Use "sewage treatment" in a sentence

1. Biosolids, sewage sludge, the residues remaining from the treatment of sewage

2. Chlorine is used in sewage treatment.

3. Archimedean Screw Used Today Sewage treatment: used to drain containers of sewage and to transport them into treatment tanks Fishing nurseries: allows both water

4. Nauseating odors wafted from the nearby sewage treatment plant.

5. Biosolids are created through the treatment of domestic wastewater generated from sewage treatment facilities

6. Key words: sewage sludge, stabilization, digestion, acid treatment, sulphuric acid.

7. Occurrence of alkylphenoxyacetic acids in Canadian sewage treatment plant effluents.

8. Simulation test Aerobic sewage treatment, Activated sludge units (OECD 303A)

9. There should be greater treatment of sewage before it is discharged.

10. This is a decommissioned sewage treatment plant, and technically, it isn’t Climbable

11. The Malabar Sewage Treatment Plant alone produces 40,000 tons of biosolids yearly.

12. Gas generated in sewage treatment plants is commonly used to generate electricity.

13. Sewage treatment capacity of 4574 million liters per day has been created.

14. Activated sludge is freshly collected from the aeration tank of a sewage treatment plant or laboratory-scale unit treating predominantly domestic sewage.

15. The treatment of sewage or other wastewater with trickling filters is among the oldest and most well characterized treatment technologies.

16. Biosolids are created from the sludge generated by the treatment of sewage at WWTPs

17. California has 242 sewage wastewater treatment plants, 74 of which have installed anaerobic digesters.

18. Machines for sewage treatment,In particular mixers and Agitators,Precipitating devices and filtering apparatus

19. Sewage treatment plants are now mandatory for all industrial and commercial buildings and residential apartments.

20. Introduce the process remodel of high concentration sewage treatment and the caparation of the efficiency.

21. This study deals with wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) loading and performance when receiving combined sewage.

22. Indeed, water supply and sewage treatment fall under the economic activities covered by these rules.

23. Waste and sewage treatment equipment, solid waste treatment and liquefiers, agitators, dryers, absorbers, absorption collectors, crushers, reaction vessels, separators, grinding mills, dissolver, filter

24. An underground canal will carry sewage through Agrestic to our water treatment plant in Van Nuys.

25. He said drains falling into the river are being blocked, and sewage treatment plants being built.

26. Microwave enhanced advanced oxidation processes (MWAOP), with combinations of oxidants, were studied for sewage sludge treatment.

27. Process and device for treating screen from the mechanical cleaning stage of a sewage treatment plant

28. Certified Cesspool cleaning companies in Suffolk County offer care, repair, and maintenance for underground sewage treatment systems

29. The second major environmental release route for nonylphenolics is via sewage treatment processes and adsorption onto sludge.

30. We describe a floating respirometer,in particular for monitoring an activated sludge vessel of a sewage treatment plant.

31. Biomethane generated by landfills, sewage treatment plants, and dairies typically has a heating value below 990 BTU/scf

32. The first member of this phylum was discovered in 2003 in activated sludge in a sewage treatment system.

33. It is advisable to extract the surplus biomass from the aeration tank especially in smaller sewage treatment plants.

34. Anion tensides are adsorbed on solids in surface waters and sewage treatment plants and enriched to some extent.

35. The source of test organisms is activated sludge freshly sampled from a well-operated municipal sewage treatment plant.

36. Acrylamide is also used as a flocculent for sewage and waste treatment, soil conditioning agents, ore processing, paper …

37. Integrated management system for sludge in plurality of sewage treatment facilities using environmental impact assessment and method therefor

38. Biosolids are a product of the wastewater treatment process. The terms ‘Biosolids’ and ‘sewage sludge’ are often used interchangeably

39. The cause of occurrence of trouble in the treatment of marly soft clay for sewage main pipe is analysed.

40. Most energy usage in wastewater treatment arises from the vigorous aeration of settled sewage in the activated sludge process.

