Use "transfusion" in a sentence

1. Table 4 Type of adverse transfusion events by relationship to transfusion Relationship to transfusion Definite Adverse transfusion event Major allergic /anaphylactic reaction TRALI Circulatory overload Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction Bacterial contamination ABO incompatibility Hypotensive transfusion reaction Post-transfusion purpura Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction Viral infectionc Otherd Total a b

2. Adverse transfusion event Major allergic/ anaphylactic reaction TRALI Circulatory overload Acute hemolytic transfusion reactione Bacterial contamination ABO incompatibility Hypotensive transfusion reaction Post-transfusion purpura Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction Other Total a b

3. Objective:Leukocyte Elimination reduced blood transfusion pestiferous diseases and blood transfusion response.

4. Post-transfusion purpura

5. Sonia adamantly rejected blood transfusion.

6. delayed untoward effects after transfusion, such as hemolysis, acute GvHD, post-transfusion purpura, ALT increase, hemochromatosis, etc;

7. Table 9 Type of adverse transfusion events by relationship to transfusion, 2004-2005 Relationship to transfusion Type of adverse transfusion event Severe/Allergic/Anaphylactoid ABO incompatibility Hemolytic reaction: acute Hemolytic reaction: delayed TACO TRALI Possible TRALI TAD Bacterial contamination TRAIN Hypotensive reaction Post-transfusion purpura Other2 Unknown Total 1 2

8. Intravenous (blood transfusion) inhalation (oxygen therapy) ingestion (enteral feeding) Short term (single blood transfusion ) Sub-acute (ECMO) Chronic (hemodialysis)

9. One patient required repeated blood transfusion, but after oral Anovulant therapy no further bleeding occurred and no transfusion was required

10. Soon thereafter, the first blood transfusion was attempted.

11. Equipment and accessories for infusion, perfusion and transfusion

12. The Abo system is regarded as the most important blood-group system in transfusion medicine because of severe hemolytic transfusion reactions and, …

13. The project badly needs a transfusion of cash.

14. carried an article entitled “Heart Surgery Without Blood Transfusion.”

15. Perioperative blood loss is compensated by allogenic blood transfusion.

16. Post-transfusion purpura (PTP) is an uncommon adverse event.

17. Objective Analyze the untoward effect caused by intravenous transfusion.

18. After discussing the more well-known diseases, Techniques of Blood Transfusion (1982) addresses “other transfusion-associated infectious diseases,” such as syphilis, cytomegalovirus infection, and malaria.

19. There he received a blood transfusion, and his situation stabilized.

20. Accordingly, blood transfusion was classified by the American Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals as ‘high volume, high risk and error prone.’”—“Transfusion,” July-August 1989.

21. Roen PR, Velcek F: Extensive urologic surgery without blood transfusion.

22. Does the anesthetist have experience in surgery without blood transfusion?

23. This document may protect you from receiving a blood transfusion.

24. (6) What are the four principles of transfusion-alternative strategies?

25. Without a transfusion, the victim's probability of dying was 100%.

26. In an article on the risks of blood transfusion, the Clinical Excellence Commission, New South Wales (Australia) Health, states: “A blood transfusion is a living tissue transplant.

27. Without a transfusion(, the victim's probability of dying was 100%.

28. Vercillo AP, Duprey SV: Jehovah’s Witnesses and the transfusion of blood products.

29. The mortality from blood transfusion equals that from ether anesthesia or appendectomy.

30. 17 Output terminal of the liquid temperature detector between the perfusion tube pinhead and transfusion hose tube is connected to the control signal input port of the transfusion speed controller.

31. The indications for transfusion in the nursery setting are not well defined.

32. Before the discovery of blood typing and blood matching, Dr. Dieffenbach researched blood transfusion, about which he published Die Transfusion des Blutes und die Infusion der Arzneien in die Blutgefässe (1828).

33. This Complication is the second most common cause of transfusion-related death

34. Thus it can be seen that blood transfusion is a risky procedure.

35. Chips for use in tester for blood transfusion reaction for medical purposes

36. They contend that blood transfusion should be employed only in emergency situations.

37. The mayor has promised a transfusion of $8 million in redevelopment funds.

38. The Abo system is regarded as the most important blood-group system in transfusion medicine because of severe hemolytic transfusion reactions and, to a lesser degree, hemolytic disease of the newborn

39. There's one way to treat jaundice, and that's what's called an exchange transfusion.

40. 21 The mayor has promised a transfusion of $8 million in redevelopment funds.

