Use "system time" in a sentence

1. Acoustic transit time measuring system

2. Time correction system, time correction designating unit, pointer type clock, and method for correcting time

3. Response time check of the analytical system

4. Online trading system having real-time account opening

5. Bepastured Simply time to more dynamic currency system

6. This paper introduces the network time protocol and presents an approach to design the time synchronization system of our navy command system.

7. By application of queueing theory this paper studies the real time problem of shipboard command and control system, a complex real time system.

8. Cancer cells break into thelymphatic system all the time.

9. The nonCausal system cannot be realized in real time.

10. Time slot recovery for remote in-band translator in time division multiple access wireless system

11. The system exhibits a long response time with some overshoot.

12. A system and method for time aligning signals in transmitters.

13. At the time, the English prison system was abysmally bad.

14. 4 The truss system requires a very long lead time.

15. Real-time calibration of an air to ground communication system

16. Lost motion system and method for fixed-time valve actuation

17. A real-time screening interface for a vehicle screening system

18. At the same time, rural medical succor system is implemented.

19. It was a zero-bandwidth teleconferencing system at the time.

20. The last system also corresponds to the real time seismology.

21. The general heat balance equation for multi-body system represents a stable system, with different time constants.

22. Nowadays the time book can be a part of an integrated payroll system, or cost accounting system.

23. Because the research of majority real-time scheduling is limited only to the simple system, and the complex real-time multitask system is researched very little.

24. The most popular system for pasteurization of liquid foods is the continuous high - temperature, short - time ( HTST ) system.

25. Lipid removal system accounting for real-time patient body state information

26. • a real-time landslide warning system in the Sikkim-Darjeeling region.

27. However, Dell did offer the operating system for a short time.

28. At no time can the feed system destabilize an otherwise stable.

29. There can be only one active system partition at a time.

30. A system and method for providing interface for real-time surveillance

31. Any real-time operating system could be used as an environment.

32. Navstar is an acronym for Navigation Satellite Time and Ranging System.

33. Real-time pavement profile sensing system using air-coupled surface wave

34. Real-time feedback system controlling central wavelength of silicon ring modulator

35. A scheduling algorithm for scheduling processor tasks and message transmissions in distributed real-time time-triggered embedded system.

36. 24 The finite time control problem for a class of linear discrete-time system with time-varying norm-bounded exogenous disturbance is discussed.

37. It is true that from time to time, political parties have made constructive efforts to improve the system.

38. Availability can be defined as the length of time a system is actually functioning (or service operational), divided by the length of time the system could have been working.

39. Malaysia has taken the time and effort to construct an effective system.

40. During this time, Sequoyah invented a system for writing the Cherokee language

41. Malaysia has taken the time and effort to construct an effective system

42. The steering wheel holding control system activated in all time of driving.

43. A cyclic executive is an alternative to a real-time operating system.

44. This will divvent holding up system resources an undetermined length of time.

45. Public confidence in the legal system is at an all-time low .

46. System and method for customizing real-time applications on a user interface

47. Translator for time division multiple access wireless system having selective diversity circuits

48. Retrieving a time zone that is already defined by the operating system.

49. The digital time switch is included in a telecommunication system which operates with pulse code modulation and time multiplex.

50. A time minimum robust time delay filter of flexible system is proposed in this paper to improve the robustness of traditional time optimal control.

51. The measurement system of backward phase switching time has been mended to be closed to the intrinsical switching time.

52. Bicarb system and distribution loop can be disinfected with ozone at the same time, significantly reducing the disinfection time

53. The amalgamation of SRS technique and real-time signal analysis technique gives birth to advanced shock test real-time control system and this system replaces quickly the common method and technique.

54. These reports summarise the demands made on the computer system over time, and indicate how well the system met those demands.

55. A computing system develops time/date values by using a free-running counter to measure and accumulate increments of time.

56. In addition, if the system is time-invariant (so LTI), then the frequency response also will not vary with time.

57. System for providing digital broadcast media-based two-way real-time polling service

58. System and method supporting dynamic delivery of program time tables and broadcast programs

59. I love the old barter system, it's high time to bring it back.

60. Method and system for reducing adjacent channel interference using time division duplex (tdd)

61. The control system ensures high accuracy, high-speed processing and real-time control.

62. Method and apparatus for operating time advance group in multi-element carrier system

63. In time, other qualified brothers became available, and a rotation system was used.

64. As usual for the time, they maintained a strict system of social classes.

65. So we bring forward the traffic signal control system bases on time distributing.

66. The heroes traverse a trajectory natural symbolic system in a cyclic, reversible time.

67. Architecture, system and method for scheduling networked resources using repeat-time sequence data

68. This time is required by the system to create and configure your account.

69. Any system can be compromised given enough time. We need an off switch.

70. A time management system automates processes, which eliminates paper work and tedious tasks.

71. Welcome to's home for real-time and historical data on system performance

72. The data acquisition component acquires real-time data output from the electrical system.

73. Predictive maintenance and optimization of the Chiller system requires real-time operational data

74. Welcome to Blameless's home for real-time and historical data on system performance.

75. Two contractors had no system for recording time worked on projects at all.

76. At that time I was a fervent believer in the civil service system.

77. One can always say our system went down at the worst possible time.

78. A technique to simulate and evaluate the command and control system in union operation with the system scenarios is presented to reduce the time and expense of system development.

79. What is time Batching? time Batching is a productivity system that helps individuals focus on a group of similar tasks during a dedicated time period without interruptions

80. An adaptive real time thermal processing system is presented that includes a multivariable controller.