41. The present invention relates to a system and method for diagnosing the processes of a sewage and wastewater treatment plant.

42. This takes place in a large tank where the crushed waste is mixed with sludge from the city’s sewage treatment plant.

43. Biodegradation is the decomposition of organic material by microorganisms. The term Biodegradation is often used in relation to sewage treatment, …

44. To address the pollution through municipal sewage, 2500 MLD additional treatment capacity is to be created in next 5 years.

45. The invention proposes a single-tank sewage treatment plant making it possible to combine activated sludge and bio-film biology.

46. The constant input of antibiotics into the urban sewage system may lead to accumulations in sewage biosolids (sediment, sewage sludge).

47. Other factors include two years of drought, acid rain, run-off from contaminated land and reduced governmental expenditure on sewage treatment.

48. Methane from Biogas, a natural byproduct of sewage treatment, landfill and animal-waste facilities, is a ready source of renewable energy

49. A $14 million biological aerated filter (BAF) pilot plant has been approved for launch at the Stonecutter Island Sewage Treatment Plant.

50. System for diagnosing operation state of anaerobic digestor of sewage treatment plant and predicting production amount of digestion gas and method therefor

51. In February 2003, Google stopped showing the advertisements of Oceana, a non-profit organization protesting a major cruise ship's sewage treatment practices.

52. As it is the byproduct of sewage treatment, it generally contains more contaminants such as organisms, pesticides, and heavy metals than other soil.

53. This thesis takes Guiyang County Sewage treatment plant as an example, introducing the process, character and technical criteria of Carrousel 2000 Oxidation Ditch.

54. The present invention relates to an apparatus for pre-treating waste activated sludge that is generated in biological treatment tanks of sewage treatment plants and waste water treatment plants, and a method for pre-treating waste activated sludge using same.

55. Betowel Dispose sewage properly

56. Collect actively digesting sludge from a digester at a wastewater treatment plant, or alternatively, from a laboratory digester, treating sludge from predominantly domestic sewage.

57. 9.2 | Of which: Sewage Sludge Gas | A biogas produced from the anaerobic fermentation of sewage sludge |

58. Activated sludge, sewage and sewage effluent contain pathogenic organisms and must be handled with caution.

59. Biosolids are treated sewage sludges

60. Biosolids are nutrient-rich organic materials, which remain following the treatment of domestic sewage at a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Biosolids undergo additional treatment processes to stabilize the materials and kill pathogens prior to being utilized as a soil amendment and conditioner.

61. The raw sewage is chemically treated.

62. The experimental results indicated as well that canceling primary sedimentation tank and cesspool when building houses would avail to stable running of sewage treatment plant.

63. The basin (2) is, in particular, a sand trap through which the waste water flows or an aeration basin (200) of a sewage treatment plant.

64. Activated sludge process for sewage purification

65. The intense currents disperse the sewage.

66. Sewage to the enterprise net income.

67. The sewage had Contaminated the crops

68. Underneath, faintly, was the stench of sewage.

69. The sewage pipes were choked with rubbish.

70. The pipe disgorges sewage into the sea.

71. These include: urban sewage and industrial effluents.

72. The sewage reticulation system is used everywhere.

73. Literally, the raw sewage runs through the camp.

74. Pollution abatement schemes include interception, diversion and treatment of sewage; low cost sanitation works on riverbanks; gas fired, electric or at times improved wood crematoria are being used.

75. Biogases from anaerobic fermentation: sewage sludge gas

76. Digester systems for wastewater or sewage sludges

77. Sewage is discharged directly into the sea.

78. Collect activated sludge for inoculation from the aeration tank of a well operated waste water treatment plant or from a laboratory — scale activated sludge unit, treating predominantly domestic sewage.

79. Biosolids is the final product created through multiple processes and scientifically-advanced treatment of sewage sludge. Generated by thousands of publicly-owned municipal water treatment facilities all across the country, Biosolids are safe to recycle and rich in plant available nutrients.

80. Sewage was so different back then, you know?