Use "take care of" in a sentence

1. Mothers take care of the children, take care of the home.

2. I'll take care of the buttons, you take care of the check.

3. Take care of yourself.

4. Take care of helga.

5. Take care of small sums and the large will take care of themselves. 

6. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. 

7. Mr. Nightlinger, you take care of the kitchen, I'll take care of the drive.

8. Take care.

9. If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself. 

10. 1 Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. 

11. I'll take care of it.

12. Please take care of yourselves.

13. Please take care of this.

14. Please take care of me.

15. I'll take care of you.

16. Take care, kid.

17. You take care.

18. Take care, boys.

19. Take care, skinny!

20. Take care, me.

21. Primo can take care of himself.

22. I'll take care of the soldiers.

23. Robin, take care of your sister.

24. Take good care of her, man.

25. Relax, I'll take care of this

26. I will take care of myself

27. Mer's gonna take care of it.

28. Brother Leng, take care of yourself.

29. We'll take care of the fees.

30. Just take care that others don't take advantage of it.

31. You take care, Mittens.

32. You take care, Sister.

33. All right, take care.

34. Take care. Good bye.

35. Godmother, take good care.

36. Take care, Mr. Randolph.

37. Take care of'em, tiger.

38. You take care, William.

39. You take care, Abney.

40. Take care, little boots.

41. I'll take care of hiring the car.

42. I know you'll take care of me.

43. Rita, take care of the blinds, please.

44. Take care of my brother and sister.

45. Take good care of that wildcat, Sabra.

46. The sharks'll take care of the evidence.

47. We'll take care of it - Do something

48. Please take care of it for me.

49. Letty, go take care of the cable.

50. Kham, Let me take care of this.

51. I'll take care of the sniper tonight.

52. Wish he'd take care of my ex.

53. Let Mad Dragon take care of him

54. I'll take care of the rest of it.

55. Take care Aline, you're sweating.

56. Take care not to deviate.

57. I'll take care ofthe dishes.

58. Good bye, and take care!

59. Mr. Taggart, please take care.

60. You take care, my friend.

61. You take care now, Hollis.

62. Take care when stepping on and off the escalator; take extra care if you wear bifocals.

63. At Avian, we take care of each other

64. This'll take care of my time and expenses.

65. He's well able to take care of himself.

66. Can my travel agent take care of it?

67. How can I take care of this whippersnapper?

68. Rotherhood-Arracks Marines take care of Arracks Marines

69. Kai, take care of the customers for me?

70. You need to take care of your responsibilities.

71. But who's gonna take care of your family?

72. He told me he'd take care of me.

73. She helped take care of her aged grandmother.

74. No sweat, I'll take care of the problem.

75. A strong man to take care of you?

76. You need to take care of the twig!

77. I think she can take care of herself.

78. You take really good care of your men

79. Be Not Dismayed Whate’er Betide, God Will Take Care Of You; Beneath His Wings Of Love Abide, God Will Take Care Of You

80. Allergists-immunologists with a background in internal medicine take care of adults and those with a background in pediatrics take care of children