Use "sanhedrin" in a sentence

1. The Sanhedrin thus ran most internal Jewish affairs.


3. Paul defends the truth before angry mobs and the Sanhedrin

4. He was condemned by the Sanhedrin and stoned to death.

5. Caiaphas succeeds in influencing the Sanhedrin to make plans to kill Jesus.

6. Questioned by Annas; trial by Caiaphas, Sanhedrin; Peter denies him

7. The year was 33 C.E., and the court was the Jewish Sanhedrin.

8. The rabbinic academy at Yavneh became the center for a reorganized Sanhedrin —the Jewish high court.

9. The judges of the Sanhedrin were determined to have them put to death.

10. The following day, the commander took Paul before the Jewish high court, the Sanhedrin.

11. 5:34-39 —How could Luke know what Gamaliel had said in a closed session of the Sanhedrin?

12. The Jewish Sanhedrin was an administrative body to which the Romans had granted both civil and religious authority.

13. After a rigged trial before the Sanhedrin, Jesus is examined by Pontius Pilate, who has him whipped.

14. What had the apostles been doing during the weeks before they were brought before the Sanhedrin?

15. (Acts 4:8, 13) Holy spirit also caused Stephen to witness boldly to the Sanhedrin.

16. Following the Sanhedrin trial Ananias, accompanied by certain older men and a public orator, traveled to Caesarea to …

17. 1-3. (a) Why have the apostles been brought before the Sanhedrin, and the issue boils down to what?

18. Judah ha-Nasi headed both his own academy and the Sanhedrin, first at Bet She’arim and later at Sepphoris in Galilee.

19. When Stephen was falsely charged before the Jewish Sanhedrin, he gave a powerful speech that followed a chronological pattern.

20. When the lower courts could not reach a decision in a case, it was referred to the Sanhedrin, whose rulings were final.

21. In any case, they used false witnesses to accuse Stephen of blasphemy and dragged him before the Sanhedrin.

22. Unable to hold their own against the wisdom and spirit with which Stephen spoke, his foes took him to the Sanhedrin.

23. At that time, he must still have had a strong attachment to his position as a member of the Sanhedrin.

24. After the destruction of the temple, Gamaliel’s grandson Gamaliel II restored the authority of the Sanhedrin, moving it to Yavneh.

25. Paul took advantage of their rivalry and the differences in belief between these groups when he defended himself before the Sanhedrin. —Acts 23:6-9.

26. The captain and his officers quickly went to the temple to gather up the prisoners and escort them to the Sanhedrin.

27. The aristocratic nature of the Sanhedrin makes it probable that membership was permanent and that vacancies were filled through appointment by existing members.

28. The Bible account says that they “went their way from before the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy to be dishonored in behalf of his name.”

29. Nicodemus, also a member of the Sanhedrin who has secretly confessed faith in Jesus, assists with a hundred pounds [33 kg] of myrrh and aloes.

30. Just three years after the apostles appeared before the Sanhedrin, Caiaphas fell out of favor with the Roman authorities and was removed as high priest.

31. 11 When Paul opened his defense before the Sanhedrin by saying that he had “behaved before God with a perfectly clear conscience,” High Priest Ananias ordered that he be struck.

32. Joseph Caiaphas, the high priest and president of the Sanhedrin, sternly addresses them: “We positively ordered you not to keep teaching upon the basis of this name.”

33. 17 As you review Stephen’s speech to the Sanhedrin up to this point, would you not agree that he skillfully addressed the attitudes of his accusers?

34. (Acts 6:8, 10) Consumed with jealousy, they dragged Stephen before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish high court, where he faced his false accusers and gave a powerful witness.

35. For this reason, subjection to superior authorities must always be viewed in the light of the apostles’ statement to the Jewish Sanhedrin: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.” —Ac 5:29.

36. The Besht was particularly fond of a talmudic statement, "God desires the heart" (Sanhedrin 106b), which he interpreted as meaning that for God, a pure religious spirit mattered more than knowledge of the Talmud

37. To Joseph’s credit, though, he did not vote in accord with the Sanhedrin in their plot to have Jesus killed. —Mark 15:43-46; Matthew 27:57-60; Luke 23:50-53; John 19:38.

38. ‘The Sanhedrin and other duly Constituted courts cannot be established until this ordination is reinstituted.’ ‘This is in spite of the fact that the commission is a legally Constituted Government body with specific functions to carry out on behalf of the Government.’

39. That the one who was condemned by the Great Sanhedrin on a charge of blasphemy and thereafter impaled on a torture stake like an accursed criminal could be the Messiah was thus completely alien, unacceptable, and repellent to their mentality.

40. Even before the temple was destroyed, Yohanan Ben Zakkai, a respected disciple of the Pharisaic leader Hillel, received permission from Vespasian (soon to be emperor) to move the spiritual center of Judaism and the Sanhedrin from Jerusalem to Yavneh.

41. “Every day” they continued, and this openly “in the Temple” where the Sanhedrin and the Temple police could see and hear them, and, of course, also [kat’ oiʹkon], which is distributive, “from house to house,” and not merely adverbial, “at home.”’”

42. (Ac 4:1, 3) On a later occasion, after Peter and some of the apostles had been released from prison by an angel, the temple captain went with his officers to bring them before the Sanhedrin in an apparently legal way without violence. —Ac 5:24-26.