Use "societal" in a sentence

1. On societal values, there were three differences.

2. Nature's Services: societal dependence on natural ecosystems.

3. Nature's services: societal dependence on natural ecosystems.

4. • net societal accumulation of stocks of productive resources;

5. Societal learning also establishes horizons of perception.

6. Many Ballerinas, “petits rats,” were from the poorest societal classes

7. Binding Agreements are prevalent in every aspect of societal life.

8. Androcentric bias has been connected to substantial societal harms

9. Now, higher profit margins do not increase societal wealth.

10. Read on to learn more about the Casteism meaning and societal implications

11. This is usually because of societal taboos or fear of genetic defects.

12. - analysis of economic and societal consequences of the Information Society, and

13. Heartless Bitches International makes fun of gender stereotyping and societal double-standards.

14. But your regulation is absolutely not targeting those large-scale societal phenomena.

15. Criminology is the study of crime from a societal perspective

16. Japan aims to be Anthropogenetic by 2030, combining societal needs, innovation and

17. The Considerateness of any action will have some effect on societal social capital

18. Clearly societal distinctions also operate in the lesbian and gay communities.

19. Why would Alex Baker and Societal mining want to pay off a drone pilot?

20. There are compelling societal priorities and pressures to carry out policies of child protection.

21. Scapegoats have been used throughout history to attempt to solve societal problems.

22. Increasingly, we are seeing all sorts of societal activities migrate into cyberspace.

23. Each of these stages is an element in a complex societal structure and cultural context.

24. So don’t let insecurity, societal norms or anything else pressure you away from Boudoir

25. Bmus: The Burden of Musculoskeletal Diseases in the United States Prevalence, Societal and Economic Cost

26. One reason for this difference is the lack of European societal acceptance of agricultural biotechnology.

27. Throughout the book, Bilingualism is seen as both a societal and cognitive phenomenon

28. They overcame the societal derogative term orphan in times of difficulty and challenge.

29. From the societal point of view, the public interest theory presents an ideal.

30. Congress has made national findings that there has been societal discrimination in a host of fields.

31. It is based on an extensive consultation of stakeholders to address societal concerns.

32. There's also societal challenges: poverty in the midst of plenty, inequalities, conflict, injustice.

33. What is lacking is an insight into the particularity of our societal system.

34. Beyond historically determined levels of societal tolerance, crime is dysfunctional to social life.

35. The term Anomie has been widely used for the past several centuries to describe societal conditions

36. Lawful societal order must be strictly upheld and there must be no compromise with revolutionary aspirations.

37. He and MoBakhtin, a Soviet literary theorist , lived in same era simile societal environment of culture.

38. Employment security is going through one of those fundamental redefinitions that marks a societal turning point.

39. Under the Horizon Europe, a Mission on adaptation and societal transformation has been launched.

40. 3. support Member States' modern family policies including to address demographic and societal challenges;

41. The societal challenges that come along with that kind of inequality deserve some attention.

42. Broadly defined, the Broader impacts of your research are the societal impacts, or benefits to society

43. Otto Scharmer of MIT banks on new spaces for thought and action to promote societal innovation.

44. In a quasi-biological manner, Johnson sees revolutions as symptoms of pathologies within the societal fabric.

45. What about addressing the larger societal problems that would allow such a despot's rise to power?

46. Some measure of such societal Corporatism, argued Schmitter, far from being fascist, was an ordinary form ofin­

47. During this period, the challenges of rapid societal aging will confront mainly the developed world.

48. For them the key to societal continuity is conformity due to learnt rules of conduct.

49. Chapter tuo analysed the cause of Mongolian living habitude changed historical background and societal economy.

50. As the Contagion spreads to millions of people worldwide, societal order begins to break down as people panic.

51. In terms of societal levels of organization, the two most important units are làng (village) and nước (country).

52. But natural capital is not just an abstract concept; it supports lives, livelihoods, and societal wellbeing.

53. Social selection has thus yielded two main strategic components in the behaviour responsible for societal organization.

54. Consumer goods companies that perform best on total societal impact see an 11 percent valuation premium.

55. NEUJOBS also considered societal transition considering population ageing, fertility rate, changing family structures, urbanisation and increased female employment.

56. But from where we stand, they appear to be teetering on the edge of financial -- and societal -- disaster.

57. It allows the study of a rapid societal development limited in time and space within very narrow boundaries.

58. Some legislators feel such deep loyalty to particular group or societal norms that they seldom experience seriously conflicting pressures.

59. These attributes clearly included immense potential for societal and cultural modification in relation to economic exploitation of the environment.

60. It is in the features of this sociable disposition rather than in societal structure that the chimpanzee most resembles man.

61. The transition to a world without jobs is going to take place on both the individual and the societal levels.

62. In Capitalism, goods or services are distributed based on societal mechanisms instead of government controls or mandates

63. It is an ambitious, wholly admirable attempt to dramatise and Anatomise just about all known societal ills

64. COST invites proposals for Actions contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal development of Europe

65. Ableism: discrimination and oppression of disabled people; societal belief that being abled is “normal” and is preferred

66. Ableism: discrimination and oppression of disabled people; societal belief that being abled is “normal” and is preferred

67. Solitariness is thus a result of social behaviour and may produce particular societal structures involving wide dispersion.

68. Some minimal level of compliance with societal expectations is, in other words, built into the profit goal.

69. (ARI) develops separation and purification technologies, using the principles of Adsorption, to address technical and societal challenges

70. COST invites proposals for Actions contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal development of Europe.

71. (b) Updating and expanding coverage of hazard and risk maps, taking into account societal and environmental changes;

72. Wider societal change is important, since the landscape identity can seemingly be preserved by the apparent substitution of space for time.

73. In my country, in the Netherlands, we have had a societal discussion for about 20 years, a very good, societal and balanced discussion and, of course, we can never come to a conclusion on a Thursday afternoon in such a small debate, with one minute of allotted speaking time.

74. Blissful Us & The Blissful Pursuit online magazine focus on fighting food insecurity, hunger & diverse societal issues

75. Any malfunction or disruption, intentional or accidental, can have detrimental impact with high associated economic or societal costs.

76. Together, such lifestyle and societal factors place the U.S. at the bottom of that list for life expectancy.

77. Appreciative inquiry (AI) is a positive and collaborative group of techniques aimed at improving effective leadership and organizational and societal

78. Broader Impacts can be defined as the potential to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired societal outcomes

79. Criminologists examine behavioral norms (the behaviors most often seen in a society) and the deviations from these societal norms.

80. At Anytown, young people address societal issues such as race, ethnicity, gender, religion, economic status, disability and sexual orientation