Use "secret police" in a sentence

1. The secret police.

2. What are you, secret police?

3. We even have our own secret police.

4. The dictator's secret police tyrannized the people.

5. She denounced him to the secret police.

6. Secret police organizations are characteristic of totalitarian regimes.

7. The secret police tortured him to obtain information.

8. Anja eventually denounced him to the secret police.

9. Ran a wing of the secret police for years.

10. Olga's best friend betrayed her to the secret police.

11. The secret police had concealed microphones in the walls.

12. He had become the creature of the secret police.

13. • He was Blindfolded and taken to Secret Police headquarters

14. Is car police officer you first to expose secret.

15. *Cheka* First secret police [1] of the Soviet Union [2]

16. He was accused of having collaborated with the secret police.

17. He was a member of the regime's infamous secret police.

18. Terror by the secret police continued in the postwar period.

19. Many of the rebels were captured and tortured by secret police.

20. The operation was infiltrated by the Gestapo, the German secret police.

21. Many people denounced their friends and neighbours to the secret police.

22. He escaped from the secret police by the skin of his teeth.

23. 24 The newspaper's offices were ransacked by members of the secret police.

24. The government was unable to curb the excesses of the secret police.

25. The committee was heavily infiltrated by the Tsarist secret police, the Okhrana.

26. Ordinary people lived in fear of being arrested by the secret police.

27. We have a police force of sorts, even a marginally secret service.

28. Verdugo's own father was killed by the Chilean secret police in 1976.

29. This, then, takes farther the secret police parable of the first play.

30. The Minister of the Interior is responsible for the national police force, paramilitary force (gendarmerie) and the secret police.

31. The secret police of the Austrian Empire were particularly notorious during this period.

32. The job of the secret police was to hunt down spies and traitors.

33. However, Kenyan secret police infiltrated these groups and many members moved into exile.

34. Without harassment, without secret police, faceless bureaucrats, permits and papers, forms, prohibitions, repressions.

35. 1933 – The Gestapo, the official secret police force of Nazi Germany, is established.

36. Then, one night at ten o’clock, I was summoned by the secret police.

37. And that would get us back to castor oil and the secret police.

38. Shortly after Habré took power, Allafi's husband was killed by Habré's secret police.

39. 20 The government was unable to curb the excesses of the secret police.

40. The archives will also have documents from the former state secret police, the StB.

41. Till now Oufkir had controlled the secret police and pursued the kings enemies ruthlessly.

42. Members of the secret police came for him in the middle of the night.

43. The secret police have several functions, my dear, he began in an avuncular tone.

44. From 1969 onward the Portuguese secret police (PIDE) intensified their activity against Jehovah’s witnesses.

45. The man's identity was being kept secret while he was helping police with enquiries.

46. The nation’s network of secret police along with informants made the preaching work very challenging.

47. 27 The man's identity was being kept secret while he was helping police with enquiries.

48. Makarenko had better relations with the local secret police than with any other official authority.

49. Eventually, however, one of his workers informed the secret police, and they arrested the businessman.

50. She had reportedly been poisoned, with some accusing the former Soviet secret police poison facility.

51. The deadline for the surrender of the Securitate secret police was only a few hours ago.

52. The secret police dared not molest Mr. Zuo, they were just out to frighten Mr. Cao.

53. In 1927, Stalin started using the GPU (Soviet secret police) to infiltrate and discredit the opposition.

54. Only two months after the Prague convention, the secret police raided the Bethel home near Prague.

55. Cheka definition, (in the Soviet Union) the state secret-police organization (1917–22), succeeded by the GPU

56. The French Interior Minister has intervened in a scandal over the role of a secret police force.

57. “When the film showed the secret police knocking on the door of a Witness home, I shuddered.

58. Supposing they are being formed into a new secret police - with the aim of destroying glasnost and perestroika?

59. The secret police used both direct and indirect tactics to get information about the organization and slander it.

60. Shortly afterward, on a frigid December afternoon, I was called to the office of the Sigurimi (secret police).

61. The French Interior Minister has intervened in a scandal over the role of a secret police force.

62. Under Malenkov, Stalin's ruthless secret police chief Lavrenti Beria amnestied thousands of political prisoners from the Gulag in 19

63. Cheka definition is - secret police (as in a Communist-dominated country) having virtually unrestrained power over life and death.

64. Thereafter they learnt to invoke the name of the head of the secret police when dealing with obdurate local officials.

65. Naturally, the secret police and the military leaders were men, and they subjected their female prisoners to sexually specific tortures.

66. The latter, however, were betrayed by a secret police agent in May, and Trotsky had to flee to rural Finland.

67. In the Russian Empire, the secret police forces were the Third Section of the Imperial Chancery and then the Okhrana.

68. Moreover, they could assume that the mysterious acquaintance who had so suddenly surfaced was an agent provocateur for the secret police.

69. Similar fates await buildings formerly owned by the secret police, which in many districts have been inherited by the local authorities.

70. In 1954, Serov became Chairman of the KGB and so was the head of the greater part of the Soviet secret police.

71. The Cheka is sometimes referred to as the Bolshevik ‘secret police’, though most Russians were well aware of its existence and activities.

72. • In the 1990s Mr Fujimori Ceded to Mr Montesinos control of appointments in the armed forces and of the all-pervasive secret police

73. In the 1990s Mr Fujimori ceded to Mr Montesinos control of appointments in the armed forces and of the all-pervasive secret police.

74. The secret ingredient of my Secret Ingredient Soup.

75. In an effort to cause confusion among the brothers, the secret police spread the rumor that a prominent Witness in Tiranë was a spy.

76. It will take several more generations before the insane decisions of a dictator and a secret police, the , cease to affect how people behave.

77. The three were beaten with fists , knees and rifles , hooded and subjected to mock executions by members of Libya 's army and secret police.

78. See, we're a secret club with a secret handshake.

79. Most Secret.

80. Military secret.