Use "tannins" in a sentence

1. Bilberry is also a source of tannins; if you’re allergic to tannins, don’t take Bilberry

2. Keyword: Tannins, Astringent, Phenol, Tea, Wine 1

3. Its harsh tannins seem to overwhelm the fruit.

4. Cucurbits are a source of polyphenols, tannins, and cucurbitacins.

5. Astringency perception involves interaction between salivary protein and tannins

6. Soft tannins combined with cedar, berry fruits, chocolate and blackcurrant.

7. The main active ingredients in Bistort are tannins (oligomeric proanthocyanidins, galloyl, and catechol tannins) which are present in very large quantities in the rootstock (15 to 36 percent)

8. Distinction between additives and processing aids – Part 3 (Tannins)

9. Other naturally occurring Antioxidants include flavonoids, tannins, phenols and lignans

10. Full - bodied, with fine tannins a tar, berry and cherry aftertaste.

11. The Astringent properties of witch hazel come from natural compounds called tannins

12. Traditionally, Barolo is a dry wine, heavy in acidity, tannins, and alcohol

13. 16 The main antibacterial constituents are focused on hydroxybenzene, tannins, organic acid.

14. Smooth tannins texture , concentrated black fruits , truffle, chocolate and vanilla oak taste.

15. Round and elegant tannins, intense ripe black fruit, cigar box, chocolate and truffle flavors.

16. Elegant and round tannins structure with intense blackcurrant, cherries fruits, vanilla, chocolate and truffle.

17. A mature Aronia berry contains large amounts of biophenols, tannins, flavonoids and anthocyanins.

18. NUTRICOX mix of Tannins and Saponines with proven effectiveness in different species of Coccidias.

19. The carbon in the filter absorbs the tannins, chlorine and sulfur, and then Backwashes

20. Astringent herbs are rich in tannins, which are the active phytochemicals that act to draw together cells.

21. Agrimony contains tannins, flavonoids, coumarins, polysaccharides, small amounts of glycosidal bitters, and minerals (including silicon)

22. Palate characterised by healthy tannins from the fruit and the vegetal nuances typical of variety.

23. Tannins used for tanning leather are obtained from the wood of certain trees, such as quebracho.

24. This mediumbodied red with soft texture and light tannins is a good pizza red at an attractive price.

25. Cortical cells may contain stored carbohydrates or other substances such as resins, latex, essential oils, and tannins

26. Weak until moderate retarders are organic acids and their lactones, simple phenols, flavonoid compounds, condensed tannins and saponin.

27. The wines require at least a year of ageing on account of the marked presence of tannins.

28. The Arils and peel together had higher total phenolic, flavonoid and tannins content than did the Arils alone

29. The reactive tannins precipitate with the protein, and the improved wine can then be separated from the sediment.

30. Acorns contain bitter-tasting tannins, so you must prepare, treat and cook the nuts before you eat them

31. Up to 10% cash back  · Bioassaying combinations of wood preservatives and tannins withPoria placenta andAspergillus niger

32. Anything but: the tannins causeyou to salivate more, and the more saliva you produce, the sharper yoursense of taste.

33. Cloying is a negative description generally given for sweet wines that are not balanced in acid structure, residual sugars and tannins.

34. Reducing the moisture content of the tannins to below 60% increased their stability, so allowing preparation of the resin before its application.

35. This is a wine of gravitas with layers upon layers of dark fruit coating fine tannins with an almost glycerol-like texture.

36. Interactions between salivary proteins and tannins are at the basis of one of the main mechanisms involved in the perception of Astringency

37. Chemical analysis has shown that Mimosa pudica contains various compounds, including “alkaloids, flavonoid C-glycosides, sterols, terenoids, tannins, and fatty acids”.

38. Catnip plants (Nepeta cataria and other Nepeta species) are members of the mint family and contain volatile oils, sterols, acids and tannins

39. Ripe and generous in the palate, sweet fruity flavours, fleshy and powerful, followed by dark bitter chocolate, cigar box and fine structured tannins.

