Use "serious problem" in a sentence

1. Is chickenpox a serious problem?

2. Crime was not a serious problem.

3. Flotsam: She has a very serious problem.

4. He is awake to the serious problem.

5. Separatism is a serious problem in quebec.

6. Kantmiss fever is causing a serious problem.

7. Mr Director, you have a very serious problem.

8. Bullying is a serious problem that causes harm

9. This trifle developed itself into a serious problem.

10. Tom, we got ourselves a serious problem here.

11. The disposal of hazardous waste is a serious problem.

12. Crime is an increasingly serious problem in Russian society.

13. Ascites can signal a more serious problem in your body.

14. Bedsores can be a serious problem among frail older adults.

15. 16 Crime is an increasingly serious problem in Russian society.

16. 5 The disposal of hazardous waste is a serious problem.

17. 68% of teens agree that Cyberbullying is a serious problem

18. Lake eutrophication is a serious problem in our country's water environment. "

19. Toppling - sliding is a serious problem in mining and hydroelectricity construction.

20. Gas explosions were a serious problem, and Belgium had high fatality rates.

21. The other serious problem in the eyes of the new government is communalism.

22. Spontaneous combustion of coal constitutes a very serious problem in North China.sentence dictionary

23. I have a serious problem, and I am talking with Jehovah about it.’

24. Importantly, Barchans pose a serious problem for any people that find themselves in

25. absenteeism is a persistent, common and serious problem affecting all Roma and Traveller pupils.

26. The economic disparity between the area's black and white citizens is a serious problem.

27. The serious problem of inequality was part of a real deficiency in aggregate demand.

28. Abortion has been recognized as a serious problem in safeguarding the health of women.

29. Abortion has been recognized as a serious problem in safeguarding the health of women

30. To the ruling class, the kidnappings are the most serious problem in the country's history.

31. The handles Clench have developed definitely solve a serious problem when lifting hard with bands

32. 80 per cent people believe use of cigarettes, Bidis is a very serious problem, says survey

33. 2 It's easy to be flippant, but we have a serious problem to deal with here.

34. 80 per cent people believe use of cigarettes, Bidis is a very serious problem, says survey

35. Bruising when you are of old age can mean a sign of a more serious problem

36. The economic development, population, resource, environment, and social security be confronted with serious problem of population - aging.

37. Another serious problem arising from human activities is ACID RAIN, which results from the burning of fossil fuels.

38. Despite advances in the field of orthopedic surgery, necrosis of the femoral head still remains a serious problem.

39. Sheriff, I wouldn't be bothering you if I didn't think you have a serious problem on your hands.

40. Antitank weapons Upon their introduction in World War I, tanks posed a very serious problem for foot soldiers

41. A serious problem arises in attempting to test this hypothesis empirically: how can trade union militancy be measured?

42. Corruption is a serious problem, but nobody has yet been willing to open up that can of worms.

43. The drop in prices presented a serious problem for oil-exporting countries in northern Europe and the Persian Gulf.

44. 6 Failing to pay the tuition fee malevolently has become a serious problem which blocks the development of universities.

45. Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States, putting children and adolescents at risk for poor health

46. That is an extremely serious problem which is leading to a number of stud owners moving their horses abroad.

47. Guaranteeing continuity in the casework of clients is a serious problem for a manager with a large team of volunteers.

48. A Bowel obstruction is a serious problem that happens when something blocks your Bowels, either your large or small intestine

49. First, rising inflation is a serious problem, as I mentioned to Martin Soong on a recent CNBC Squawk Box appearance.

50. Heavy vaginal Bleeding or Bleeding that occurs after 12 weeks also may mean a serious problem, such as placenta previa

51. 27 Corruption is a serious problem,[] but nobody has yet been willing to open up that can of worms.

52. One serious problem HTS wires are faced with is the great electrical losses when an alternating current (AC) field is applied.

53. No treatment is required for an Anteverted uterus because it is not a serious problem that one needs to worry about

54. ‘The tenor and bass solos were less successful, partly because the soloists did not project well enough and Audibility was a serious problem.’

