Use "the prophet isaiah" in a sentence

1. (c) The prophet Isaiah records what scientifically sound statement?

2. The prophet Isaiah writes that 'they' have gone up to בית (Beth) and to Dibon (Isaiah 15:2).

3. Much later, the prophet Isaiah would write that the valley of Achor would

4. The Prophet Isaiah said that God is like the flower of the almond tree.

5. It appears that the prophet ....... preceded the prophets Isaiah and Micah. [si p. 146 par.

6. But Isaiah was not the only Old Testament prophet who foretold the Book of Mormon.

7. Isaiah eagerly agreed to accept the difficult work of a prophet, declaring, “Here I am!

8. In vision, the prophet Isaiah sees “Jehovah, sitting on a throne lofty and lifted up.”

9. 4 Isaiah is the outstanding prophet of that time, and he quickly discerns Hezekiah’s indiscretion.

10. “Even to one’s old age I am the same One,” he stated through his prophet Isaiah.

11. The prophet Isaiah, on behalf of his countrymen in their future exile, utters a prayer of repentance.

12. (Isaiah 21:3, 4) The prophet, it seems, enjoys the twilight hours, a lovely time for quiet contemplation.

13. The prophet Isaiah thus did not utter vague predictions that could be made to fit just any future happening.

14. 27 There are glimpses into the future joy of the coming festival as we revisit the Old Testament prophet Isaiah.

15. Asked the prophet Isaiah: “Can a wife forget her suckling so that she should not pity the son of her belly?”

16. In the midst of describing Paradise, the prophet Isaiah sandwiches this urgent appeal: “Strengthen the weak hands, you people, and make the knees that are wobbling firm.

17. The Pouting Prophet

18. I know that the Prophet Joseph Smith is the prophet of the Restoration.

19. Jehovah inspired the prophet Isaiah to write these reassuring words: “He [God] is giving to the tired one power; and to the one without dynamic energy he makes full might abound.

20. I know the Prophet Joseph Smith was foreordained as the prophet of the Restoration.

21. (Psalm 146:3, 4) Over 2,700 years ago, Jehovah God inspired the prophet Isaiah to write: “All flesh is green grass, and all their loving-kindness is like the blossom of the field. . . .

22. Because it is worthless as a building stone and can be so readily crumbled and pulverized, the prophet Isaiah used Chalkstone in an effective simile to show what must be done to the

23. Isaiah describes the Savior’s suffering:

24. Isaiah taught that the Messiah would bear our “griefs” and our “sorrows” (Isaiah 53:4).

25. He will send Elijah the prophet.”

26. The prophet Moses provides another example.

27. (Isaiah 28:9, 10) How repetitious and strange Isaiah sounds to them!

28. The man is the prophet E·liʹjah.

29. Joseph Smith—Prophet of the Restoration

30. The prophet Jeremiah had the same experience.

31. The prophet Isaiah declared: “Woe to those who are getting up early in the morning that they may seek just intoxicating liquor, who are lingering till late in the evening darkness so that wine itself inflames them!

32. Joseph is the prophet of the Restoration.

33. The prophet Malachi prophesied that before the Savior’s Second Coming, the prophet Elijah would be sent to the earth.

34. The entire quote is attributed to Isaiah, perhaps because the quotation from Isaiah contains the part to be stressed.

35. Isaiah Foretells the Desolation of Judah

36. The prophet pleads with Jehovah (12-17)

37. The prophet Isaiah wrote: “Woe to those who are getting up early in the morning that they may seek just intoxicating liquor, who are lingering till late in the evening darkness so that wine itself inflames them!

38. (Isaiah 44:27; Jeremiah 50:38) Amazingly, just as Isaiah foretold, the gates along the river are open.

39. The Prophet and the Age of the Caliphates

40. Jehovah Disciplines His Wayward Prophet

41. (Isaiah 25:9; 40:28-31) Let us, then, eagerly examine the precious message in the book of Isaiah.

42. Our prophet, President Thomas S.

43. The prophet Beseeches God for his people

44. That is, Isaiah continued, “if ye be willing and obedient” (Isaiah 1:18–19).

45. There the Prophet began the work of translation.

46. Heard the Prophet preach on the temple floor.

47. Learn from the experience of the prophet Jonah.

48. Master Prophet, Biafran Spiritual leader

49. People flocked to hear the new prophet.

50. Baruch was the secretary to the prophet Jeremiah.

51. Joseph Smith is the prophet of the Restoration.

52. The phrase “this statement” at Isaiah 8:20 may refer to the statement regarding spiritism, quoted at Isaiah 8:19.

53. (Isaiah 6:5) Yes, Jehovah’s infinite holiness reminded Isaiah of how sinful and imperfect he was.

54. Jeremiah versus the false prophet Hananiah (1-17)

55. Bozo was a photographer for the Daily Prophet

56. The mother of Samuel, an Old Testament prophet.

57. Joseph Smith was the prophet of the Restoration.

58. My father’s description of the prophet Joseph F.

59. Enoch is a prophet in the Old Testament,

60. Gandhi was the prophet of non-violent protest.

61. I'm afraid I'm no weather prophet.

62. God restored the gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith.

63. (Isaiah 6:8) Isaiah —already dedicated to Jehovah— was volunteering for an additional privilege of service.

64. Truly, in the words of Isaiah, ‘the very messengers of peace weep bitterly’ in frustration at their failures. —Isaiah 33:7.

65. The ancient prophet Malachi foretold the coming of Elijah.

66. (3) Was Joseph Smith the prophet of the Restoration?

67. That was the resolve of God’s prophet Habakkuk.

68. What prophetic picture does Isaiah paint?

69. חָזוּת noun feminine vision, Conspicuousness (on formation compare Lg BN 202) — absolute ׳ח Isaiah 21:2; Daniel 8:5,8; construct חָזוּת Isaiah 29:11; suffix חָזוּתְכֶם Isaiah 28:18; —

70. Up to 20% cash back  · Tuesday, October 15, 1895 en the Angel heralded forth in joyous strains the nativity of Jesus Christ, one of the notes of gladness was, On earth peace, and the Prophet Isaiah in prophetic vision

71. (Isaiah 10:32b) What can stop the Assyrian?

72. (Isaiah 1:6b) Here the prophet refers to three types of injuries: wounds (cuts, such as those inflicted by a sword or a knife), bruises (welts resulting from beating), and fresh stripes (recent, open sores that seem beyond healing).

73. God Freeing Captives Isaiah 61:1

74. That must have brought the aged prophet much joy.

75. Lucien couldn't remember what he'd said to the prophet.

76. Some Thoughts On The Abhorable Cartoons Of Prophet Muhammad

77. In the words of one Book of Mormon prophet:

78. In order to survive, the Prophet decided to emigrate.

79. (Isaiah 58:1) Boldly proclaiming Jehovah’s words might earn Isaiah ill will from the people, but he does not shrink back.

80. Hinckley, to honor the prophet of the Restoration, Joseph Smith.