Use "tenderness" in a sentence

1. What is tenderness?

2. She spoke with loving tenderness.

3. Tenderness: Mild tenderness-eye Blenching due to feeling of pain in nerve at palpation; moderate tenderness-eye Blenching and change in facial expression due to feeling of pain in nerve at palpation and severe tenderness-uttering oh!

4. I like her tenderness.

5. She felt great tenderness for him.

6. • Adnexal tenderness or mass may be present

7. Observe also the tenderness of Jesus’ emotions.

8. Tenderness is not weakness; it is fortitude.

9. I see your tenderness in the bureaucratic print.

10. Tenderness palpation is also important to assess.

11. The scene is one of tenderness and love.

12. Every frenetic gesture engendered tenderness in hir heart.

13. With tenderness, he told me of that boy’s life.

14. She has a special need for tenderness and affection.

15. Drowning means to suffocate from joy, tenderness and yearning.

16. He can combine tenderness and humour without becoming mawkish.

17. There is still some tenderness in her tummy.

18. Tenderness is the repose of Passion. Joseph Joubert 

19. She smiled, politely rather than with tenderness or gratitude.

20. Movie Clip from The Commitments (1991) Try A Little Tenderness

21. Love, protection, and tenderness are all of consummate worth.

22. The book shows the tenderness and strength of children.

23. She smiled, politely rather than with tenderness or gratitude.sentencedict .com

24. His tenderness was replaced at first by a shuddering revulsion.

25. Amoroso definition is - with tenderness —used as a direction in music.

26. She speaks with great tenderness of the Word of the Lord.

27. He felt a brief wave of tenderness towards his old teacher.

28. Never complained of tenderness under his arms or his groin?

29. Tenderness and dysphasia could be used to observe disease activity.

30. The gesture awoke an unexpected flood of tenderness towards her.

31. Axillary swelling or tenderness was the second most frequently reported local reaction

32. Recognising the tenderness inherent in the small caresses, Luke looked momentarily distracted.

33. Sodium restriction may minimize bloating, fluid retention and breast swelling and tenderness.

34. Thickening, Bogginess, or tenderness may suggest synovial inflammation of the knees

35. Cellulitis is characterized by localized pain, swelling, tenderness, erythema, and warmth.

36. There was tenderness in his face as he looked at her.

37. Kindness, tenderness, and forgiveness lead to love, “a perfect bond of union.”

38. The Olecranon process, lateral, and medial epicondyles should be palpated for tenderness.

39. She reached over and pressed against me with a tenderness that touched.

40. Arguing; Tenderness; they love each other but theyre both stressed as hell; Summary

41. 25 His heart , that loved and pitied, is a heart of unchangeable tenderness.

42. As she gazed down at the baby, her face was transfigured with tenderness.

43. Is there any tenderness over the sinuses or evidence of ear or dental disease?

44. Liszt's beautifully tranquil (second) set of Consolations, played with incredible tenderness by Zilberstein

45. • Perform a bimanual pelvic examination to detect uterine or adnexal masses or tenderness

46. How this should move 20th-century elders to treat God’s flock with tenderness!

47. Usually of use after the most marked initial swelling and tenderness has begun to decline.

48. She conveys Giselle's love for Albrecht with a tenderness that grows into an ache.

49. – – – – – – Tenderness Masses Consistency Contour Mobility Adnexal pain on movement of cervix or uterus (Chandelier’s sign)

50. Coquetry is an affectation of amorous tenderness, especially of a woman directed towards a man

51. • After seizure, assess uterine contractions, vaginal bleeding, uterine tenderness, abdominal pain and fetal heart rate

52. (James 5:13-20) Elders must judge with righteousness and “treat the flock with tenderness.”

53. Synonyms for Benignancy include kindness, kindliness, benevolence, tenderness, kindheartedness, warmheartedness, beneficence, humaneness, softheartedness and

54. • Identify adnexal masses, enlargement of uterus, enlargement and tenderness of groin nodes Differential Diagnosis

55. He whistled bravely as he crossed the threshold and Caressed his wife with his usual tenderness

56. The tenderness of lovers can ill brook the least jesting with the names of their mistresses.

57. 20 If you do this right, she should feel the tenderness and protectiveness behind your touch.

58. The first of these two articles considers how we can copy his humility and tenderness.

59. Many of the phenomena of Winter are suggestive of an inexpressible tenderness and fragile delicacy.

60. Thanks to the two sweethearts, an atmosphere of... tenderness permeates the old antrum of the fairies.

61. * Nourish the sick with tenderness, herbs, and mild food, D&C 42:43 (Alma 46:40).

62. 30 You can't substitute material things for love, gentleness, tenderness, or for a sense of comradeship.

63. Synonyms for Benignity include kindness, kindliness, benevolence, tenderness, compassion, charity, humaneness, kindheartedness, beneficence and warmheartedness

64. Chefs in Aurora steakhouses know how to age their beef for tenderness before grilling it

65. After his “going away” (apparently in death), “oppressive wolves” would “not treat the flock with tenderness.”

66. The old feeling of indulgent tenderness overcame her vexation, and she grew thoroughly moved and alarmed.

67. Their loving was wild and tempestuous, with no time to spare for tenderness or softly spoken promises.

68. Literally, it is merely a bride's song of farewell, full of pathos and tenderness and deeply moving.

69. Experience the romantic, to France in the north of Europe, China's implicative, elegant Japanese tenderness, India's mysterious.

70. After the Cramping has passed, you may have pain and tenderness in your leg for several hours.

71. Perfect for comfort food cooking, these Braising cuts need time and moisture to achieve fall-apart tenderness.

72. This Brusqueness was the counter-poise to tenderness of feeling and intensity of fancy in these Northern artists

73. Hot baths or over-the-counter pain relievers can help when Chronic prostatitis causes muscle tenderness or spasms

74. I had never felt wanted by my family; I felt deprived of affection and tenderness throughout my childhood.

75. However, the king treated him with tenderness, as a well-meaning man, but of a low Contemptible understanding

76. David Reuben observed: “A wife particularly needs that special kind of attention that involves tenderness, understanding and reassurance.”

77. (Philippians 1:8) Jesus’ tenderness was a refreshing quality, one that was appealing to women who became his disciples.

78. He put out a hand and caressed her hair, her head, with tenderness and, she thought, curious detachment.

79. To treat with affection and tenderness; hold dear: Cherish one's family; fine rugs that are Cherished by their owners

80. Problems that do occur tend to be minor , such as fever or redness or tenderness at the injection site .