Use "sit tight" in a sentence

1. Just sit tight, all right?

2. Sit tight. I'm gonna floor it!

3. Sit tight. I'll be ready soon.

4. Sit tight. I'll be right back.

5. I dont care to sit tight.

6. Just sit tight. You'll get out from under.

7. Boss said to sit tight and shut up.

8. He might just sit tight inside the castle.

9. Just sit tight - I'll be there in five minutes.

10. You'd better sit tight and I'll call the doctor.

11. He preferred to sit tight with his present investment.

12. Just sit tight - I'll be there in ten minutes.

13. Just sit tight and wait for the official announcement.

14. She is loath to encourage folks to sit tight.

15. But unless you see some serious fanfare, sit tight.

16. You must sit tight so that you don't fall off.

17. You could head back to the Cities, just sit tight.

18. Find a spot close to the club and sit tight.

19. You sit tight while I go and get some help.

20. Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon.

21. Shareholders are being advised to sit tight until the crisis passes.

22. When a company's business is down , it's inclined to sit tight.

23. But if he could only sit tight, nothing at all would happen.

24. We're advising all our investors to sit tight till the market improves.

25. Or the rabbits sit tight underground as they become cornered by the ferrets.

26. Unless repossession forces a sale, homeowners prefer to sit tight when markets are weak.

27. She is going to sit tight till she hears what they are going to do next.

28. If your car breaks down, just sit tight and wait for the police to come along.

29. Just do me a favor and sit tight for a sec while I get this evidence downstairs.

30. You might want to sit tight a few months and see what happens to the stock market.

31. Mr Fujimori is hoping to sit tight and wait for the national and international outcry to blow over.

32. Air-tight, and not air-tight doors

33. Sit-ins, sit-downs, mass picketing.

34. Wouldn't it be all tight to moult tight here?

35. Tight end.

36. Hold tight!

37. Playground tight.

38. Hold tight.

39. Sleep tight, buddy.

40. I said tight.

41. Tight-faced bastard.

42. Hang on tight.

43. It's too tight.

44. You'll sit in judgement, and I'll sit next to you.

45. Hang tight, Charles.

46. (Questio 3) : Utrum noscere quid sit genus sit necessarium ad Assignationem diffinitionum (Questio 4) : Utrum universale sit in intellectu (Questio 5) : Utrum genus sit equivocum (Questio 6) : Utrum genus sit cui supponitur species, et hoc est querere utrum ilia diffinitio generis sit bene data (Questio 7) : Utrum genus sit principium suarum

47. That's kind of tight.

48. Clinchers, on the other hand, are open at the bottom, and the metal beads at the bottom connect to the clincher part of the rim and sit tight on the rim

49. It's gonna be tight.

50. These must be tight.

51. Shut the door tight.

52. Sit down, please.

53. Sweetie, sit down.

54. Just sit quietly.

55. Tight flows the Don.

56. This diagonal looks tight.

57. Herjeans are too tight!

58. It's a tight space.

59. Two of you sit aft and two of you sit in the front.

60. Constricted: as in tight, squeezed

61. Tight Coils and Loose Jaws

62. Yeah, they kept it tight.

63. The rope was stretched tight.

64. These shoes are too tight.

65. Fast, tight through the pylons.

66. I'm uncomfortable in tight spaces.

67. His jeans were too tight.

68. Gradually pressurized air tight containers

69. He pulled the string tight.

70. A high and tight Australian Circumcision : A high and tight Circumcision with the frenulum totally preserved.

71. Sit in a crater.

72. Come sit beside me.

73. Hold on to me tight.

74. And we sit sulking!

75. Please, come sit down.

76. Sit up straight, fucker.

77. Sit on your chair!

78. I sit and sulk.

79. All right, sit up.

80. Sit your ass up.