Use "successes" in a sentence

1. Our successes were hard-earned.

2. Wishing you many future successes.

3. Deitch's shorts were commercial successes.

4. A Contingency recruiter traditionally will have more failures than successes, but it's the successes and the exhilaration of those successes that keeps a Contingency recruiter in the business

5. Atherosclerosis: Successes, Surprises, and Future Challenges

6. Do our successes mitigate our failures?

7. Their failures vastly outnumber their successes.

8. We’re serious about sharing in Alluviums successes

9. Bribery certainly accounts for some short-term successes

10. 6 New York City is notching provocative successes.

11. 25 His extraordinary run of successes has been stopped.

12. The army has had quite a few successes recently.

13. His early successes gave some indication of his ability.

14. He had unquestioned moral authority strengthened by his military successes.

15. Her position was fortified by election successes and economic recovery.

16. He had time to reflect on his successes and failures.

17. 7 Nevertheless Carter had several undoubted successes in foreign policy.

18. Ask yourself: ‘Do a peer’s successes delight or deflate me?

19. We can learn from the mistakes and the successes of others.

20. Yet in the long run, diet failures vastly outnumber the successes.

21. In 2016, Vietnamese football enjoyed larger successes than they ever expected.

22. Reports of fresh successes roll in from all fronts of production.

23. Here the quantum chemical theory of bonding has had some remarkable successes.

24. "“Anthologizing their successes”: Visions of the Past in Gothic Italy"

25. 31: Huge German successes around Kharkov, with envelopment of several Red Army armies.

26. In the first stages of the operation, the Red Army achieved some successes.

27. 12 Men's best successes come after their disappointments. Henry Ward Beecher 

28. Molyneux built on Richmond's earlier successes and became a figure of public renown.

29. Stagecoach has taken megabus into Texas and California after successes in the Midwest.

30. Celebrate your sustainable successes The Birthing Movement Team is devoted to helping YOU …

31. Her successes are dismissed as tawdry, her claims to original exploration comprehensively deflated.

32. Inevitably this led to uncertainties and inconclusive results, with some notable successes and failures.

33. As a Hollywood actor he has chalked up a number of box-office successes.

34. Their hopes and joys, successes and failures are all part of this multifaceted book.

35. Manuel says that the two have been the great successes of the Cuban revolution.

36. 18 Her successes are dismissed as tawdry, her claims to original exploration comprehensively deflated.

37. This is how little successes can be leveraged to more broadly advance the public good.

38. We need them to learn to take joy in the successes of siblings and friends.

39. Life is made up of small pleasures. Happiness is made up of those tiny successes.

40. I wasn't failing, per se, just losing my grip on the successes I had won.

41. Kkk : What do you think about great successes of the Spanish clubs in Euro league ?

42. 10 Manuel says that the two have been the great successes of the Cuban revolution.

43. Italian dictator Benito Mussolini was aware of this and sought to profit from German successes.

44. The players with the most Buncos, wins, losses, etc, may earn prizes for their successes

45. This process largely entails increased diplomatic action on the heels of our ongoing military successes.

46. Initially, he had some successes and recaptured much of the territory lost to Later Zhao.

47. Welcome to Accomplishments, the place to read about the successes of your UNLV co-workers.

48. The player(s) with the most Buncos, wins, losses, etc, may earn prizes for their successes

49. The Advisory Committee welcomes the reported successes of the managed reassignment programme for # staff (see # paras

50. While improving management accountability remains a priority, the department was recognized for successes in program delivery.

51. 15 Despite the recent successes of house churches and charismatic movements, the overall picture is unchanged.

52. Not a few of them have achieved successes in science and technology and are internationally known.

53. Despite an initial series of policy successes, by 2009 - 10 these advantages were losing ground badly.

54. During its second half , the administration shifted fitfully toward the center and scored some notable successes.

55. Great successes have been made in structural genomics, which would drive the life science forward unprecedentedly.

56. None of the successes I had in other aspects of life could make up for it.

57. It is time for us to accept both the extraordinary successes of mammography and the limitations.

58. Despite these successes, Mexico did not keep an occupying force in Texas, and the republic survived.

59. Grandfather was deeply indifferent to the future and disdainful of the successes of his forgotten sons.

60. Newsletters provide a tremendously powerful means of publicly celebrating the successes of children and the school.

61. Compensate for • Failures in this area will have to be Compensated for by successes in other

62. The newly devised Equal Initiative will build on the experiences and successes of Adapt and Employment.

63. 21 Failures in this area will have to be compensated for by successes in other areas.

64. But America's freight railways are one of the unsung transport successes of the past 30 years.

65. Spectacular Soviet successes in rocketry, beginning with Sputnik, sent the United States into a deep emotional depression.

66. Mr. Tepper wears jeans and sneakers to work, and can be self - deprecating , playing down his successes.

67. · Make lessons learned and successes from KICs systematically accessible to the wider EU innovation community and beyond.

68. Two notable and deserving successes cited by her in no way disqualify the principle of special needs.

69. Access to antiretroviral therapy has increased, and successes are being increasingly recorded in the area of prevention.

70. A Binomial random variable is the number of successes x in n repeated trials of a Binomial experiment

71. Director Gary Abson launched the event with a talk on recent successes and challenges of the PILT program.

72. Access and entry to Northern markets will continue to hold the key to trade successes of developing countries.

73. The Board will share information, consult openly, and provide access to information about its performance - successes and failures.

74. Early successes in the drug trade mean that Harry can underwrite Marion's attempts to become a fashion designer.

75. Successes have also been achieved in experiments of macrophite removal from the shallow zones of sub-alpine lakes.

76. For the brilliant successes at Königsberg and in Eastern Prussia, Vasilevsky was awarded his second Order of Victory.

77. You must learn from your past mistakes, but not lean on your past successes. Denis Waitley 

78. The captain was typically self-effacing when questioned about the team's successes, giving credit to the other players.

79. It was also their second hat trick of titles following their successes in the 2001, 2002 and 2003 seasons.

80. Each one had identified a list of successes to call up and share with the other when anxiety threatened.