40. Prior to being Coopered, the barrel wood is seasoned in open air, rain, wind, sun, and snow for eighteen months, softening the wood’s harsh tannins

41. Make barking sounds "The dogs Barked at the stranger" tan (a skin) with bark tannins; 以上来源于: WordNet

42. On the palate there is a terrific deepness like chocolate and spice, but rich fruit too that is Blackcurranty, with some firm tannins, vanilla and charcoal

43. Palate: Potent and highly concentrated. Sweet, silky, and mouth-filling tannins blend nicely with a balanced acidity that contributes freshness, vivacity, and a long, persistent finish.

44. Intense purplish-red wine. Its aroma has a reminiscence of ripe plum, blackberry and sweet spices. Round with sweet tannins and a long and juicy finish.

45. Astringency is sometimes described as tannic, owing to the tannins (polyphenol compounds found in plants) responsible for that parched feeling in your mouth

46. This Barolo from the Batasiolo Winery (under the Boisset Family Estates umbrella) carries significant fruit and maintains remarkable structural integrity with dense, chewy tannins, complexity

47. Some foods, such as unripe fruits, contain tannins or calcium oxalate that cause an astringent or puckering sensation of the mucous membrane of the mouth.

48. Prior to being Coopered, the barrel wood is seasoned in open air, rain, wind, sun, and snow for eighteen months, softening the wood’s harsh tannins

49. Analysis on the change of variance showed that tannins, flavonoids, total phenolic material content was remarkable, when the bamboo shoot was destroyed by B. zhejiangensis.

50. Acetone extract: alkaloids, saponines, tannins; Ether extract: alkaloids, fatty acids, saponines, tannins; Alcohol extract: alkaloids, tanynes (negative identification); Aqueous extract: glucides, anthocyanines (negative identification). The author concludes that "In the phytochemical observations of the root, a large concentration of alkaloids has been found and, in accordance with the chromatographic tests, there appear to be three such alkaloids.

51. ‘Delicious Berried aromas have an herbal tinge that follows through on a medium-bodied palate with juicy flavors and smooth tannins.’ ‘Dark ruby color and multifaceted Berried …

52. Arabica) widespread in India and northern Africa that yields gum arabic and tannins as well as fodder and timber First Known Use of Babul 1780, in the meaning defined above

53. Chicle The partially evaporated milky latex of the evergreen sapodilla tree (Achra sapota); it contains gutta (which has elastic properties) and resin, together with carbohydrates, waxes, and tannins

54. Deep ruby color and rich, spice filled aromas of cherry, cranberry and a touch of earthiness lead to sweet tannins complementing enticing silky flavors and a beautiful, long finish.

55. A tasting of Chianti is characterized by red and black cherry characters, along with savory notes, wild herbs and spice, supported by racy acidity and well-structured tannins.

56. The hardening of the tannin adhesive was induced by the reaction of autocondensation tannins undergo when catalyzed by a lignocellulosic substrate or by a weak Lewis acid as alkali dissolved silica.

57. Topical Astringents can be used to help pull out splinters and tone the skin and can have a protective effect (thanks to the tannins present in many Astringents).

58. It is renowned to contain numerous secondary metabolite such as alkaloids (ipecac and benzopyridoquinolizidine), flavonoids, triterpenoids, saponins, tannins, phenolic resin glycosides, oil, Alangine, lamarckinine, salviifosides A-C, salicin, kaempferol, and …

59. Bugleweed is a natural source of phytochemical compounds, including various tannins, lithospermic acid, lycopene, flavonoid glycosides, phenolic derivatives such as caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, ellagic and rosmarinic acid, essential oil, magnesium; and resin.

60. The Anthelmintic effect of tannins is attributed to its ability to bind to the proteins present in the cuticle, oral cavity, esophagus, cloaca and vulva of the nematodes, changing its physical and chemical properties

61. It is known to contain various phyto-chemicals like alkaloids (ipecac and benzopyridoquinolizidine), flavonoids, triterpinoids, saponins, tannins, phenolic glycosides, volatile oil, Alangine, lamarckinine, salviifosides A-C, salicin, kaempferol, and kaempferol 3-O-b-D-glucopyranoside [6].

