Use "significance" in a sentence

1. Baisakhi: Astrological Significance

2. Significance of Bacteriophage: 1

3. Significance of the Emblems

4. [Nature and significance of Bacteriophagia

5. It has no warlike significance.

6. Significance of Analytes in Water

7. Methane may have extraterrestrial significance.

8. Significance of the Thematic Apperception Test

9. The dream had an important significance.

10. The building resonates with historic significance.

11. The ceremony has great symbolic significance.

12. 9 Eugenics has a biological significance.

13. The meeting is of great significance.

14. Some canyons have notable cultural significance.

15. Significance of Allocthonous Inputs to Carbon Profile

16. I attach great significance to the news.

17. We attached no significance to his statement.

18. This fact has little significance for us.

19. Explain the significance of the exclusion principle.

20. What is the significance of the Philippic?

21. This is a matter of cardinal significance.

22. “Dates of Prophetic Significance” follows almost immediately.

23. What is the significance of this speech?

24. What significance does Hall attach to them?

25. Do these symbols have any particular significance?

26. What is the significance of this symbol?

27. I felt the significance of the message.

28. Otherwise his pontificate has little political significance.

29. So what's the significance of this dry liquid?

30. Because the psalmist’s statement has a broader significance.

31. Consequently, this was a divination of deep significance.

32. Cavalry is of no significance in this war.

33. They failed to appreciate significance of the precautions.

34. Do you appreciate the significance of this scene?

35. Francis, Assisi holds religious, historical, and artistic significance

36. Few people realized the significance of the discovery.

37. It is not easy to exaggerate their significance.

38. These facts boil down to very little significance.

39. The significance of their schema has been exaggerated.

40. The authorities attached much significance to his visit.

41. The President's visit is loaded with symbolic significance.

42. Burty grasped the significance of the photographic Nemesis.

43. Each piece of a Native American Cradleboard has significance.

44. You are aware of the significance of this wire?

45. 1 Stella didn't attach any significance to Doug's query.

46. No other newspapers of major significance were in existence.

47. Significance.- At Chiasmata crossing over occurs in pachytene stage

48. The significance level used to compute the Confidence level

49. I think she's overplaying the significance of his remarks.

50. One should not exaggerate the significance of the change.

51. And what significance should we attach to this development?

52. Ascus stands for atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance

53. She failed to grasp the significance of these facts.

54. Discovering just one extraterrestrial civilization would have profound significance.

55. The social significance of religion has changed over time.

56. I don't attach any importance/significance to these rumours.

57. Continence, it is seen, has a more restricted significance

58. Ascus stands for Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance

59. Does this miraculous light have any significance for Christians?

60. * What is the significance of customs and practices described?

61. The true significance of Kirov's death doubtless eluded him.

62. The significance level used to compute the Confidence level

63. Not political; of no political significance: an Apolitical organization

64. • Accommodation is main item of some significance to WD

65. The significance of area effect was discussed in brief.

66. Invasive and histological procedure has more and more significance.

67. Visible additive stresses economic significance to what raise scientifically.

68. Learn about the history and significance of the Ten Commandments.

69. Queen Elizabeth's Brooches often have sentimental value and historical significance

70. Intravesical pressure decreased after AAP but without reaching statistical significance.

71. I take it this bleak paupers'dwelling is of some significance.

72. What was and is the psychosocial significance of the hymen?

73. The introduction expatiates the significance of studying corporation delegacy system.

74. Learn more about the history and significance of the Census …

75. Incidence and prognostic significance of spontaneous and inducible Antidromic tachycardia

76. Western diplomats have played down the significance of the reports.

77. So we shall briefly stand back and assess its significance.

78. 19 The significance of city library is its circumspect services.

79. How would you characterize the historical significance of what's happened?

80. Therefore, this topic for small business administration has practical significance.