequivocally state my strong recommendation for Rachel Thomas.

10. But law enforcement and government representatives have unequivocally denied the accusations.

11. What were unequivocally dramatic were changes in demography and urban structure.

12. Jeffrey Long says if you at the scientific evidence, the answer is unequivocally yes.

13. * Jesus also tells Judas unequivocally that he will not ascend to the “kingdom.”

14. Laboratory tests are frequently normal in patients with unequivocally active disease and viceversa.

15. Government has completely and unequivocally rejected in entirety all such actions and statements by Pakistan.

16. The remnants of Anuradhapura are unequivocally the most expressive sites of South Asia

17. In my view, gender-based reproduction points unequivocally to the mind of God.

18. The Cations are separated from each other and then unequivocally identified by characteristic reactions.

19. On the other hand, Mr Obama never sided unequivocally with progressives as the debate dragged on.

20. With great expertise comes great talent and our success is unequivocally down to Cavendish’s experienced team

21. First, it enables the total cost of the project to be identified unequivocally at the outset.

22. We must state completely and unequivocally that HIV infection comes from four, and only four sources.

23. Not all resistance phenomena can unequivocally be assigned to one of the three categories.

24. Blacksheep Wine Bar & Merchant is an unequivocally equal parts wine bar and conversational destination.

25. Use of terrorism as an instrument of State policy is to be unequivocally condemned.

26. By this method the absolute configuration can be determined unequivocally even on submilligram scale.

27. Data from more than thirty clinical trials involving more than 000 pain patients unequivocally support this conclusion.

28. The Lab might not be the appropriate dog if we have unequivocally tiny young kids.

29. * The two sides unequivocally condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including cross-border terrorism.

30. You can say it's because he's a cancer; I say it's because he's unequivocally underrated.

31. The identical crystalline forms of recombined insulin and native insulin unequivocally demonstrated the same principle.

32. But Boston stands alone in saying officially and unequivocally that no such condition exists here.

33. Until people are unequivocally taught this unpalatable truth there can be no preaching of good news.

34. There are some signs of price overvaluation, however alternative valuation models do not demonstrate this unequivocally.

35. Althusser's abolition of the subject therefore commits him to an unequivocally holist account of social explanation.

36. But the local charters at least set down these requirements publicly and unequivocally for the patient.

37. He did not consider that it “clearly or unequivocally Approbates the decision as being valid” ([2012] CSOH 12 at para

38. Government has completely & unequivocally rejected in entirety all actions & statements by Pakistan concerning its stance on Kashmir.

39. a general description of the household tumble drier model, sufficient for it to be unequivocally and easily identified;

40. Ambiguously: 1 adv in an ambiguous manner “this letter is worded Ambiguously ” Synonyms: equivocally Antonyms: unAmbiguously , unequivocally in an unambiguous manner

41. Early drafts also included a flashback to Col. Fitts' service in the Marines, a sequence that unequivocally established his homosexual leanings.

42. The report of the review board concludes unequivocally that the accident was caused by a high-altitude aerial explosion of an asteroidal body.

43. He did not consider that it “clearly or unequivocally Approbates the decision as being valid” ([2012] CSOH 12 at para

44. There is not a single case on record which could be considered unequivocally as an adrenal rest tumor of the liver.

45. The Autonomous Region of Bougainville, a chain of islands that lie 959 kilometres northwest of Papua New Guinea’s capital, Port Moresby, has voted unequivocally for …

46. Government has completely and unequivocally rejected in entirety all such actions and statements by Pakistan regarding Jammu & Kashmir, which is an integral and inalienable part of India.

47. The early creeds of the church unequivocally teach that Jesus was not Created but that He is an eternally divine Person, the Son of God

48. Unequivocally stating that Iraq had substantial weapons of mass destruction, McCain stated that Iraq was "a clear and present danger to the United States of America."

49. And in another statement to Reuters, the hotel group said that “all such symbols are Abhorrent and unequivocally counter to our values as a company.”

50. The disarmament of Iraq, under a process that unequivocally allows its absolute compliance, would help to alleviate those signs of tension and would provide certainty to the global economy

51. * The two leaders unequivocally condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and stress that there can be no justification whatsoever for any act of terrorism.

52. * The two leaders unequivocally condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and stressed that there could be no justification whatsoever for any act of terrorism.

53. (defining Authoritarian constitutionalism as “tak[ing] the form of meticulous adherence to a constitution whose terms directly and unequivocally subordinate the liberties of citizens to an oppressive conception of public order and security.”).

