Use "source of genetic variation" in a sentence

1. Independent Assortment is a genetic term that refers to the variation of chromosomes, or genetic information, during sex cell division.This variation allows for genetic differentiation in offspring.

2. Aster, genetic variation, isozymes, allopolyploidy, diploidization, gene silencing.

3. Yet the people inside Africa have more genetic variation.

4. And YY) was also determined.’ ‘On a broad scale, morphometric variation was Concordant with genetic variation.’

5. Sex usually increases genetic variation and may increase the rate of evolution.

6. Heritability is defined as the proportion due to genes; it is the ratio of genetic variation to the total variation.

7. They preserved the genetic variation that other dog breeds had initially.

8. But, low genetic variation was also found inCervus canadensis andAlces alces.

9. Codified allows researchers to quickly understand the genetic variation in their samples

10. And if you do that, you find a certain amount of genetic variation in Africa.

11. Recombination, Chiasmata, and Genetic Variation The process of recombination between chromosomes is one of the most important ways that mutation and genetic novelties are created

12. Allotypy Genetic variation occurring in plasma proteins and other molecules among members of the same species

13. Semiconductor optical source capable of compensating for temperature-induced variation of laser oscillation threshold

14. The modern evolutionary synthesis defines evolution as the change over time in this genetic variation.

15. Grant's gazelle shows high genetic variation among its populations, though there is no geographic isolation.

16. Additive component formed a substantial purt of the total genetic variation for the character curable leaf number only.

17. 7 Simultaneously, the genetic source of loci loss was confirmed by genealogical analysis.

18. The study of chromosomes and gene expression of an organism can give insight into heredity, genetic variation, and mutations.

19. The Allogamy of this species and its autotetraploidy contribute to large within-population or within-variety genetic variation

20. Genetically least variable wasDama dama. But, low genetic variation was also found inCervus canadensis andAlces alces.

21. The genetic variation is irreversible, but individuals who want to look more masculine can take testosterone.

22. Figure 1: ‘Race’ cannot be Biologically defined due to genetic variation among human individuals and populations

23. As a result of the fusion of source populations with different genetic variants, Admixed populations can exhibit high levels of genetic diversity, reflecting contributions

24. The genetic variation of some plants from their parents results in expansion of the gene pool for a particular species.

25. The first explanation is that there might be a genetic variation of the trait of interest under different geographical areas due to a founder effect and/or a genetic drift.

26. The genetic variation among the viruses isolated from different places (7-8) increases the difficulty of developing vaccines against it.

27. As a matter of fact this comes from a small genetic variation (a receessive allele) quite common in big cats.

28. Early experience with particular individuals is not the only source of variation in adults' mating preferences.

29. Understanding Altitudinal pattern of morphological and genetic variation at a species is important for the management and conservation of species diversity: 5

30. Defining Genetic Variation in Widely Used Congenic and Backcrossed Mouse Models Reveals Varied Regulation of Genes Important for Immune Responses Immunity

31. The pattern of genetic variation in the Bengal tiger corresponds to the premise that it arrived in India approximately 12,000 years ago.

32. The piece is in the form of a theme and 11 variations: Theme Variation I, Recitative Variation II, Romance Variation III, March Variation IV, Rubato Variation V, Chorale Variation VI, Nocturne Variation VII, Badinerie Variation VIII, Ritmico Variation IXa, Toccata I Variation IXb, Toccata II Variation X, Adagio Variation XI, Tarantella.

33. The theory that PDB is hereditary or a genetic abnormality could possibly explain the striking geographic variation in the frequency of occurrence of the disease.

34. An example of a Bottleneck Northern elephant seals have reduced genetic variation probably because of a population Bottleneck humans inflicted on them in the 1890s

35. A Chimeric antibody is an antibody made by combining genetic material from a nonhuman source, like a mouse, with genetic material from a human being

36. The authors discuss Assortative mating, the tendency--important for increased genetic variation--of individuals to mate with the phenotypically similar at rates greater than chance

37. The modification or variation of Antitypy consists in variation of place

38. Aleen is also a variation of Alina (Greek): Slavic variation of Helen

39. coefficient of variation of reproducibility, %.

