Use "strode" in a sentence

1. She strode purposefully towards the door.

2. He strode purposefully towards the barn.

3. 26 He strode toward her.

4. He strode purposefully into the room.

5. 21 She strode into my office.

6. She strode majestically through the palace.

7. Jack strode masterfully into the room.

8. He strode importantly into the room.

9. 3 He strode about the meeting room.

10. 2 He strode angrily into the classroom.

11. He strode purposefully into the meeting.

12. He strode off in search of a taxi.

13. 16 His little son strode his shoulders.

14. 14 She strode purposefully towards the door.

15. 13 Paul strode forward, roused to anger.

16. 12 Jack strode masterfully into the room.

17. 11 He strode purposefully towards the barn.

18. 7 He strode purposefully into the room.

19. 1 We strode across the snowy fields.

20. He strode past with his retinue of aides.

21. 8 Cottrell strode out across the cobbled courtyard.

22. 19 He strode across/into/out of the room.

23. 17 She strode past him without a backward glance .

24. Cottrell strode out across the cobbled courtyard.

25. 23 She strode majestically through the palace.

26. 18 He strode purposefully into the meeting.

27. 15 Edward strode purposefully towards the door.

28. 6 He strode importantly into the room.

29. 22 He strode off in search of a taxi.

30. 10 She strode past him without a backward glance .

31. 25 She strode towards them, her fist upraised.

32. Paul strode towards the parlour, his misery forgotten.

33. He turned abruptly and strode off down the corridor.

34. Mrs. Baylor strode to the elevator and punched the button.

35. 17 Alec strode down the street, impatient to be home.

36. The consular porter strode arrogantly ahead with his light swinging.

37. Damian Flint strode out into the cool night air.

38. 20 He strode into the ocean, breasting the waves.

39. They strode confidently ahead in nice straight parallel lines.

40. He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard.

41. She flicked him a haughty smile, then strode briskly on.

42. 24 He turned abruptly and strode off down the corridor.

43. Meanwhile the choleric Captain strode wrathful away to the council.

44. 4 She strode purposefully up to the door and knocked loudly.

45. Strode inside, hell bent on getting in bed with the pope.

46. 28 He pulled his arm free, and strode for the door.

47. 29 He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard.

48. 9 Shouldering her pack,[] she strode off up the road.

49. 9 The consular porter strode arrogantly ahead with his light swinging.

50. She found it hard to keep pace with him as he strode off.

51. 30 She found it hard to keep pace with him as he strode off.

52. So I strode up there to have this man-to-man chat with Nick.

53. Then he strode over to the money changers and overturned their tables.

54. It was said that when he strode onto the parade ground, birds stopped singing.

55. Through this garden of artificial delights and into his inclement mood, Sofia Mendes strode purposefully.

56. President Tadic entered a packed hall and strode confidently to a central lectern .

57. Mortlake strode on, ignoring the car, in spite of a further warning hoot.

58. Caroline strode to the windows and plumped her hands down on the sill.

59. He swung round and strode towards the door. Benedict obligingly held it open.

60. The hotel staff were taken aback as I strode in looking like a snowman.

61. 5 She strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager.

62. Soon he strode to the front of the platform, literally beaming at the sight.

63. 27 She came face-to-face with the gunman as he strode into the playground.

64. 26 Through this garden of artificial delights and into his inclement mood,[] Sofia Mendes strode purposefully.

65. He watched as she strode purposefully towards the de Courmont house, her back straight, head up.

66. Beneath it, across the ornately worked rugs Maurice had undoubtedly paid for, Natasha strode purposefully ahead.

67. 14 Through this garden of artificial delights and into his inclement mood, Sofia Mendes strode purposefully.

68. 24 All eyes followed the Collector as he strode about the enclave grimacing and muttering to himself.

69. 15 A triumphant smile lit his perspiring face as he strode along the corridor to the kitchen.

70. TIMOTHY strode steadily along the road leading away from home, his eyes eagerly focused on what lay ahead.

71. After Friday 's hearing , Mr Strauss-Kahn strode out of court smiling , with his wife on his arm .

72. I held a florin tightly in my hand as I strode down Buckingham Street towards the station.

73. She strode through the door to the outer office of his sanctum, past his personal secretary, who blinked in astonishment.

74. The gait of my friend was unsteady... and the bells on his jester's cap jingled... as he strode.

75. Bernstein was trying to explain his headline problems to Ruby when Gerstein strode past with a retinue of aides.

76. Tabitha Jute pulled up the collar of her old foil jacket and strode off past the concession stalls, looking for transport.

77. Ahead of him, Peng Yu-wei strode purposefully up the path, his long legs showing no sign of human frailty.

78. And the worst part was, everyone else seemed to understand it and strode out to the quay full of knowledgeable confidence.

79. But the giant duo strode imperiously through the mud during the second half to set up Saints' two match-clinching tries.

80. The inquisitive Warlord turned to realign itself with its mechanical peers which strode onward together in line abreast, to massacre Marines.