Use "rulers" in a sentence

1. Choose from our selection of Centering rulers, including center-finding rulers, half-measure adhesive-back rulers, and more

2. Boldness Before Rulers

3. Honor Political Rulers

4. Europe Capitulates to China's rulers

5. Foolishness among rulers (16-20)

6. The Rulers of the World Identified

7. We need to honor political rulers.

8. And her rulers* dearly love dishonor.

9. Autocratic rulers don't tend to be popular

10. New rulers were sent in by Paris.

11. God held those rulers accountable for that.

12. These beings call themselves “Archons” which means “Rulers” or “Lords” because they see themselves as the rulers and enslavers of humanity

13. □ Why do world rulers merit God’s adverse judgment?

14. Not all human rulers have charisma, of course.

15. Are there many rulers in the pencil case?

16. The rulers of the Attalid house were: 1

17. POLITICAL RULERS often make promises that go unfulfilled.

18. The temporal rulers were given thrones divine right.

19. —Maxim for rulers, quoted approvingly by Aurangzeb

20. It noted more "truculence" among authoritarian rulers.

21. The Nihon Shoki focuses on the merits of the virtuous rulers as well as the errors of the bad rulers.

22. The Arbon Academy educates the rulers of tomorrow

23. • Rulers and ruled alike are Answerable to him.

24. 4 How do we show honor to political rulers?

25. All rulers of the Cheng Han declared themselves "emperors".

26. The attitude of the Muslim rulers toward Hinduism varied.

27. Romanov dynasty: Rulers of Russia from 1613 to 19

28. He excited the people to rebel against their rulers.

29. Many Autochthonous rulers are present in the Athenian monarchy

30. Indeed, wise rulers should have curbed such light-mindedness.

31. The oppressed people finally rose up against their rulers.

32. Rulers, mighty warriors, and craftsmen are taken to Babylon

33. Feudal rulers ruled over the country several thousand years.

34. To what are political rulers now being gathered?

35. 16 Our desires and aversions are mercurial rulers.

36. Local rulers were too weak to extirpate them.

37. The Seleucid rulers at first opposed the Maccabees vigorously.

38. The Apportioning rulers are in the appendix in the back

39. Rulers and the people of Israel conspired against Jesus Christ

40. For leaders prior to 1917, see List of Russian rulers.

41. 4. (a) How may honor be shown to political rulers?

42. Rulers of the nations ought to heed what warning?

43. The Reality of the Rulers (Hypostasis of the Archons), trans

44. Why does God choose the Kingdom rulers from among humankind?

45. The two eagles represent the rulers of Babylon and Egypt.

46. Anti-slavery treaties were signed with over 50 African rulers.

47. Catholic and Protestant rulers jockeyed for political supremacy and commercial gain.

48. They would have to be demonic rulers rather than angelic guardians.

49. Fortunately, the new rulers at Bagdad, the Persian Buyides, were as

50. But Scorpio has two rulers, and the other one is Pluto.

51. The rulers of the nations have trampled its bright-red branches;*

52. Little is known of the rulers of the Middle Kingdom period.

53. The Herods were a dynasty of political rulers over the Jews.

54. The Aymara lived closely together with their rulers, the Incas.

55. The abasing of haughty rulers exalted Jehovah’s own “splendid superiority.”

56. 13 How should we view secular rulers in the world?

57. They picked rulers on the basis of achievement, not birthright.

58. To these human rulers, they give due honor but not worship.

59. Caressed by Moonlight is book 1 in the Rulers of Darkness series

60. When it comes, Jehovah will forcibly remove all world rulers from office.

61. The counts are hereditary rulers whose families have long and famous histories.

62. In Ottoman Egypt, the Beys were descendants of the former Mamluk rulers

63. “Be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities as rulers.”

64. Circumstances are the rulers of the weak, instruments of the wise. 

65. □ In what ways have world rulers been “found deficient” in God’s eyes?

66. Golomb rulers are used within Information Theory related to error correcting codes.

67. The money is running short , discontents are arising beneath these despotic rulers.

68. Agitators were exciting the people to rebel/to rebellion against their rulers.

69. In 963, however, only the municipal rulers appeared in the charters.

70. At times, violence is used to force a change in rulers.

71. Most world rulers have had a similar attitude throughout the centuries.

72. Carolingians (kărəlĭn`jēənz), dynasty of Frankish rulers, founded in the 7th cent

73. What is the proper attitude for Christians to maintain toward worldly rulers?

74. There were hundreds and perhaps thousands of such practically independent brigand rulers.

75. Androcracy is a form of government in which the government rulers are male

76. Rulers can help you precisely position elements in your ads and HTML5 documents.

77. As calamity approached, both rulers and people had fallen into lawlessness and corruption.

78. Church leaders compromised with rulers, such as Emperor Constantine, to receive political power

79. 29 Hypocricy . org - Very funny satire site designed to skewer our Rulers. Hypocricy.

80. The resurrected saints, or holy ones, will be compassionate rulers over the earth