Use "standing up" in a sentence

1. Standing up to evil’s Banality

2. He's standing up by himself already.

3. Standing Up for What We Believe

4. 20 min: Standing Up to Peer Pressure.

5. 24 The blond man was standing up slowly.

6. Standing up to bullies takes plenty of backbone.

7. Beggaress Grow chervil this spring look like standing up

8. These women showed courage by standing up for Nephi.

9. Asserting is all about standing up for what you believe

10. Standing up for yourself doesn't have to mean embracing violence.

11. l'm not afraid to be seen standing up to them.

12. Standing up for fairness if you see another’s rights being impeded.

13. Standing Up: This is where beer and wine Cellaring differ most

14. 15 He felt tired enough to go to sleep standing up.

15. They're standing up because I know what I'm going to show you.

16. Judas' Apostatizing Fulfilled “Peter stood up” means Peter standing up, or rising

17. 19. (a) How will Michael’s ‘standing up’ bring peace to the earth?

18. She showed a lot of pluck in standing up to her boss.

19. You're the Wadiyan dissident who was standing up to that asshole Aladeen.

20. KJV And he made boards for the tabernacle of shittim wood, standing up.

21. “The chief priests and the scribes kept standing up and vehemently accusing [Jesus].”

22. An inflatable punching bag bounces back because “he’s standing up on the inside.”

23. But wait till you see Jim standing up there at the altar tomorrow.

24. I won’t live a life without standing up to people and Brazening through bullshit

25. + 10 However, the chief priests and the scribes kept standing up and vehemently accusing him.

26. This motorcycle compilation shows Bikers fighting back and standing up for themselves!🏍More inc

27. Activities of daily living, such as climbing stairs and standing-up, were also performed more easily.

28. Amongst the elites, there is a feebleness about standing up for a particular way of life.

29. He said: The greatest act of martyrdom is standing up for what is true and just.

30. Synonyms for Brazening include braving, confronting, facing, defying, bearding, daring, breasting, outfacing, outbraving and standing up to

31. Chunks is a monthly event with a focus on comedy where the performer isn't necessarily standing up

32. Age had not yet wearied them; they were well capable of standing up for themselves, so to speak.

33. How has all this change occurred and why is the world standing up to take note of India?

34. You’ll also feel more confident when facing day-to-day challenges —such as standing up to peer pressure.

35. This describes how the Baroreceptor reflex kicks in when standing up to increase the blood sent to the brain.

36. 2 days ago · UNFPA Executive Director Commends Women, Youth of Sudan for Standing up for Democracy

37. T he Barbet is a medium sized dog standing up to 20.5-25.5 inches (65 cm) at the shoulder

38. The bartender had to go round standing up all the stools that had been knocked down in the fight.

39. Easy to play standing up or sitting down, this Conga truly is the ultimate option for any serious performer.

40. I know because I've been shot down so many times, I get altitude sickness just from standing up for myself.

41. I forgot everything I ever knew about standing up for myself and, without argument, I slunk meekly into the night.

42. You’re standing up for what is right for you, ” says William Ury, PhD, cofounder of Harvard University’s Program on Negotiation.

43. They had little or no permanence and cohesion and therefore no organisation and no prospect of standing up for their rights.

44. …Armrests can support the muscular system of neck and shoulders and can be an aid to standing up and sitting down

45. Beyond a flint wall was a small graveyard, the gravestones crammed in as though the corpses had been buried standing up.

46. And he was remembered too for his commitment to standing up to Slobodan Milosevic in Kosovo after the dithering over Bosnia.

47. It 's usually best for boys to first learn to use the toilet sitting down before learning to pee standing up .

48. But he has made standing up to the teaching unions his thing. Unconditional surrender was more than his fragile ego could bear.

49. Begum Jaan is a story of 11 fearless women standing up against the system, amidst the changing political scenario during the partition.

50. It actually sounds really hokey to say it standing up here, but when you try to put it in practice, it's really powerful.

51. Amidah, plural amidoth, or Amidot, Hebrew ʿamida (“standing”), in Judaism, the main section of morning, afternoon, and evening prayers, recited while standing up

52. Jerry Junior 'Thank God,' Jody Burgess exclaimed, standing up, coming around the bed with a kind of Buoyantly expectant expression and both arms outstretched.

