Use "succumb to temptation" in a sentence

1. Gandhi did not often succumb to that temptation.

2. Don't succumb to the temptation to have just one cigarette.

3. 6 Don't succumb to the temptation to have just one cigarette.

4. People would succumb to temptation and revert to familiar if inefficient form.

5. Two days she had: to resist the temptation or succumb to it.

6. 10 We must not succumb to any temptation to steal or be dishonest.

7. 19 By the request, “Do not bring us into temptation,” we in effect ask Jehovah not to allow us to succumb when tempted or pressured to disobey him.

8. Or would you succumb to despair?

9. Will Stansted succumb to major expansion?

10. How can men succumb to force?

11. In such an atmosphere, weak ones may easily fall into temptation and commit other works of the flesh such as “fornication, uncleanness, loose conduct, [or succumb to] fits of anger.”

12. May we never succumb to Satan’s attacks.

13. However, Jeremiah did not succumb to discouragement.

14. Sadly, every year thousands succumb to immorality.

15. we don’t need to succumb to that system.

16. They all succumb to an issue - key Chattering.

17. He would not succumb to such an item.

18. They often succumb to the temptations and the messages.

19. Temptation to defect, 5 points.

20. Did he succumb to the machinations of those enemies?

21. Do not succumb to a craven desire for money.

22. He failed to struggle against temptation.

23. When temptation is likely to strike.

24. The Minister said his country would never succumb to pressure.

25. Those who succumb to its materialistic views suffer spiritual destruction.

26. About 400,000 Americans succumb each year to smoking-related illnesses.

27. What can happen if we succumb to bitterness, resentment, and faultfinding?

28. He had no great temptation to loiter.

29. We may succumb to flattery because it makes us feel good.

30. Why must Christians not succumb to “the desire of the flesh”?

31. 3 He failed to struggle against temptation.

32. 19 She resisted the temptation to laugh.

33. Women often succumb to Boyish charm due to their inherit attraction to children

34. Politicians often succumb to the danger of talking down the economy.

35. And I am not some starry-eyed waif here to succumb to your...

36. Don't give in to the temptation to argue back.

37. The menu offers a temptation to over-indulgence.

38. Corruptions Even the most pure creature can succumb to tides of darkness

39. Others see their schoolmates succumb to the perils of drugs and crime.

40. Our covenants will strengthen us to resist temptation.

41. He overcame a strong temptation to run away.

42. Resist the temptation to nap in the daytime.

43. Why offer any temptation?

44. How do we overcome the temptation to lust?

45. 22 The temptation was too great to resist.

46. Before you succumb to a tempting counteroffer, consider the realities of Counteroffers

47. The temptation proved irresistible.

48. 30 For Young People —How to Resist Temptation

49. 5 The temptation proved irresistible.

50. But Jehovah has never let his faithful people succumb to such a “pestilence.”

51. Avoid circumstances that will make temptation harder to resist.

52. 27 An expensive bicycle is a temptation to thieves.

53. 26 She yielded to temptation and had another chocolate.

54. 24 Resist the temptation to nap in the daytime.

55. 15 She succumbed to the temptation of another drink.

56. A terrible temptation Assailed me

57. There is therefore this temptation to argue against doctrine.

58. 20 The menu offers a temptation to over-indulgence.

59. (Matthew 26:41) One way to overcome temptation is to be alert to the various forms that temptation can take and be sensitive to its subtleties.

60. 18 Don't give in to the temptation to argue back.

61. It proved an irresistible temptation to Hall to go back.

62. Colette surrendered to temptation and took out a cigarette.

63. 2 He overcame a strong temptation to run away.


65. That candy is a temptation.

66. You can learn to control wrong desires and to resist temptation.

67. They succumb to cramp, fall off the track or simply run wildly off course.

68. It might be out of bounds, but the temptation to take a slightly closer look was a temptation she could not resist.

69. What will help us to examine our heart if we succumb to telling a lie?

70. Acedia manifests itself as the temptation to deny our commitment to things, our choice of life, coupled with the temptation to overwhelming doubt, the lapsing of certitudes

71. 🔊 Even smart people occasionally succumb to the Cacoethes of eating raw cookie dough

72. What forced Germany to succumb at the time were the lies of our adversaries.

73. 14 I yielded to temptation and had a chocolate bar.

74. Was the temptation real or imaginary?

75. Elderly patients who are chairbound, Bedridden, or unable to reposition themselves often succumb to pressure ulcers

76. We have to resist the temptation to use fear for ratings.

77. * See also Adversity; Patience; Tempt, Temptation

78. 28 The temptation is very strong.

79. Illustrate how some Christians might succumb to a danger involving 1 John 2:16.

80. In other cases, children succumb to their dire circumstances or have accidents and die.