Use "so far" in a sentence

1. Our ambiguous, so far.

2. Successful so far, Trix.

3. So far 13 cameras.

4. So far, no success.

5. I've survived so far.

6. Your earnings accrued so far.

7. How's it going so far?

8. 5 Our ambiguous, so far.

9. So close, you so far.

10. Vaughn's been smart so far.

11. It looks deserted so far.

12. Moreover, so far, validation of Anatomically

13. Research has so far proved inconclusive.

14. So far he has evaded capture .

15. We have been lucky so far.

16. You've been very quiet so far.

17. So far, we have not received.

18. My experience so far with Bicuspidal

19. Jon: OK, I’m with you so far.

20. But the bay tree's so far away.

21. It is a splendid eulogy so far.

22. I was puffing after swimming so far.

23. So far, absorption capacity has proven sufficient.

24. " The response has been excellent so far . "

25. Talks have so far have been fruitless.

26. But it is conspicuously absent so far.

27. So far, no translator has suggested this.

28. 18 Research has so far proved inconclusive.

29. I fear for father so far away.

30. Even clemency can go only so far.

31. Bereft of hope So far so realistic.

32. The content is pretty spotty so far.

33. They don't seem to mind, so far.

34. He has a spotless record so far.

35. So far their offence has gone unpunished.

36. So far Mr Kleinfeld's integrity is unblemished.

37. Blacklegging in 2020 – The Best year so far

38. Do not worry, not come so far, asshole.

39. The team's record so far is pretty dismal.

40. You have come so far to find me

41. I could get my leg so far back.

42. He's ridden six winners so far this year .

43. We don't have democracy, so far only Androcracy

44. Teams Antofagasta Huachipato played so far 27 matches

45. So far, these transfer conduits are clean, too.

46. Let us sum up the discussion so far.

47. Manchester United remain unbeaten this season so far.

48. Moon-music, so silvery, so far, so noble.

49. So far, the shortest Cullet plate, REQUEST QUOTE

50. On the four-win season so far — Basse…

51. You have come so far to find me.

52. 5 Economic recovery has so far been sluggish.

53. So far, only one candidate has come forward.

54. So far, they are uncommitted to his plan.

55. Clapped out Pedalling South America So far gone

56. So far this is an Asynchronous communication pattern

57. There are only ten Anteater villagers so far

58. Thank you for traveling so far, my lord.

59. 26 So far,[] we have not received.

60. 12 They've only sold thirteen tickets so far.

61. So far we have been discussing circular orbits.

62. Police inquiries so far have drawn a blank.

63. But 'Black list' is the best so far

64. I already introduced Arepas boyacenses, however, so far

65. It's worked out well for you so far.

66. So far we've applied for 414 patent claims.

67. 20 Economic recovery has so far been sluggish.

68. It's the hottest day I've had so far.

69. The feud has so far claimed five lives.

70. Self-absorbed media hype went only so far.

71. I have been so far forbearing with you.

72. We didn't go so far as the others.

73. The 8 successful trips so far speak volumes.

74. Teams Aizawl Indian Arrows played so far 7 matches

75. So far, only the 32-bit version is available.

76. So far, general relativity has passed all observational tests.

77. So far, local companies have been the most responsive.

78. So far, therefore, the fourth assertion looks remarkably strong.

79. The news today is so far scanty, but good.

80. So far, the investigation has not been very fruitful.