Use "specious prosperity" in a sentence

1. His reasoning is specious.

2. This is also specious.

3. We wouldn't accept his specious claim.

4. Such talk is actually specious and groundless.

5. Prosperity.

6. Let us not be misled by such specious arguments.

7. Such talk, however plausible, is actually specious and groundless.

8. He deserves credit for resisting specious gambles in September.

9. Appearing: See: apparent , colorable , evident , ostensible , perceivable , presumptive , specious

10. Moreover, even sophisticated statistical analysis can sometimes yield specious results.

11. His voice was still soft and filled with specious humility.

12. Prosperity Under Ban

13. But the recently and falls caused the base appear somewhat specious.

14. 4 In addition to material prosperity, the Bible speaks of spiritual prosperity.

15. Sam is a specious fellow and carries two faces under on hood.

16. His dishonest actions showed him to be nothing but a specious hypocrite.

17. Be opposite at the same time certain specious viewpoint undertakes an analysis.

18. Prosperity Despite Spiritual Famine

19. Every position has been successfully undermined and abandoned on specious and plausible excuses.

20. Adversity leads to prosperity.

21. In prosperity think of adversity.

22. In the Middle East crisis de Gaulle adopted a specious and unpopular neutrality.

23. 25 It is unlikely that the Duke was convinced by such specious arguments.

24. Even so, the size-and-weight-of-head argument is a rather specious one.

25. 20 Much effort, much prosperity.

26. [ + for]the Blessings of prosperity

27. Affected: See: bogus , formal , grandiose , histrionic , inclined , interested , orgulous , orotund , pretentious , proud , specious , tartuffish

28. Security , good health , and prosperity

29. 9 Adversity leads to prosperity.

30. The procedure of thin layer chromatography-spectrophotometry analysis of total triterpene in Lagerstroemia specious L.

31. China sustained economic prosperity will lead the Chinese high - end light truck into the next prosperity.

32. 3 In prosperity think of adversity.

33. Comparison of fair trade and prosperity.

34. Rooms are commodious, comfortaBle and airy, each with a specious roofed Balcony overlooking the sea.

35. His demeanour Betokened embarrassment at his prosperity.

36. In prosperity caution, in adversity patience. 

37. Their apparent prosperity is not permanent.

38. So a dangerous tolerance of error and a specious attitude of humility towards truth has arisen.

39. Prosperity makes friends and Adversity tries them

40. Play the video From Prison to Prosperity.


42. Political stability is essential to economic prosperity.

43. Our future prosperity depends on economic growth.

44. Cheerfulness is not necessarily founded on prosperity

45. Conservatives understand the engine of economic prosperity.

46. Hong Kong's prosperity relies heavily on mainland.

47. Deceptive elements infiltrated the congregations and, with clever, specious arguments, slowly undermined the zeal of many members.

48. Relative prosperity was evaporating fast and cruelly.

49. Yet material prosperity is in no way guaranteed.

50. National rejuvenation through people, China's prosperity day hope.

51. Agriculture was lagging behind the general prosperity levels.

52. All that is needed is a positive approach and an end to the specious fear of isolation.

53. Aksum owes its prosperity to its location

54. Prosperity goes hand in hand with investment.

55. A virile bourgeoisie contributes to nation's prosperity.

56. His governorship was marked by fairness and prosperity.

57. There was a specious ease about everything, like the moment just before something was going to explode.

58. The hasty flight to apparently universal rules often gives philosophical notions only a specious air of universality.

59. Prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them. 

60. 5 Prosperity discovers vices and adversity virtues. 

61. The Laughing Buddha represents prosperity, happiness and longevity

62. Germany's unparalleled prosperity is based on wise investments.

63. In the history of ideas, it is always specious to divide matters into a before and an after.

64. 15 Germany's unparalleled prosperity is based on wise investments.

65. In time of prosperity, friends will be plenty. 

66. Their new flat was a mausoleum to future prosperity.

67. Of what does our spiritual prosperity give evidence?

68. A city Brimmering with prosperity, luxury and incredible opportunity

69. We Create prosperity by directly assisting companies and communities.

70. My father sold menswear, and we enjoyed material prosperity.

71. We want to have prosperity without paying our tithes.

72. 1 Prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them. 

73. Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year!

74. 17 Germany's unparalleled prosperity is based on wise investments.

75. Millions of others enjoy a degree of material prosperity.

76. He was pursuing a utopian dream of world prosperity.

77. 4 In prosperity caution,[] in adversity patience. 

78. A prosperity never seen before appeared in the countryside.

79. The Philistines persecuted Isaac because they envied his growing prosperity.

80. 16 A prosperity never seen before appeared in the countryside.