Use "scarce supply" in a sentence

1. They stated that basic equipment and medicines were in short supply and that antibiotics and analgesics were particularly scarce.

2. Food is scarce.

3. Scarce labor drives wages.

4. These are all scarce resources.

5. Strawberries are scarce this year.

6. I can scarce remember him.

7. Food was scarce and expensive.

8. Medical supplies were growing scarce.

9. Food and water are scarce.

10. He could scarce believe it.

11. Cassia trees are scarce here.

12. Whale sightings were too damn scarce.

13. Fooïs pretty scarce around these parts.

14. 11 Medical supplies were growing scarce.

15. Food was scarce throughout the war.

16. Water is scarce in the desert.

17. Many natural materials are becoming scarce.

18. Details of the accident are scarce.

19. When money was scarce they simply bartered.

20. Food was often scarce in the winter.

21. Money was somewhat scarce after the war.

22. The Magistrate, mortified, had made himself scarce.

23. The food was scarce during the war.

24. Food was scarce, and inflation was devastating.

25. Food and clean water were becoming scarce.

26. In this time of war, food is scarce.

27. That bird has become scarce in this country.

28. 12 The Magistrate, mortified, had made himself scarce.

29. It's not about being scarce, it's about accessibility.

30. It simultaneously deprives unprofitable industries of scarce resources.

31. In Germany, epidemiological data on AMD are scarce.

32. Number two: a declining population means scarce labor.

33. Food and fuel were scarce in this region.

34. Boats taking occasional thornback ray, but cod scarce.

35. As the summer wore on food became scarce.

36. For example, doctoral students, and this last time applicants in love with Mary, are self-assertive This region is very rich supply of meat, vegetables and fruits, but are extremely scarce.

37. I decided it was time to make myself scarce.

38. Are markets a good way to allocate scarce resources?

39. In ancient times, writing materials were scarce and costly.

40. The scarce shots spoke the end of the battle.

41. “Game soon became so scarce that we could kill nothing.

42. Most of them are dry or their flow is scarce.

43. Food was scarce, and what was available was strictly rationed.

44. Sent him to die, I scarce can take it in,

45. Loyalty is a scarce commodity in my line of business.

46. Hospital beds were scarce and medicines were practically non-existent.

47. We must reflect on how to use this scarce resource efficiently.

48. 21 Hospital beds were scarce and medicines were practically non-existent.

49. Tea and sugar were scarce and were rationed during the war.

50. Mayors have to juggle scarce resources to keep their cities working.

51. Land being scarce, the settlement grew vertically to accommodate the influx.

52. A financial system, which allocates scarce investment capital, is no different.

53. This kind of training is ineffective, and wasteful of scarce resources.

54. Be it 2,000 years ago in ancient Rome, Italy or today in California, Aqueducts were and are essential to get water from a place where it exists in ample supply to where it is scarce.

55. Evidence for prevalence of pain in newly diagnosed cancer is scarce.

56. “Food and medicine became scarce, and what remained was extremely expensive.

57. Why is full-frontal male nudity still so scarce in films?

58. In China, black carp are the most highly esteemed and expensive foodfish among the four domestic fishes, and partly because of its diet and limited food supply, is the most scarce and expensive in the marketplace.

59. Collectively, capital-scarce developing countries are lending to capital-abundant advanced economies.

60. Erosion soon takes hold, streams begin drying up, and water becomes scarce.

61. Girls get aborted before they're even born when there are scarce resources.

62. Food is scarce over there and things have started to fall apart.

63. At least three distinct groups want a share of the scarce resource.

64. Water basin and water catchments management to allocate scarce resources most effectively;

65. Any scarce resource is thus immediately addressed by seeking alternatives and substitutions.

66. It is the ultimate scarce resource, the one planet that we share.

67. And ever since, food has remained scarce for many people on earth.

68. Holding a lavish party was not the best use of scarce funds.

69. Physical capital is a scarce resource in rich and poor countries alike.

70. But Balconies are relatively scarce in many of America’s densest urban areas

71. But, señor, our provisions are scarce, and the emperor does not pay.

72. (ii) power supply; nominal AC supply voltage and/or limits of DC supply,

73. Of course, all such solutions take time and money—scarce commodities these days.

74. Interpersonal relationships and the possession of exchangeable resources determine access to scarce syringes.

75. Now that oil is scarce, the fate of the motor car is uncertain.

76. When Gary and Clare began to argue, Reg decided to make himself scarce.

77. After a few months, secular work became scarce, and their savings were depleted.

78. Scarce any nation has dealt equally and impartially with every sort of industry.

79. Jasie Blanks & Vinyl Supply Craft supply store

80. Namely, an unloaded module need not be stored in scarce random access memory.