Use "so and so" in a sentence

1. They're always gossiping about so-and-so having an affair with so-and-so.

2. And so on and so forth.

3. He's an ungrateful so-and-so.

4. So young, so tender, so gentle, so virile.

5. Britlin was so innocent and so sweet, and her voice was so pure.

6. So momentous, so fragile, so transient.

7. He was so interested in life and so well-informed and so inquisitive about everything and so ordinary in many respects.

8. So lean, so strong. So virile.

9. So intelligent, so indolent, so carefree!

10. If Mrs So-and-so was ill then Mrs So-and-so down the street would go and clean for her.

11. What other book is so rich, so relevant, so practical, and so filled with hope for ailing mankind?

12. So, some of the stories are just so classic, and yet so understandable.

13. Your voice, so clear, so... so strong.

14. He's so slow, so unimaginative, so lifeless.

15. So fat, so plump, so monstrous big

16. And it makes me so hard... and so angry.

17. So... so restrictive.

18. You talk so much and say so little.

19. Johnson was a mean old so-and-so.

20. Some so-and-so has pinched my towel.

21. She was so young, so beautiful and fragile.

22. They were so clunky, so Clompy, so unfeminine

23. It is so great, so majestic, so powerful.

24. Moon-music, so silvery, so far, so noble.

25. Blah-Blah-Blah definition, and so on; and so forth

26. Lord is my shepherd and so forth and so on.

27. It's so -- so ignoble.

28. All her fault, the wicked little so-and-so.

29. And the people were so very friendly, so hospitable.

30. It was all so sad, so depressing, so futile.

31. Had she ever felt so brittle and so cold?

32. We are so simple sometimes, and fortified so strangely.

33. Am I to be like Mademoiselle So and - So ?

34. So quickly, so soon.

35. Our neighbour's a bad-tempered old so-and-so.

36. So tiny, so perfect, and all that dark hair!

37. The hall was so bight and dark, so grave and gay.

38. 19 It was all so sad, so depressing, so futile.

39. Bell's so loud. So loud.

40. It's so simple, so dry.

41. Life is so, so short.

42. It's so... scraggly, so vile.

43. So close, you so far.

44. So that's not so bad.

45. "How's it going?" — "So-so."

46. So bright it shone, so radiant with truth and discovery!

47. You used to be so sweet and talk so kindly

48. 23 All her fault, the wicked little so-and-so.

49. Peter can be a real so-and-so at times.

50. Who would think that something so lowly and so abundant would turn out to be so useful!

51. They were so innocent, so vulnerable, so eager to behave decently.

52. Why construct a hero so multiple, so spread out, so fugitive?

53. How is it that such a lovely voice which by divine nature is so angelic, so close to the veil, so instinctively gentle and inherently kind could ever in a turn be so shrill, so biting, so acrid and untamed?

54. It was armchair diving - so comfortable, so relaxed, so delightfully lazy.

55. Inadvertently or not, the powers that be determined that so-so writers had only so-so intelligence.

56. He plays tennis only so so.

57. And it does so, so slowly, without the remorse of death.

58. Let's suppose a Mr So-and-so registers at the hotel.

59. So why is everything so ordinary?

60. So he provides so many ways

61. Never had they noticed the roses so vivid, the willow - herb so meadow - sweet so odorous and pervading.

62. She was so nonchalant, so defiant.

63. So when'd you become so paranoid?

64. Their lunch was only so-so.

65. So much BS and so many Brainwashees that believe every word

66. So much BS and so many Brainwashees that believe every word

67. I wondered why it was flying so low and so fast.

68. That is why the Atonement is so remarkable and so necessary.

69. What's the prize to so much abnegation and so much sacrifice?

70. I'm nailing you wife, and she is so fine... So fine...

71. He was so obviously intelligent; so charmingly articulate; so incredibly well read.

72. That chicken, so fabulous... so excellent...

73. They are so majestic, so massive.

74. So much ado about so little.

75. This is what makes ductile metals so safe and tough and so popular.

76. So does cocaine, so does a high fat diet, so does emotional stress.

77. 24 She had been so easily pleased then, so shallow,[] so intolerant.

78. People ask me, what special is in my mentorship which has made Malala so bold and so courageous and so vocal and poised?

79. The heroing is not attractive and her acting is just so-so.

80. So to all Cuckolds, their hotwives, their bulls, and so on, welcome!