53. As Catholic Bishops in the United States, we join with the Tyler Clementi Foundation in standing up for at-risk LGBT youth in our country

54. Hi – I planted fine line Buckthorns about three years ago, and unlike the pictures and samples I have seen, they are not standing up straight

55. 121, […] an unfrequented path which lay still in the April sunshine, the lilac bushes standing up on each side all Athrill and rustling with the spring,

56. While Confrontation can be a good thing, and standing up for ourselves and others is an important part of life, make sure to pick your battles wisely

57. Like pups standing up to a full-grown cur, Atomies never back down from aggression, and take tremendous pride in defeating and humiliating foes larger than themselves

58. Like pups standing up to a full-grown cur, Atomies never back down from aggression, and take tremendous pride in defeating and humiliating foes larger than themselves

59. Like pups standing up to a full-grown cur, Atomies never back down from aggression, and take tremendous pride in defeating and humiliating foes larger than themselves

60. Standing up, a chair, the corner of an item of furniture, or even a washing machine can be used to stimulate the clitoris through the labia and clothing.

61. Charles, standing up, was at the back of the alcove, and the chemist, near him, maintained that meditative silence that is becoming on the serious occasions of life.

62. Her older siblings, Alexandria Basso and Gabriel Basso, are also actors.She has starred in the films, Bedtime Stories (2008), Love Takes Wing (2009), Standing Up (2013), and Oculus (2013)

63. For example, standing up from a reclining or sitting position would entail an unsustainable drop in blood pressure if not for a compensatory increase in the arterial sympathetic tonus.

64. A Condition lasts either until it is countered (the prone Condition is countered by standing up, for example) or for a Duration specified by the Effect that imposed the Condition

65. The Anabaptists made a considerable contribution to the development of tolerance in the early-modern era by incessantly demanding freedom of conscience and standing up for it with their patient suffering.

66. And I was just walking and that was the longest walk of my life -- hair on the back of my neck standing up, I was sweating and my heart was pounding.

67. Myanmar Civilians are very courageous for standing up to bullets of the military for so many days.Most are not willing to pay with their lives for the corrupt or looter politicians

68. Maybe he’s counting on the media to indulge their narrow biases and laud him for standing up to a random gun nut, no matter how much he gets wrong or how Cantankerously …

69. TAG Theatre Company’s acting style strives to “move people closer to one another by standing up against the culture of recreational antagonism and casual Attitudinizing which pervades the contemporary American performance landscape

70. “Prime Minister Abe should be publicly voicing support for Vietnam’s brave human rights advocates and urging Vietnam to release those who have been imprisoned for standing up for their rights,” Doi said.

71. "The Culvert" is the more mainstream of the three, being about a boy standing up to a bully and his toadies who sexually abuse him in a Culvert in the woods

72. Bullshitter Noun, one who frequently gives misleading information, provides excuses when necessary, gives bogus facts to support alibi for bailing or standing up plans, doesn't answer phone calls as way to deter oncoming plans

73. Antigone was a daughter of Oedipus in Greek mythology, and a reoccurring figure in the works of Sophocles, where Antigone was depicted as a strong woman standing up for what she believed to be right

74. No matter how much the mother and sister might at that point work on him with small admonitions, for a quarter of an hour he would remain shaking his head slowly, his eyes closed, without standing up.

75. To make an effort to do something, you have to "get off your arse"! Hence "can't be Arsed" means don't feel it worthwhile to make the effort of standing up and doing something

76. ‘Don't let politicians or the media browbeat you, intimidate you or lie about you.’ ‘And, to believe that ‘fighting back’ consists of Browbeating our elected politicians into standing up and denouncing Republican badness and wrongness is infantile.’

77. Our list of the best Biographies for young readers includes inspiring stories about people standing up for their rights, profiles of overlooked witnesses to history, anthologies that offer capsule bios of people who've done great things, and more.

78. Assertive communication is defined as “ the ability to speak and interact in a manner that considers and respects the rights and opinions of others while also standing up for your rights, needs, and personal boundaries ” (Pipas & Jaradat, 2010, p

79. This gun was fired by the radioman/bombardier while standing up and bending over in the belly of the tail section, though he usually sat on a folding bench facing forward to operate the radio and to sight in bombing runs.

80. Chaotic Good: The invention of fire, the wheel, therapy, and every other wild discovery that has ever *truly* served humankind.Aries is superhero energy incarnate, and you are at your most Chaotic good when you’re actually standing up for people who need it.