Use "thermal radiation" in a sentence

1. Hawking radiation has a thermal spectrum.

2. This is a concept known as thermal radiation.

3. Sheets, sheets of corrugated steel, metal building materials, in particular with coatings for absorbing radiation and thermal/acoustic radiation

4. 22 The nonpolariton system constitutes free thermal radiation in the Kerr nonlinear blackbody.

5. This is due to thermal radiation of interstellar dust contained in molecular clouds.

6. Carbon dioxide is one of the gases that absorbs Earth's heat, or thermal radiation.

7. Some of this thermal radiation escapes out of the atmosphere and goes into space.

8. It contributes to keeping the surface of the earth warm by absorbing thermal radiation.

9. This paper proves from the tangle of theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, that there does exist thermal radiation and nonthermal radiation in the black hole.

10. 24 I 5 . n radiation, thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy, similar in nature to light.

11. The absorption of the ultrasonic power produces thermal expansion of the air and thus acoustic monopole radiation.

12. The term derives from the Latin verb incandescere, to glow white. InCandescence is a special case of thermal radiation.

13. Coupled thermal radiation and heat conduction has been examined in a medium with a spectrally dependent mass absorption coefficient.

14. Many scientists fear that the increased concentrations of greenhouse gases have prevented additional thermal radiation from leaving the Earth.

15. These compounds are particularly effective in stabilizing aqueous polymer systems against the deleterious effects of oxidative, thermal and actinic radiation.

16. Soot particles absorb sunlight very effectively but allow long-wave thermal radiation emitted by the earth to pass through unaffected.

17. Dissipative Absorption is the conversion of the energy of the absorbed electromagnetic radiation to thermal energy, which heats up the object

18. The coloration effects can be highly stable or dependent on specific switching effects linked to, e.g., thermal exposure or actinic radiation.

19. Materials in a high-radiation environment (such as a reactor) can undergo unique behaviors such as swelling and non-thermal creep.

20. 13 Soot particles absorb sunlight very effectively but allow long-wave thermal radiation emitted by the earth to pass through unaffected.

21. These materials are particularly effective in stabilizing polymers, especially thermoplastic polyolefins, against the deleterious effects of oxidative, thermal and actinic radiation.

22. Bolometers are detectors used to measure incident IR radiation. They are very sensitive to thermal radiation and are predominantly used in the IR spectrum between 10 to 5000µm (30THz to 60GHz)

23. Photothermal spectroscopy relies on the detection of thermal or acoustic waves generated by the absorption of optical radiation and subsequent radiationless deexcitation.

24. For example, ultraviolet electromagnetic radiation is not transferred with as much efficacy from one substance to another as thermal or electrical energy.

25. High performing aluminium component with a surface coating suitable for thermal radiation applications such as aluminium busbars, other electrical conductors and heat sinks.

26. Scattering of thermal radiation from fire by water mist and the effects of breakup and coalescence of droplets at initial stage are also studied.

27. The invention relates to a conversion device for converting solar radiation energy to electrical power and/or to heat, comprising a photovoltaic module (2) for the photovoltaic conversion of solar radiation energy to electrical power and a solar thermal module (3) for the absorption of thermal energy that was generated in particular by solar energy.

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29. 20 As the calibration instrument of the radiation temperature measurement equipment, the blackbody source has developed rapidly with the development of the infrared thermal measurement.

30. Kirchhoff went on to contribute fundamental research on the nature of spectral absorption and emission, including what is now known as Kirchhoff's Law of Thermal Radiation.

31. Until now only actinometers have been used for the routine determination of the turbidity of the atmosphere by haze. These instruments have thermal receivers for solar radiation.

32. This includes: electromagnetic rAdiation, such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rAdiation (γ); particle rAdiation, such as alpha rAdiation (α), beta rAdiation (β), proton rAdiation and neutron

33. Thermal anemometer

34. Thermal water

35. Contamination dosimeter with radiation ram for alpha radiation

36. Thermal spraying?

37. Radiation dosimeter

38. Radiation therapy uses high-powered radiation to kill cancer cells .

39. They detect and quantify alpha, beta and gamma radiation, detect neutron radiation, and conduct gamma radiation spectroscopy.

40. Thermal acoustic baffle

41. Ionizing radiation, these forms of high energy radiation have biological effects.

42. A K alpha radiation emitting wafer (e.g., Pb) wafer is disposed between the radiation transparent tip and the radiation detector.

43. Solar thermal collector

44. Switching to thermal.

45. Radiation-proof paint

46. Treatment : Radiation therapy

47. To describe the thermal radiation behaviour of particle-laden flows a mathematical model, based on a physical approach, was developed which takes into account the effects of absorption, scattering and backscattering.

48. Alpha particle radiation.

49. Trapped infrared radiation

50. Infrared radiation detector

51. Extreme UV radiation.

52. radiation absorbed dose

53. Detects radiation levels.

54. Internal radiation therapy (Brachytherapy) allows a higher dose of radiation in a smaller area than might be possible with external radiation treatment

55. Aircrews are occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation, principally from galactic cosmic radiation

56. It was also tested for radiation, but did not show high radiation levels.

57. Servomotors and thermal servomotors

58. Thermal energy recovery system

59. SEAN:Porcelain casing. Thermal cloak

60. Pu-239 and Pu-241 are fissile, meaning that the nuclei of its atoms can break apart by being bombarded by slow moving thermal neutrons, releasing energy, gamma radiation and more neutrons.

61. Thermal-refrigerating absorption machine

62. Thermal pile infrared detectors

63. Thermal shows everybody's out.

64. Deep Phreatic Thermal Explorer.

65. The amplitude and the phase shift of the thermal waves depend on the thermal diffusivity “a” and the thermal conductivity “λ” of the sample.

66. Solar radiation sensor (actinometer)

67. Calcination or calcining is a thermal treatment process to bring about a thermal decomposition

68. Radiation damage to lens, thyroid and other tissues of relevance in radiation protection

69. This radiation is known as Hawking radiation (cf. the quantum theory section, below).

70. Radiation epidemiology investigates the effects on human health of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

71. Bremsstrahlung German: braking radiation

72. Dosimeter for ionizing radiation

73. Radiation curable sealant composition

74. Resistance-to-radiation test


76. They feed on radiation.

77. Brachytherapy, also called internal radiation therapy, is a type of radiation to treat cancer

78. Radiation resistant spectormeter interface

79. That means ultraviolet radiation.