Use "subversive activities" in a sentence

1. He was engaged in subversive activities .

2. More powers were given to the army to repress subversive activities and guard seditious prisoners.

3. To prevent change, the Guardians control all artistic activities to keep out subversive new ideas.

4. Government categorically rejects allegations that this individual was involved in subversive activities in Pakistan at our behest.

5. Cubans who did nothing other than exercise their right to free speech were charged with subversive activities.

6. Was her speech subversive ?

7. He was a known political subversive.

8. There was nothing remotely subversive about it, as far as I could see: hurtful, yes, but not subversive.

9. I think this is genuinely subversive.

10. However, subversive survival strategies were possible.

11. He defaced public property with subversive graffiti.

12. I hope you realize how subversive that is.

13. Trash subversive that way. It exists to taunt.

14. PH: I hope you realize how subversive that is.

15. There was nothing inherently subversive of royal authority here.

16. They proceeded to ransack everything inside, looking for something subversive.

17. This courageous and subversive movie has attracted widespread critical support.

18. She was seen as a potentially subversive within the party.

19. Trash is subversive that way . It exists to taunt.

20. In Amalgamemnon the central female character takes an overtly subversive approach.

21. She was seen as a potentially subversive force within the party.

22. “Anti-State propaganda and subversive activity,” according to the official records.

23. Biased government officials may label us as “seditious” or “subversive.”

24. So, my name is Roger Doiron, and I have a subversive plot.

25. The attorney general denounced it as subversive to politics, morals, and religion.

26. The charter of the OAU claims "unreserved condemnation, in all its forms, of political assassination, as well as of subversive activities on the part of neighboring States or any other State".

27. A Cynical attitude, nonetheless, may also be non-subversive in its intents

28. Pablo Picasso was for a long time regarded as a dangerous subversive.

29. It was claimed that the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses was subversive.

30. In this guise he gathered information about mutinous and subversive designs.

31. They are Contaminating the minds of our young people with these subversive ideas.

32. 14 He's a subversive infidel rebellious alike against his God and his king.

33. Reggae was what was called for, some subversive atmosphere in the place.

34. Under a Conservative government, Top Gear's status as an enjoyably subversive pleasure may disappear.

35. Only the violence of the subversive could interact with the violence of the caliph.

36. Archenemy is an entertaining and subversive action/superhero film that has an interesting premise

37. Most of those words are cynical, humorous and often subversive to the established order.

38. The Gentle Subversive: Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, and the Rise of the Environmental Movement.

39. Again, though, the Fundamental Theorem was doing its subversive work behind the scenes.

40. 25 They are no longer feared as dangerous or subversive but anachronistic and slightly ridiculous.

41. While Almond aims for tacky, spunky cabaret rock, he's about as subversive as Come Dancing.

42. The character of the letters remains variable, abstruse, in short: ambivalent (and, thus, subversive).

43. In its earliest impulses celibacy was egalitarian and even subversive of patriarchal family relationships.

44. 12 However, to fool with the trifles of which a cityscape is composed seems subversive indeed.

45. Greg Foley’s new book Anthologizes punks, flappers, skateboarders, and a century of subversive style and sound.

46. A subversive game with audio and video signals in a low-fi analogical space situation.

47. They were displayed with an almost subversive indifference to the impression made upon the spectator.

48. In this paper, the subversive aspect of their queerness will be examined in concrete context.

49. Blase creates new paintings out of old damaged artworks and gives them second life adding subversive details

50. The Polish Brethren were accused of subversive activity, of engaging in orgies, and of living immoral lives.

51. 22 While Almond aims for tacky, spunky cabaret rock, he's about as subversive as Come Dancing.

52. The conflict lies in the fact that this second pole has for centuries been condemned as negative, subversive.

53. But, as Marx saw long ago, free-market capitalism is quintessentially populist and inherently subversive of traditions and rituals.

54. Subversive manipulation of the mind and destruction of the victim are the perfect tools to enable Abusers to succeed

55. The Subversive Poetics of Alfred Jarry: Ubusing Culture in the Almanachs Du Pere Ubu (Legenda Research Monographs in French …

56. See more ideas about Buttoning activities, fine motor activities, activities.

57. I do not wish to suggest that New Historians are involved in some huge subversive critical enterprise duping credulous students.

58. See more ideas about Buttoning activities, fine motor activities, activities for kids.

59. - promotional activities and sales supporting activities (advertising),

60. Much more problematic, in practical terms, is the resistance by public bodies to funding what are seen as subversive cliques.

61. He had remained faithful to the Party in its outlaw years, and had gone to prison for distributing subversive literature.

62. If its people called you a liberal subversive in the pay of effete capitalist Western powers it was regarded as fair comment.

63. The consequent soul-searching often includes as much self-mockery as it does social criticism, and for this reason it is not subversive.

64. Activities: Monitor the children’s involvement during the activities.

65. Shaw faced growing criticism for his socialist beliefs, but the iconoclast rejoiced that people considered his political aims "subversive and diabolical."

66. Fun Summer Activities Checklist Fun Summer Activities Checklist

67. (b) activities of a commercial character; (c) (d) activities of craftsmen; activities of the professions.

68. Republic Act No 1700 was superseded by Presidential Decree No 885, entitled "Outlawing Subversive Organization, Penalizing Membership Therein and For Other Purposes."

69. Curricular Activities: Basically speaking activities encompassing the prescribed courses of study are called Curricular or academic activities

70. Google sites PE at Bandelier Activities Clubs and Activities Clubs and Activities Battle of the Books Club

71. Games and Activities > Games and Activities (Cyber Safety) > Nova Scotia Games and Activities (Cyber Safety)

72. Main activities:

73. airworthiness-related activities, and maintenance tasks are airworthiness-related activities.

74. Academic Activities

75. Academic activities


77. Google sites PE at Bandelier Activities Clubs and Activities Clubs and Activities Battle of the Books Club

78. Ancillary activities

79. Add Program Activities and provided Total Program Activities where applicable.

80. Now language's subversive power has been recognized throughout the ages in censorship, in books you can't read, phrases you can't use and words you can't say.