40. coefficient of variation of repeatability

41. The richness in genetic variation in wild Melilotus officinalis makes it being a potentially promising species in soil remediation in mining areas in loess plateau.

42. "Genetic resources" means genetic material of actual or potential value.

43. Biodiversity is traditionally defined as the variety of life on Earth in all its forms and it comprises the number of species, their genetic variation and the interaction of these lifeforms

44. Shoot height, biomass per shoot, and aboveground biomass differences were generally not maintained in the transplant environment, suggesting that genetic control on morphological variation was weak.

45. ‘Geographical variation results in clinal variation triggering Aestival dormancy.’

46. The small population of about 1,400 individuals is threatened by human encroachment, very low levels of genetic variation, entanglement in fishing nets, marine debris, disease, and past commercial hunting for skins.

47. Variation of Anthropophagist Monster Physiology

48. An abnormal voltage drop occurring in a constant voltage source for energizing an electromagnet is detected by a voltage variation detector.

49. Clines, Clusters, and Human Population Structure Synopsis By helping to frame the ways in which human genetic variation is conceptualized, an understanding of the genetic structure of human populations can assist in inferring human evolutionary history, as well as in designing studies that search for disease-susceptibility loci.

50. These same researchers had earlier concluded in a previous study that 42 percent of variation in BPD features was attributable to genetic influences and 58 percent was attributable to environmental influences.

51. Genetic.

52. The regulation allows of no variation.

53. Over millions of years, variation and selection, variation and selection -- trial and error, trial and error.

54. Stroke is not a genetic disease, stroke only part of a genetic tendency.

55. (adjective) Altitudinal variation.

56. Variation No. 1?

57. The columnar resistance has also a seasonal variation, reverse to the variation of the air-earth current.

58. Probably a variation of *Blatand (Scots blaitand (“ bleating ”)), present participle of blate, a variation of bleat, equivalent to blate +‎ -and

59. Biometrical Genetics: The Study of Continuous Variation

60. Variation of Knowledge Projection and Power Bestowal

61. Up to 10% cash back  · To test whether obligate Apomicts can generate genetic variability, the only valid procedure is to investigate heritable variation amongst the offspring of fully agamospermous mothers

62. Genetic Drift

63. Genetic disease.

64. Variations occur within a population, explicable as genetic mutations or the results of mixing of genetic material.

65. In this study, we describe patterns of genetic variation in two contact zones, each comprising three closely related morphological types, that key to three distinct species in the North American Crepis agamic (apomictic) complex.

66. Deer, source of good and bad, are a magical obsession for hunters More recent genetic research found that among Artiodactyls, hippos are the cetaceans' closest living relatives

67. The possible use of personal genetic information against individuals may justifiably stifle acceptance of further genetic inquiry.

68. To trace the source of meat, or even leather goods, scientists can use DNA barcoding, which uses a short genetic marker from the sample to identify it.

69. We used isozyme electrophoresis to examine genetic variation in populations of the western North American Aster ascendens Lindl., a dibasic allopolyploid species with n = 13 and 26, and its parent taxa, Aster falcatus Lindl.

70. In addition to the variation in diet, a considerable amount of variation exists in breeding strategies among the Phasianidae.

71. What is Genetic Counseling? Genetic Counseling gives you information about how genetic conditions might affect you or your family

72. The cutting edge of genetic engineering.

73. Acknowledging presence of foreign genetic material.

74. Genetic Basis of Backcrossing Method 3

75. Genetic Analysis of People from Balkans

76. As part of a comprehensive genetic evaluation of reproduction in naturally spawning coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, we examined morphometric variation in Captively reared and wild adults from Hood Canal, Washington (U.S.A.) for evidence of differentiation between these groups

77. This “shuffling” of genes, which is the basis for genetic identity, prevents the occurrence of severe genetic abnormalities

78. Personality Accentuation is considered as variation of norm

79. The coefficient of variation actually achieved was 16%

80. The existence of these genetic syndromes brings forth . the fact that aging is a genetic phenomenon .