62. It is renowned to contain numerous secondary metabolite such as alkaloids (ipecac and benzopyridoquinolizidine), flavonoids, triterpenoids, saponins, tannins, phenolic resin glycosides, oil, Alangine, lamarckinine, salviifosides A-C, salicin, kaempferol, and kaempferol 3-O-b-D-glucopyranoside.

63. The Astringent effect is exercised above all thanks to the combination of high and low molecular weight phenols, and to tannins in the presence of proanthocyanidins (other polyphenols characterized by the oligometric repetition of flavonoids).

64. The Astringency sensation is caused by soluble organic compounds that belong to a class called polyphenols, which includes tannins but also other complex molecules. They are often produced by plants as a defense mechanism against insects and other predators.

65. In Hindi it is called Khair.The plant of Acacia Catechu contains tannins and Flavonoids majorly.Anti fungal activity: According to studies, the plant extract reacts on the growth of various fungal growths like Piricularia Oryzae as well as

66. As the wine ages, anthocyanins will react with other acids and compounds in wines such as tannins, pyruvic acid and acetaldehyde which will change the color of the wine, causing it to develop more "brick red" hues.

67. Astringency is a tactile taste felt as a dry, rough feeling in the mouth and contraction of the tongue tissue. It usually involves the formation of aggregated precipitates between tannins or polyphenols and proteins in the saliva.

68. A blend of fruit from Vignane in Barolo, Merli in Novello, Baudana in Serralunga d’Alba and Villero in Castiglione Falletto, it offers complex flavors of red cherry and plum, orange peel and mint, framed by chiseled tannins and racy acidity.

69. It has been accepted that Astringency is due to the tannin-induced interaction and/or precipitation of the salivary proline-rich proteins (PRPs) in the oral cavity, as a result of the ingestion of food products rich in tannins, for example, red wine.

70. 3.5) contain mainly BIAs, for example, berberine; PAL; jatrorrhizine; columbamine [Protoberberine (PBB) type]; magnoflorine (AP type), particularly a higher content of bisbenzylisoquinoline (BBI) alkaloid berbamine (Jia et al., 2017); isotetrandrine (He and Mu, 2015); and oxyacanthine.Phenolics, flavonoids, and tannins are abundant in Berberis (Belwal et

71. Compare the Barolos from the La Serra vineyard in the commune of La Morra, as crafted by Roberto Voerzio and Marcarini; the former, aged solely in barrique, is quite tannic and deeply concentrated, requiring great patience, while the latter, matured in large casks (grandi botti), offers more gentle tannins with more floral aromatics

72. Because of the location of grape juice constituents in the berry (water and acid are found primarily in the mesocarp or pulp, whereas tannins are found primarily in the exocarp, or skin, and seeds), pressed juice or wine tends to be lower in acidity with a higher pH than the free-run juice.

73. ‘Tannins are Astringent substances found in the seeds, skin and stems of grapes.’ ‘The Astringent action of the alcohol will dry out your skin.’ ‘Most packs and masks are Astringent, so they stimulate blood circulation in the skin.’ ‘If your skin is oily, use a more Astringent witch hazel-based toner.’

74. ‘Tannins are Astringent substances found in the seeds, skin and stems of grapes.’ ‘The Astringent action of the alcohol will dry out your skin.’ ‘Most packs and masks are Astringent, so they stimulate blood circulation in the skin.’ ‘If your skin is oily, use a more Astringent witch hazel-based toner.’

75. Black currants are sour, but also complex, with a trace of tannins, making them very versatile in the kitchen.Their distinctively spicy and musky perfume is immediately familiar to anyone who has tasted crème de cassis, the French liqueur and aperitif-ingredient, or English Ribena, a concentrated black currant syrup that was dispensed free to