41. Preoperative autologous blood donation is an effective method to reduce allogeneic transfusion requirement.

42. She'd lost a lot of blood and doctors decided to do a transfusion.

43. Her blood count was dropping rapidly, and the medical personnel put pressure on her to accept a blood transfusion, saying that a transfusion was the only thing that could save her life.

44. 15 min: Avoiding Blood Transfusion Problems —Time to Renew Our Advance Medical Directive.

45. • “What will happen to you if a transfusion is forced by court order?

46. Approximately 1 in 6,000 red cell transfusions results in a hemolytic transfusion reaction.

47. Blood groups and matching are the prime factors to be considered before blood transfusion

48. Also, air can get into the blood stream during transfusion, again with deadly effects.

49. The first video in the series is entitled Transfusion-Alternative Strategies —Simple, Safe, Effective.

50. Administration of phenergan before transfusion could alleviate anaphylaxis, but could not prevent the fever.

51. “Because of consistent success in Jehovah’s Witnesses and the fact that blood transfusion carries a risk of serious complications, we are currently performing most of our pediatric cardiac operations without transfusion.”—“Circulation,” September 1984.

52. The ABO system is the most important blood-group system in human-blood transfusion.

53. She considered a transfusion an invasion of her body and compared it to rape.

54. As my blood count kept dropping, the pressure to accept a blood transfusion intensified.

55. Because of the risks associated with allogeneic blood transfusions according to German law patients have to be offered the option of autologous transfusion if the risk associated with allogeneic blood transfusion is > 10%.

56. Recipient data points - general unique identifier (hospital mrn) health card number date of birth postal code (at time of transfusion) gender Recipient data points - specific to transfusion episode date of admission diagnosis indication for transfusion procedure e.g. type of operation date of discharge discharge status (alive or dead) date of death Transfusion/infusion episode data location of transfusion/infusion (clinic, home, hospital) hospital code inpatient or outpatient date of transfusion/infusion number of units of each type of component (red cells, platelets pooled or not, plasma) or plasma derivatives unit numbers of units transfused lot number of derivative infused age of component/date of collection manipulation at hospital (pooling, leukodepletion, irradiation ...) aberrations in administration Type of data point

57. Since she is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, she has never accepted a blood transfusion.

58. Thereupon Miss T. received a transfusion of blood or plasma, it matters not which.

59. Objective The effect of white blood cell filtrator was observed to prevent transfusion reaction.

60. They will accept other kinds of medical treatment, such as transfusion of nonblood products.

61. The most basic is ABO blood group determination, which is useful for blood transfusion.

62. What would happen, they wondered, if a Witness wavered and accepted a blood transfusion?

63. Suppose doctors say that he must have a blood transfusion or he will die.

64. He was still alive as doctors massaged his heart and gave him a blood transfusion.

65. The proposed mechanism of improvement of placental transfusion of volume and red cells is attractive.

66. The Congresses are organised in collaboration with a local (national) blood transfusion society or institute

67. Therapeutic amniocentesis and laser coagulation of blood vessels may reduce complications of twin - twin transfusion.

68. Circulatory Overload, Bacterial Contamination, Acute Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions, TRALI and ABO Incompatibility continue to occur.

69. He said: “Just make sure of one thing—that she does not get a blood transfusion!”

70. Sister Rodriguez told the emergency-room personnel: “No matter what, I cannot take a blood transfusion.”

71. In a transfusion, donor and recipient should be of the same blood group to prevent agglutination.

72. A cardiologist now told us that a transfusion would be of greater risk than the jaundice.

73. The injured man had lost a lot of blood and had to be given a transfusion.

74. Others have risked their lives and those of their children rather than accept a blood transfusion.

75. Some anticoagulants are used in medical equipment, such as test tubes, blood transfusion bags, and dialysis equipment.

76. There are more than 300 human Blood groups but only a minority cause clinically significant transfusion reactions

77. The advent of great technological advances in transfusion medicine makes it possible to predict several future developments.

78. This study was conducted to determine the risk factors for blood transfusion during anaesthesia for Caesarean section

79. Demand was especially strong for the DVD featuring the video entitled Transfusion-Alternative Strategies —Simple, Safe, Effective.

80. 12/6/2016 Circulatory System Notes - Day 1 41 When might you receive a blood transfusion? A