Use "small intestine" in a sentence

1. The abomasum harboured the highest worm burden, followed by small intestine and large intestine.

2. The Appendix sits at the junction of the small intestine and large intestine

3. This is intussusception of the small intestine.

4. The duodenum is a short section of the small intestine located between the stomach and the rest of the small intestine.

5. 1 This is intussusception of the small intestine.

6. The abomasum haboured the highest worm burden, followed by the small intestine and large intestine.

7. Di- tri-Butyrins: target release in entire small intestine

8. The organs of the Alimentary canal are the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine

9. Bezoars usually form in the stomach, sometimes in the small intestine or, rarely, the large intestine

10. Essentially all vitamin Absorption occurs in the small intestine

11. Some drugs can cause bleeding from the small intestine.

12. The prevalence of nematodes in the abomasum, small intestine and large intestine was 100 %, 68.8 % or 89.1 %, respectively.

13. The prevalence of nematodes in the abomasum, small intestine and large intestine was 100%, 65.8% or 97.4%, respectively.

14. I took the three elements -- stomach, small intestine and colon.

15. Chyle is a milky fluid made in the small intestine

16. The abomasum (adults + mucosal fourth-stage larvae) harboured the highest worm burden, followed by small intestine and large intestine.

17. Blockages in the large intestine usually occur gradually while Blockages in the small intestine can happen fairly fast

18. Each day, 7-10 litres of water enter the small intestine.

19. Chyme from stomach enters small intestine through pyloric valve (enlarged above)

20. Chyle is formed in the small intestine during digestion of fatty foods

21. Total abdominal Colectomy is the removal of the large intestine from the lowest part of the small intestine (ileum) to the rectum

22. The Absorption of nutrients takes place in sections of the small intestine

23. Total abdominal Colectomy is the removal of the large intestine from the lowest part of the small intestine (ileum) to the rectum

24. In very young children, volvulus almost always happens in the small intestine.

25. The Bowel is divided into the small Bowel (or small intestine) and the large Bowel (colon and rectum)

26. Rnase is rich in pancreas and small intestine and may easily denature RNA.

27. However, the small camera can not take pictures of the whole large intestine.

28. Abdominal adhesions are the most common cause of obstruction of the small intestine

29. The Appendix is a small tube-shaped organ attached to the large intestine

30. 9 T8- Spleen, stomach, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, adrenal cortex, small intestine, pyloric valve.

31. The Appendix is part of the digestive system, and it is located close to where the large intestine and small intestine come together

32. Alaria are trematodes and adults are in the small intestine of their host

33. Cecum and appendix are two parts of the large intestine.Cecum is the pouch-like region of the large intestine that is located at the junction of the small intestine and large intestine.

34. Conclusion: Rnase is rich in pancreas and small intestine and may easily denature RNA.

35. In the radiated dogs the secretory crypt epithelium of the small intestine Autolyzes first and the epithelium of the villi last, while the reverse is true in the normal control small intestine.

36. Ascaris is a type of roundworm, which lives in the small intestine of humans

37. Ascaris are nematode roundworms that reside like parasites in a human being’s small intestine

38. ‘Fiber contributes to the release of Cholecystokinin, a hormone produced in the small intestine that triggers a sensation of satiety in the brain.’ ‘Another hormone from the small intestine, Cholecystokinin, works similarly to secretin.’

39. Chyle The milky fluid which travels in the lymphatic vessels draining the small intestine

40. Ampullary cancer treatment options may include: Surgery to remove the pancreas and small intestine

41. Appendix A small saclike organ located at the upper end of the large intestine

42. Dietary calcium gains access to the organism mostly by transport in the small intestine.

43. They reproduce rapidly, attach to the wall of the small intestine and stay there.

44. Young adults of A. suum are occasionally found in the small intestine of sheep.

45. Summary – Cecum vs Appendix The gastrointestinal tract is composed of different components such as mouth, Oesophagus, Stomach, Small intestine, Large intestine, Liver, Pancreas, Gallbladder, etc

46. Caecum A pouch in the alimentary canal of vertebrates between the small intestine and colon

47. Such an obstruction blocks the flow of bile from the gallbladder into the small intestine.

48. In the gastric Bypass procedure, a surgeon makes a direct connection from the stomach pouch to a lower segment of the small intestine, Bypassing the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) and some of

49. Anal atresia, ruptured omphalocele with lesion of the small intestine made an artificial anus necessary.

50. Ery increased motihty index (MI) 10-41 fold in antrum, pylorus and upper small intestine.

51. The Cecum is the beginning of the large intestine, a big pouch that receives waste from the small intestine, then the Cecum passes it on to the colon.

52. Chyle is milky-looking fluid made in your small intestine during the digestion of fat

53. Ascariasis is an infection of the small intestine caused by Ascaris lumbricoides, a large roundworm

54. Small, Large intestine and Abomasum at Manna Korean BBQ "The meat quality is pretty good

55. The ORS solution is absorbed in the small intestine, thus replacing the water and electrolytes lost.

56. These results support the assumption that the absorption process in small intestine is affected by somatostatin.

57. 15 Such an obstruction blocks the flow of bile from the gallbladder into the small intestine.

58. The Barbed device compared favorably with monofilament suture for gastrotomy and enterotomy (small intestine, colon) closure

59. The uncinariasis uncinariasis is because the uncinaria parasitism causes in the human body small intestine disease.

60. As the wall of the small intestine comes into view, you notice that it looks furry.

61. A Bowel obstruction happens when either your small or large intestine is partly or completely blocked

62. Abdominal adhesions are bands of scar tissue that form between Abdominal organs, mainly the small intestine

63. Delayed release mesalazine formulations release their contents rapidly in the distal small intestine and proximal colon.

64. The Cecum is the structure that connects the small intestine to the ascending colon, explains

65. Cholecystokinin (CCK) controls nutrient delivery to the small intestine by inhibiting food intake and gastric emptying

66. Chyle, lymph laden with fat that has been absorbed into the bloodstream from the small intestine

67. The pulverised pieces then pass into your small intestine where they get broken down even further.

68. Gastric Bypass surgery is an operation that creates a small pouch to restrict food intake and Bypasses a segment of the small intestine

69. Barristress Go periwinkle go! Extreme hardship such as this? Dont sweat the small intestine? Coconut stretch fabric

70. Typically, about 50% of the excreted cholesterol is reabsorbed by the small intestine back into the bloodstream.

71. Campylobacter enteritis is an infection in the small intestine caused by Campylobacter jejuni, a type of bacteria

72. Sheep's intestine.

73. Ascarid larval migration scars, pig Adults of the large roundworm, Ascaris suum, are found in the small intestine and transitorily in the large intestine during expulsion of the worms

74. When a part of the small or large intestine is surgically removed due to a disease or condition, the two sections of the remaining part of the intestine are joined together (intestinal Anastomosis) to re-establish the continuity of the intestine.

75. An Abdominal hernia occurs when one or more of the organs in the Abdominal cavity (the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, etc.) protrude through a weak spot in the Abdominal wall

76. The GI tract includes all structures between the mouth and the anus, forming a continuous passageway that includes the main organs of digestion, namely, the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.

77. During normal digestion, Bile is released into the small intestine to aid in the breakdown of fats

78. The upper right side of your Abdomen contains the gallbladder, liver, and first part of the small intestine

79. Vibrio choleraeis a noninvasive pathogen that Colonizes the small intestine and produces cholera toxin, causing severe secretory diarrhea.

80. Amylose is a type of resistant starch, meaning it isn't well-digested and absorbed in the small intestine