Use "separation of church and state" in a sentence

1. Baptists traditionally advocate the separation of Church and State.

2. Baptists were first religious group to adopt separation of church and state

3. Seventh-day Adventists take a strong position on separation of church and state

4. He firmly believed in national education and Ardently supported the separation of church and state

5. Various newly formed sovereign states were largely secular, with a separation of Church and State.

6. Historically, Baptists have played a key role in encouraging religious freedom and separation of church and state

7. 4 He abolished the caliphate and gutted the country’s legal system, instituting a strict separation of church and state.

8. During the Revolution, Jefferson played a leading role in implementing the separation of church and state in Virginia. Previously the Anglican Church had tax support.

9. The dualization of state and society separation.

10. The Accommodationist approach to the separation of church and state opposes the separationist approach which has been dominant in the courts

11. One of the Brassiest of the brass oldies is the notion that the Constitution creates a “wall of separation” between church and state

12. The Church of England, or Anglican Church, is the primary state church in England, where the concepts of church and state are linked

13. Beginning in the early 17th century, Baptists were the first religious group to adopt separation of church and state as a fundamental article of faith

14. Definition of Anabaptist : a Protestant sectarian of a radical movement arising in the 16th century and advocating the baptism and church membership of adult believers only, nonresistance, and the separation of church and state Other Words from Anabaptist

15. Against such as these, all the arguments by which We disprove the principle of separation of Church and State are conclusive; with this super-added, that it is absurd the citizen should respect the Church, while the State may hold her in contempt.

16. Remembrance Day Separation of church and state in the United States Silent Minute Two-minute silence Vow of silence "Debates Parlamentares - Diário 039, pp. 2 (1912-02-13)".

17. Abreption: The state of being carried away or forcibly separated; separation.

18. The justices are deeply divided on such issues as abortion, affirmative action and the separation of church and state.Sentence dictionary

19. Gotham Atheists tenant of meaning is the separation of the religious church, temple, synagogs, and mosks from government be fulfilled

20. Oregon state government has a separation of powers similar to the federal government.

21. A first step toward secularization was the separation from the Church of Rome and the beginnings of toleration of religious diversity.

22. Irish Catholics had to choose between Church and State.

23. Accommodationists believe that the government should acknowledge the significant role that religion plays in some people's' lives The separationists argue that there should be a total separation between church and state

24. The Eastern Orthodox Church believes death and the separation of body and soul to be unnatural—a result of the Fall of Man.

25. Anabaptist definition, a member of any of various Protestant sects, formed in Europe after 1520, that denied the validity of infant baptism, baptized believers only, and advocated social and economic reforms as well as the complete separation of church and state

26. · Separation of accountability and disbursement (separation of quality assurance, implementation and management)

27. Method and apparatus for using state space differential geometry to perform nonlinear blind source separation

28. Anabaptism - a Protestant movement in the 16th century that believed in the primacy of the Bible, baptised only believers, not infants, and believed in complete separation of church and state Protestantism - the theological system of any of the churches of western Christendom that separated from the Roman Catholic Church during the Reformation

29. The institutional separation of the state from the capitalist class is not simply a charade.

30. When asked about the current state of the Catholic Church, he said the church was in crisis.

31. Concordats - treaties between the Holy See (the Vatican, headed by the pope) and more than three dozen countries which grant privileges to the Roman Catholic Church, extend papal influence, weaken church state separation, introduce Canon Law, lead to religious discrimination and can threaten human rights of Catholics and non-Catholics alike

32. 1 Church and State were not easily separable in this period.

33. After 19 a modus vivendi between church and state was achieved.

34. Peter firmly subjugated the Church to the State.

35. “Church and State Face Off in Referendum on Divorce in Ireland”

36. Rousseau called for reforms in state, church, education, family life and marriage.

37. Barna is known for providing extensive surveys regarding Christianity and the state of the church.

38. Triboelectrostatic separation method for material separation of abs and ps mixed waste plastic

39. The State Church was converted into a national church, still, however, with the king as head.

40. The Republic is based on the principle of laïcité, that is of freedom of religion (including of agnosticism and atheism) enforced by the Jules Ferry laws and the 1905 law on the separation of the State and the Church, enacted at the beginning of the Third Republic (1871–1940).

41. Breakaway definition, an act or instance of breaking away; secession; separation: the Breakaway of two provinces from a state

42. In order to achieve accounting separation, a separation of costs and revenues is needed.

43. The Catholic church was afforded a good deal of freedom from state intervention.

44. As President of the Church, he pushed for Utah to become a state.

45. Analysis: the separation and identification of …

46. In 1790, Kentucky's delegates accepted Virginia's terms of separation, and a state constitution was drafted at the final convention in April 1792.

47. Members of state churches pay a church tax of between 1% and 2% of income, depending on the municipality.

48. The separation and purification process combines different adsorption separation/purification technologies.

49. 16 The church refused to give legitimacy to the new state.

50. Church State Corporation: Construing Religion in US Law and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle

51. Healthcare Under Capitalism, there is a separation of health care and state, where the government is not permitted to interfere with the practice of medicine

52. Barratry definition is - the purchase or sale of office or preferment in church or state.

53. The church was completely separated from the State, and subsidies to the clergy were abolished.

54. The church handed down the death sentence; the State carried it out.

55. The basis of separation is the stated reason for the Administrative separation (i.e

56. Anaclitic depression is a term used to describe the transient depressed state of infants after their separation from a mothering figure

57. Thanksgiving proclamations were made mostly by church leaders in New England up until 1682, and then by both state and church leaders until after the American Revolution.

58. He then said: “When in the considered and prayerful judgment of a church the freedom to fulfill these responsibilities is essentially abridged by state or society, it is the duty of the church to say ‘no’ to the state and ‘no’ to the society.”

59. The property is sited 20 minutes’ walk from Intercession Church and within proximity of Bryansk State Local Lore Museum.

60. A section of the Hoa Hao church agreed to submit to state supervision and gained official recognition in 1999.

61. The State proposed the removal of the ban on divorce, whereas the Catholic Church strongly opposes divorce and remarriage.

62. Congregational Church and the United Church of Christ

63. There was no absolute separation between the various State bodies, as they all tried to coordinate their activities

64. There was no absolute separation between the various State bodies, as they all tried to coordinate their activities.

65. Adsorption/separation membrane module, method for producing adsorption/separation membrane module, and partition member

66. Consecrated life (often called religious life) is a permanent state of life recognized by the Church

67. Despite widespread agnosticism, however, the Church of England continues its established role as the State religion.

68. Among the first acts of the Bolsheviks was to issue a decree separating Church from State.

69. Many Catholics married in the Church apply for Annulments when they have given up on the possibility of repairing their marriage and wish to remarry, sometimes years after separation and divorce

70. The Conformists claimed for their church more than human authority and for its earthly head supreme power in the State as well as in the Church

71. The separation of oil and water and subsequent oil removal by gravity separation of free oil, using separation equipment or emulsion breaking (using emulsion breaking chemicals such as metal salts, mineral acids, adsorbents and organic polymers).

72. - - thawing, separation.

73. - thawing, separation.



76. Lemon involved two appeals about the constitutionality of Pennsylvania and Rhode Island statutes providing state aid to church-related schools.

77. System and method for separation and recovery of acid gas

78. Physical death is separation of the body and spirit.

79. These included racial separation and mistreatment of black Americans.

80. It is a thought form of separation and dishonor.