54. By using his theory of narrative drama, Brecht was unequivocally opposed to the traditional tragedy of the purification and resonance of thought, but not opposed to the tragic of drama.

55. ) In fact, the stories published before the war had been unequivocally critical of fascism; most prominently, King Ottokar's Sceptre showed Tintin working to defeat a thinly-veiled allegory of the Anschluss , Germany's takeover of Austria.

56. With Blue chip Rewards, you will get a discount every time you rent, the ability to skip the line like a real VIP and effortless returns! But the best part of Blue chip Rewards? The price: totally, completely, unequivocally free

57. Günsche and SS-Brigadeführer Wilhelm Mohnke stated "unequivocally" that all outsiders and those performing duties and work in the bunker "did not have any access" to Hitler's private living quarters during the time of death (between 15:00 and 16:00).

58. Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society by Franklin Lafayette Riley, Mississippi Historical Society (1901) "local feature, with the sandstones of Neshoba and Newton counties; which again connect unequivocally with the characteristic "Burstones" of Lauderdale

59. Abominable: 1 adj unequivocally detestable “ Abominable treatment of prisoners” Synonyms: detestable , execrable , odious hateful evoking or deserving hatred adj exceptionally bad or displeasing “ Abominable workmanship” Synonyms: atrocious , awful , dreadful , painful , terrible , unspeakable bad having undesirable or negative qualities

60. 99, March, 1876‎[1]: Her performance being finished, the Bayadere was succeeded by others, each of whom appeared to have her specialty--one imitating by her postures a serpent-charmer; another quite unequivocally representing a man-charmer; another rapidly

61. Any other term referring unequivocally to the Community may also be used such as, inter alia, the European Community, the European Union or an abbreviated form like for example EC, EU, etc. (including the equivalent translations in the languages in which the Agreement is drawn up).

62. Susan Rankin, a contributing author to the report in Miami, found that “Unequivocally, The 2010 State of Higher Education for LGBT People demonstrates that LGBTQ students, faculty and staff experience a ‘chilly’ campus climate of harassment and far less than welcoming campus communities."

63. ‘Again, the Capuchin monkey cannot be unequivocally assigned to either the typical anthropoid or nonprimate pattern.’ ‘And our next animal up for display is the white-faced Capuchin monkey.’ ‘My field work has involved observations of the dietary behavior of various species of howler monkeys, spider monkeys, Capuchins and tamarins as

64. ‘Again, the Capuchin monkey cannot be unequivocally assigned to either the typical anthropoid or nonprimate pattern.’ ‘And our next animal up for display is the white-faced Capuchin monkey.’ ‘My field work has involved observations of the dietary behavior of various species of howler monkeys, spider monkeys, Capuchins and tamarins as

65. Are not the taxes of these Jem Baggses, these wandering minstrels, the "only rates uninvidious in the levy, ungrudged in the assessment?" Where the intent is so unequivocally kindly, is it not gross and unfeeling to suggest in the modest orchestra a questionable chord, a cracked reed, a cornet out of tune?

66. The stable isotope data, the presence of previously reported hypersaline CO 2-rich fluid inclusions in the main Cu ore stage and saline fluid inclusions in late-stage calcite, the oxidized character of the first ore-fluid pulses, and the mineralization Age coeval with nearby intrusive activity are consistent with, but not unequivocally evidence

67. Accordingly, the General Court erred in law by holding, in paragraphs 186 and 235 of the judgment under appeal, that the evidence in the administrative file was not such as to substantiate, to the requisite legal standard and unequivocally, the conclusions drawn by the Commission for the purposes of the assessment, at SKK 435 million (approximately EUR 14.5 million), of the proceeds from the sale of the applicant’s assets upon bankruptcy.

68. Expresses its deepest concern at the deteriorating climate regarding the right to freedom of expression which has accompanied the rise of religious fundamentalism, intolerance and extremist violence in Bangladesh; calls on the Bangladesh authorities to strengthen their efforts to improve the protection provided to activists and journalists by the authorities; calls on all political parties and their leaders to unequivocally and unreservedly condemn the extremist violence and to support the right to freedom of expression;

69. [2] Contrary to a view that occasionally imputes this kind of naïve freedom propaganda to poststructuralist authors such as Deleuze and Guattari, disparaging them as anarchist aging hippies, with a little good will one can read from Deleuze and Guattari that they unequivocally identify the pole of movement and organization/institution and set it in a relation: in "Thousand Plateaus" Deleuze and Guattari not only hallucinate - as has often been imputed - hybrid streams of deterritorialization, but also describe a permanent connection between deterritorialization and reterritorialization.