Use "the motion was defeated." in a sentence

1. A composite motion demanding the straight forward abolition of the block vote was defeated on a show of hands.

2. Earlier yesterday the government had defeated an opposition censure motion in the lower house of parliament.

3. The proposal was emphatically defeated.

4. She was defeated at the polls.

5. 13 The team was soundly defeated.

6. And the armada was actually defeated?

7. The debate ended at 5:30 in the morning on January 28, with the motion being defeated 29-16.

8. The only incumbent Independent was defeated.

9. The Confederacy was defeated by the northern states.

10. He was narrowly defeated in the election.

11. The proposed bill was decisively defeated in Parliament.

12. 19 He was narrowly defeated in the election.

13. The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle.

14. Outmaneuvered and outgunned, the Spanish Armada was defeated.

15. She was defeated at the 2011 parliamentary election.

16. Ichiki's assault was defeated with heavy losses.

17. The motion was passed unanimously.

18. The motion was carried unanimously.

19. He was defeated with a knock out.

20. 8 The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle.

21. In 19 Winston Churchill was defeated at the polls.

22. 2 The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle.

23. 9 The government was defeated by 200 votes to

24. Attila was defeated in the Battle of the Cataluanian Plains

25. The motion to Adjourn was carried

26. The motion to adjourn was carried.

27. The motion was carried by acclamation.

28. Your army was defeated by just one blow!

29. The motion was put to the assembly.

30. Although the proposition was defeated, there was strong consumer backlash against the coalition's opposition.

31. She was defeated by Kristýna's twin sister Karolína in the final.

32. Defeated, he fled back to Carthage and was killed.

33. Como was defeated, but gradually rose again to prominence.

34. Three weeks later, the Japanese force at Los Negros was defeated.

35. Ford was defeated by Democrat Jimmy Carter in the general election.

36. 23 The motion was sealed by the parliament.

37. The rebellion of the Patriote movement was defeated after battles across Quebec.

38. 26 The motion was put to the assembly.

39. The defeated bypass proposal was unveiled by parish councillor Edward Lucas.

40. The Emperor was defeated, blockaded in Anchialus, and forced to retreat.

41. The Royalist forces were decisively defeated and Urquhart was taken prisoner.

42. In 19 Alexander was defeated in his first statewide campaign.

43. Although Dragoon was defeated, the difference between Dark and Light crystals remained.

44. The motion was passed by 165 votes to

45. Eloquence alone was sufficient to defeat the motion.

46. 10 How was nose defeated fast and scabby ? Good fast?

47. The amendment was defeated by 137 votes to 86 with 15 abstentions.

48. It was this auxiliary army that Gelo defeated at Himera.

49. The Georgian army was defeated and the Social Democratic government fled the country.

50. The motion was steamrollered through in the lower chamber.

51. It was like watching quicksilver in motion.

52. The motion under debate was put to a vote.

53. The motion was carried perfunctorily, without any adequate discussion.

54. Wawrinka was defeated by Andy Murray in five sets in the fourth round.

55. I have to admit that I was defeated by my stomach.

56. 23 Duke was soundly defeated in this month's Louisiana governor's race.

57. 24 The motion was passed by 6 votes to

58. His motion was opposed by most members.

59. 4 Napoleon was defeated by the Duke of Wellington at the battle of Waterloo.

60. 22 Napoleon was defeated by the Duke of Wellington at the battle of Waterloo.

61. A lot of people say that communism was defeated by the Rolling Stones.

62. 7 Duke was soundly defeated in this month's Louisiana governor's race.

63. 5 Duke was soundly defeated in this month's Louisiana governor's race.

64. The motion was put to the conference and fully debated.

65. The knight defeated each antagonist.

66. Montfort was defeated at the Battle of Evesham in 1265, and within two years the rebellion was extinguished.

67. The motion stuck as soon as it was put forth.

68. The young republic was defeated by the Spanish in 18 and Bolivar went into exile.

69. The swaying motion of the ship was making me feel seasick.

70. The Crankshaft converts reciprocative motion to rotational motion

71. The blockade of Conon by the Spartans was broken, the Spartan force was soundly defeated and Callicratidas was killed during the battle.

72. A second Counterattack, ordered personally by Nicholas, was defeated by Omar Pasha

73. On his retreat to Methone, he was intercepted by Philip and defeated.

74. The presiding officer ruled that the motion was out of order.

75. After they defeated the bandits, a new name was given to the place, Arbaete Asmara.

76. Cleombrotus was defeated and killed at the Battle of Leuctra and the Spartan supremacy overthrown.

77. Campbell's expeditionary force of around 700 men was defeated on 7 January 1781.

78. When it came up for a vote in March, it was soundly defeated.

79. The home team were roundly defeated.

80. The motion was adopted/carried by a majority of six votes.