Use "unanimous" in a sentence

1. The vote was unanimous.

2. The unanimous verdict was 'guilty'.

3. The decision was not unanimous.

4. The council vote was nearly unanimous.

5. 2 synonyms for Consentient: consentaneous, unanimous

6. They were unanimous in this decision.

7. 2 synonyms for Consentient: consentaneous, unanimous

8. He was elected with unanimous approval.

9. He was elected by a unanimous vote.

10. The jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict.

11. Her proposal met with unanimous rejection.

12. Consentient - in complete agreement; "a unanimous decision" consentaneous , unanimous accordant - being in agreement or harmony; often followed by `with'; …

13. The members were unanimous in approving the project.

14. The resolution was affirmed by a unanimous vote.

15. The jury were unanimous in their verdict.

16. The decision to appoint Matt was almost unanimous.

17. The banks were unanimous in welcoming the news.

18. The proposal was accepted with unanimous approval.

19. Editors were unanimous in their condemnation of the proposals.

20. The jury reached a unanimous verdict of 'not guilty'.

21. The jury reached/returned a unanimous verdict of guilty.

22. They were unanimous that Chortlesby Manor must be preserved.

23. The committee were unanimous in rejecting the proposal.

24. In a unanimous decision, it outlawed segregation altogether.

25. Consentient definition is - united in opinion, judgment, view : unanimous

26. The experts are not unanimous on this point.

27. The claimant seeks rescission of the referees' unanimous decision.

28. She was the unanimous choice of the selection committee.

29. Consentient definition is - united in opinion, judgment, view : unanimous

30. UnAnimous definition, of one mind; in complete agreement; agreed

31. Doctors are unanimous about the dangers of this drug.

32. A unanimous vote was taken to liquidate the company.

33. The Senate may Adjourn on motion or by unanimous consent

34. 18 She was the unanimous choice of the selection committee.

35. All winners for 19 equine and human, were unanimous choices.

36. Consentient: unanimous; of one accord: Translations: 1 – 1 / 1

37. In the end, the decision to scrap the project was unanimous.

38. According to team rules, the vote has to be unanimous

39. In the end Nixon accepted our unanimous advice without demur.

40. The vote to sustain the foregoing motion was unanimous in the affirmative.

41. "All's well that ends well" is the dictum of unanimous common sense .

42. The United Nations was unanimous in supporting the ouster of Cedras.

43. To get a unanimous vote on a revolutionary matter is astounding.

44. It appears that the voting has been unanimous in the affirmative.

45. The committee made a unanimous decision to expel the three students.

46. Reviewers have been almost unanimous in their disparagement of this book.

47. The Court, in a unanimous opinion by Chief Justice Chase, acquiesced.

48. Local people are unanimous in their opposition to the proposed new road.

49. The unanimous verdict was that the picnic had been a great success.

50. It was decided by a unanimous vote that the school should close.

51. Undermost Anagrammatize - randans seised unanimous easterly undisposed serialising Yankee, etherealising pluckily eventful compensators

52. The jury returned a unanimous verdict of guilty after a short deliberation.

53. 3. The Joint Tripartite Committee shall appoint two additional arbitrators by unanimous decision.

54. 13 The new format has unanimous support and could be introduced next season.

55. lay down policy guidelines for general sales and free distribution by unanimous decision

56. The children went from one kennel to another, unable to make a unanimous choice.

57. They may vote with other judges as part of a unanimous or majority opinion.

58. Bedunch Jewish is not unanimous in the deliverance wing! Occasional abbreviation for top staff

59. 1. Decisions and recommendations shall be adopted by unanimous vote of the Contracting Parties.

60. There was a unanimous affirmation on the need to conclude the Doha Round in 2010.

61. "Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal," wrote Chief Justice Earl Warren in the unanimous decision.

62. The ministers had expressed the unanimous view that sanctions should remain in place for the present.

63. In a Facebook post, the department said “Congratulations on the unanimous appointment of Chief Mike Balken

64. It decided Wednesday not to include anything in the bill of rights unless there were unanimous agreement.

65. In January Pyongyang, feigning anger at the latest unanimous censure from the UNSC, as good as confirmed this.

66. This process was furthered by the passage of a unanimous motion at the CAP's convention in 2003.

67. The result in the vote against the development and for the retention of the airfield was unanimous.

68. Many people believe that Consensus is the same thing as unanimous agreement, but this is not necessarily the case

69. 27 We also got unanimous sympathy for pissing on Spurs, but ending up with just a point. emailinc Ditto.

70. Despite the Ceremonious statements of intent and unanimous decisions in Prague, the Atlantic Alliance is drifting apart

71. Garbrandt won the UFC Bantamweight belt when he defeated Dominic Cruz at UFC 207 by unanimous decision.

72. Noun strong or vehement expression of disapproval: The newspapers were unanimous in their Censure of the tax proposal

73. The book is on track to receive a unanimous endorsement from the board of the Grace Bible Seminary.

74. The commissioner proceeded to present our case, and the Board of Estimate voted unanimous approval of our request.

75. Objective rather than objectionable was the unanimous verdict of the proletariat who always addressed her as Miss Read.

76. Always the sound is superbly focused, the inflexion unanimous; it may be lean, but it is never thin.

77. I asked colleagues from universities, the government, oil, gas and mining companies, and the answer was a unanimous no.

78. According to my information, there is also almost unanimous support in the Council for increasing the maximum weight.

79. Ivashko adjourned the meeting, and the politburo went into emergency session, emerging to announce its unanimous backing for Gorbachev.

80. Consentient: 1 adj in complete agreement Synonyms: consentaneous , unanimous accordant being in agreement or harmony; often followed by `with'