Use "sit on" in a sentence

1. Sit on your chair!

2. Sit on this and twist.

3. 7 Sit on the fence.

4. Come and sit on Daddy's knee.

5. Can I sit on this chair?

6. Come and sit on Grandpa's lap!

7. You can sit on an Armchair, you can sit on the edge of the seat of the Armchair, you could even sit on the arm of the Armchair, but we usually just relax and sit in the Armchair

8. Come and sit on my lap.

9. You can't sit on my throne.

10. Both of you sit on your hands.

11. Hey, ugly.- I gotta sit on that

12. Executive directors also sit on the board.

13. How many people sit on the commission?

14. They don't sit in seminars on Saturday morning.

15. He was asked to sit on numerous committees.

16. Sit-ins, sit-downs, mass picketing.

17. Invert molds on plates. Let sit 15 seconds.

18. Don't sit on my newspaper. You'll crease it!

19. Sit down and place them on your knees.

20. And she will sit on the ground desolate.”

21. I don’t want to sit on the sidelines.

22. How dare you sit in judgement on me?

23. That chair's not very robust; don't sit on it.

24. Don' t you want to sit on the aisle?

25. Better sit on his back and pump him out.

26. I'll sit on the stuff for a few days.

27. When riding a horse you sit on the saddle.

28. He will sit on the jury at the trial.

29. Come and sit next to me on the settee.

30. If you dawdle, we can sit on this train.

31. 7 She continued to sit limply on the floor.

32. It is very uncomfortable to sit on these seats.

33. You shouldn't sit on the ground when it's wet.

34. We found a large flat rock to sit on.

35. The traveler sit on a glade in the forest.

36. He tends to sit on the fence at meetings.

37. Either of you two ever sit on a public toilet?

38. Do not lean against or sit on the balcony railing.

39. They sit on your windpipe and they crush your dreams.

40. 1 He tends to sit on the fence at meetings.

41. 8 When riding a horse you sit on the saddle.

42. 10 That chair's not very robust; don't sit on it.

43. If you sit on that chair it will come apart!

44. Come on, sit on my lap and I'll tell you a funny story.

45. I sit high on a table with a white paper sheet on it.

46. You'll sit in judgement, and I'll sit next to you.

47. (Questio 3) : Utrum noscere quid sit genus sit necessarium ad Assignationem diffinitionum (Questio 4) : Utrum universale sit in intellectu (Questio 5) : Utrum genus sit equivocum (Questio 6) : Utrum genus sit cui supponitur species, et hoc est querere utrum ilia diffinitio generis sit bene data (Questio 7) : Utrum genus sit principium suarum

48. Disposed to sit on eggs to hatch them: a Broody hen

49. So, I had to sit on the eggs she'd left behind.

50. She tried to sit up, her eyes fixed on Jean's face.

51. The pigeons are so tame they will sit on your shoulder.

52. Fig. Effect of body-weight regulation on Sit-up test in.

53. 17 Get on with life and don't sit back and mope.

54. Two tiny water drops sit Artistically on petal of red pointsettia

55. “And [Jesus] commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground.

56. Baseline the line on which the bases of capital letters sit.

57. Traditional Briefs offer a fuller fit and sit higher on a man’s waist while low-rise styles offer less coverage and sit a bit lower on the waist

58. We finally found a patch of grass to sit down on.

59. Sit down, please.

60. Sweetie, sit down.

61. Just sit quietly.

62. They would bring out a chair on to the path for him to sit on.

63. If you find a midget tree, please do not sit on it.

64. Your Backside is the part of the body that you sit on.

65. Kids on a seesaw sit Astraddle as they bounce up and down.

66. And he entreated Philip to get on and sit down with him.”

67. So he urged Philip to get on and sit down with him.

68. Sit on the floor, stretching your legs out in front of you.

69. These tables for the lawyers on trial sit perpendicular to the bench.

70. You can't sit on the fence any longer - you have decide whose side you're on.

71. On summer evenings we would sit on the verandah and watch the sun go down.

72. Your Backside is the part of the body that you sit on.

73. The government will presumably sit on the report until after the election.

74. Are you just going to sit around on your duff all day?

75. Your Backside is the part of your body that you sit on.

76. There's only one seat so you'll have to sit on my lap .

77. Come and sit on my lap and I'll read you a story.

78. 8 Either you agree or you disagree – don't sit on the fence.

79. 5 When two ride on one horse, one must sit behind. 

80. 2 - Language menu appears, select your language and sit on the Basketwork