55. Repetitive Coughing, on the other hand, could be a sign of a more serious problem, especially if there are changes in breathing sounds or patterns

56. A Curtailment of credit resulting from such problems has caused serious head winds to recoveries in the past and may be a serious problem going forward

57. Barking is a normal behavior for dogs but can become a serious problem for owners, potentially leading to eviction, legal action or relinquishment of the dog

58. A bowel obstruction is a serious problem that happens when something blocks your Bowels, either your large or small intestine. It’s also known as an intestinal obstruction

59. By now, Alternaria species have established themselves as destructive pathogens. Due to considerable yield losses early blight is getting a serious problem in many German potato growing areas.

60. That’s how things work when your transmission is healthy, but if you’re noticing that the gears are slipping when Accelerating, there’s a serious problem that needs to be

61. Burnout Is A Serious Problem, Says World Health Organization : Shots - Health News The World Health Organization has updated its handbook of diseases to include an expanded definition of Burnout

62. 29 The dramatic influx of Vietnames boat people has created a serious problem for the host country which will lead to disastrous consequences unless it is dealt with speedily.

63. Judicial resources distribution and effectiveness is one of the most important facts to the society, and it is also the serious problem that roust be solved by any country.

64. 20 The dramatic influx of Vietnames boat people has created a serious problem for the host country which will lead to disastrous consequences unless it is dealt with speedily.

65. Discrimination against Albinos is a serious problem throughout sub-Saharan Africa, but recently in Tanzania it has taken a wicked twist: at least 19 Albinos, including children, have been killed

66. Catfishing is a serious problem with online interactions where one person deceives another through chat, in email or with video software where the other person uses the likeness of someone else

67. Parents can help their Bulimic daughter recover from her eating disorder by following these steps: Accept your child’s diagnosis; Understand that this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed thoroughly

68. Bloat in cattle is a serious problem—and a very old one—that is often associated with consumption of high quality feeds that are easily digestible and rapidly fermented in the rumen

69. The broadleaf weed fathen (Chenopodium album) is a serious problem in maize crops In the 1979/80 season a Biotype appeared that was resistant to the triazine herbicides and now this Biotype is

70. (a) whether Government is aware that a large number of Indian students who went to USA for studies, fell into serious problem, because the university in which they took admission was found fake;

71. If you have Bradycardia (brad-e-KAHR-dee-uh), your heart beats fewer than 60 times a minute. Bradycardia can be a serious problem if the heart doesn't pump enough oxygen-rich blood to the body.

72. MISSION STATEMENT: Concerned Nazarenes was founded solely to provide SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT for Nazarenes Concerned about the serious problem of the emergent church ideologies and other false teachings that are coming into the church and our academic institutions.

73. Suddenly begin Bruising, but have no history of Bruising Have a family history of easy Bruising or bleeding These signs and symptoms may indicate a more serious problem, such as a blood-clotting problem or blood-related disease.

74. Oak wilt (Ceratocystis fagacearum) is a less serious problem in Bur oak than in species of red oak, but the disease sometimes spreads through root grafts of adjacent trees, and entire groves have been killed by the gradual

75. Missing one menstrual period is rarely a sign of a serious problem or medical condition, but Amenorrhea for a long period of time may be a sign of a disease or chronic condition that could be contributing to infertility.

76. Bike noises such as Creaks, squeaks, squeals and clicks are more than just annoying when you’re riding your bike: they may indicate a serious problem that, left unfixed, could result in injury to you and/or damage to your bike

77. In 2002-2003, this formula generated approximately $36 million, an amount sufficient to support a comprehensive response to this serious problem. In his brief, Dr. Wayne Skinner, Clinical Director, Concurrent Disorders Program, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (Toronto), stated

78. 1.5 The already serious problem of a geographical digital divide in Europe will be acerbated by the transition to IPv6 unless the Commission takes specific action to address the problem and ensure that the less advantaged regions get special attention.

79. Why is my roof Bubbling? If you ever realize there are bubbles forming on your roof tiles or on sections of your roof, don’t ignore them! These bubbles are known as roof blisters and they could be an indication of a serious problem

80. This loss of calcium is actually a normal part of aging, but since women do not usually have a good store of calcium in their bodies —due to a calcium-poor diet and decreased activity throughout life— what would be normal is instead a serious problem.