Use "root out" in a sentence

1. Selection will root out such organism.

2. I'll root out the photo for you.

3. The generals have to root out traitors.

4. Theoretically, the idea was root out malingerers.

5. The government determined to root out corruption.

6. They root out every part of the building.

7. The principal promised to root out the troublemakers.

8. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else.

9. Root out the poisonous weeds of pessimism and negativity.

10. Why is it important to root out materialistic desires?

11. The government has pledged itself to root out corruption.

12. We need to root out corruption at all levels.

13. Autocrats are often seen as figures who root out corruption

14. I managed to root out a copy of the document.

15. There would be a major drive to root out corruption.

16. 7 We need to root out corruption at all levels.

17. I'll try and root out something for you to wear.

18. It is vain to attempt to root out heresy by force.

19. I suggest you root out those weeds before they take hold.

20. My job is to root out and prevent activity that might.

21. These measures do nothing to root out the causes of terrorism.

22. The report documents police sweeps to root out Montagnards in hiding.

23. Come, let us root out the traitor...... then we can sleep easy.

24. It is impossible to root out this disease in a few years.

25. Action is being taken to root out corruption in the police force.

26. Ms Campbell has been appointed to root out inefficiency in this company.

27. A major investigation is underway to root out graft there, he said.

28. A major investigation is under way to root out graft there, they said.

29. Would you rather shoot decent Frenchmen than help us root out dangerous elements?

30. I will try and root out some good players for the basketball team.

31. G.A.O. Evaluates government programs and contracts to root out waste, fraud, and abuse.

32. For others, it might mean therapy to root out the underlying causes of overeating.

33. I will lead the Elvin army and I will root out our real enemy.

34. Sir Robert Mark's campaign to root out corruption in the Metropolitan Police is well known.

35. You beat the brush and root out everything disloyal from a Shanghai rooster to a Durham cow!

36. The policies proposed for paying the debt are invariably recessive and root out any attempt to grow technology.

37. There had been a determined attempt to root out abuses among the clergy and to raise their intellectual calibre.

38. Aggressively definition, in an aggressive, militant, or menacing manner: The orders were to root out the entrenched rebels, swiftly and Aggressively

39. Now more than ever, you need to root out any daydreams you may have about marriage and replace them with realities.

40. They have wanted to use suspicion to root out bad faith without taking responsibility for the implicit grounds of that suspicion.

41. Researchers were on the hunt for Autoantibodies, self-attacking proteins mistakenly turn on the body in their attempt to root out pathogens

42. The deep division within the provinces of the former Empire meant than no-one had sufficient forces to root out the Beastmen.

43. 18 Beyond our simply not harming others, Jehovah wants us to root out of our heart the very cause of much bloodshed —hatred.

44. Mr. Kan had promised to root out "money politics" after a veteran power broker in his party was caught up in a scandal.

45. (Romans 13:13; 2 Corinthians 7:1; Galatians 5:19-21) Realistically, to root out such habits and to put on “the new personality” takes concerted effort.

46. We employed those action not only to maintain the normal production and living but also to root out the social evils like the corruption, the venality and the dishonesty.

47. Instead, Antifascists have worked to root out fascist infiltration and “entryism” that seeks to pass as the merger of left and right, while also militantly opposing fascist marches and meetings

48. (James 1:14, 15) Thus, if we do not want to fall into the grievous sins that Jesus described, we must root out and keep out of our heart any tendencies toward such things.

49. Speaking to people then under the Law, he showed that, instead of merely refraining from murder, they needed to root out any tendency to continued wrath and refrain from using their tongue in downgrading speech about their brothers.

50. Let me make absolutely clear that in Britain we have introduced anti-bribery legislation that is probably the strongest anywhere in the world, and we will root out any problems of bribery or corruption wherever they appear and whenever they appear.

51. For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

52. Since Chinese President Xi Jinping launched his Anticorruption campaign in 2012, much of the foreign commentary has debated the extent to which the campaign is a genuine effort to root out corruption or a means for purging or undermining President Xi’s political opponents.

53. * To root out terrorism, taking into account its linkages with illegal trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and small arms and to make coordinated and concerted efforts to combat terrorism; and call for an early conclusion of the proposed UN Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism and completion of the ratification of the SAARC Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters.