Use "shut in" in a sentence

1. Banged shut • The screen door Banged shut

2. 4 The night has shut in.

3. Shut up.

4. 8 She feels rather shut in.

5. 15 You've been shut in long enough.

6. A window slammed shut in the wind.

7. Shut up!

8. Fake Affront Lyrics: Heard it all before / Shut up, shut the fuck up / Whinge and bleat, baby, we've heard it all before / Shut up, shut the fuck up / …

9. Fuming, Christopher shut himself in the house.

10. The thief was shut up in prison.

11. Shut up! You're doing my head in.

12. 6 He was shut in a room.

13. Shut her down!

14. Shut up, you!

15. Shut your yap!

16. Shut up, Aitch.

17. Ana, shut up.

18. Shut up, Bill.

19. Shut up, Joe!

20. 14 That door was firmly shut in Robertson.

21. 13 The village is shut in big hills.

22. I hate being shut away in the country.

23. Shut your mouth.

24. You shut up!

25. Shut up, Swan.

26. Shut up, Ike.

27. Shut up, man!

28. Please, shut up!

29. Hey, shut up.

30. Honestly, shut up.

31. Just shut up!

32. Shut up, Ellis!

33. Shut up, Frank!

34. 11 A window slammed shut in the wind.

35. 16 The house was shut in by trees.

36. You shut the door in our faces, asshole!

37. He shut himself away to pray in solitude.

38. 1 A window slammed shut in the wind.

39. 17 The city is shut in by mountains.

40. 5 She clapped the door shut in anger.

41. Shut the door tight.

42. I better shut up.

43. Shut up, you lickspittle.

44. Keep your mouth shut.

45. You shut up Jamal!

46. Shut up! You dumbbell.

47. Shut it, old man.

48. Melman, just shut it.

49. Shut up, zit head.

50. Shut up, you lunatic!

51. You shut up, Miller.

52. Shut up, you idiot!

53. It wouldn't shut up.

54. Shut the door there's a howling draught in here!

55. Important prisoners shut away in a remote mountain village.

56. 4 synonyms for Close in: draw in, inclose, shut in, enclose

57. Hey, shut up, man.

58. Will you shut up?

59. Hey, shut your mouth.

60. Shut your filthy mouth.

61. Shut up, come here.

62. Shut the fuck up.

63. Shut your mouth, Malfoy.

64. Shut that dog up.

65. The mists shut down.

66. 18 She felt herself shut in with her dishonour.

67. Shut up, clay boy!

68. Shut down the bridges.

69. You shut up, Cash.

70. Shut up, I'm thinking.

71. 'Shut up,' he snarled.

72. Shut up and eat.

73. Just shut up, asshole.

74. Now, just shut up.

75. She went from shut-in to chairman pretty fast.

76. Why did they shut them in the first place?

77. And they don't shut up.

78. You shut the fuck up.

79. Just shut the fuck up.

80. His jaw was clenched shut.