Use "risking" in a sentence

1. Mulder, you're risking an aneurysm.

2. I know what I'm risking

3. I'm not risking Ty running again.

4. We're risking damage to his retina.

5. Okay, I'm not risking my life for this.

6. Why are you risking your life for this guy?

7. They were also risking their lives to follow David.

8. I feel like I'm risking my entire career here.

9. Then why conspire and risking your life to achieve it?

10. Antiochus actually invaded Bithynia but withdrew again without risking a battle.

11. It was a salutary lesson for me on risking rejection and on my perceived notions of status.

12. Rules for aggregation of reserves and resources, including consideration of risking

13. Risking a court-martial, he returned to Rangoon to join Chennault.

14. It was refreshing to hear publishers and booksellers risking offending each other.

15. Risking a false step in the bog, she sped over the path.

16. For hours the neighbors frantically dug into the rubble, risking their own lives.

17. Armored Mage - Beguilers are able to wear light armor without risking spell failure

18. However, AML/CFT is only one of the many drivers of de-risking.

19. But it will sure as hell make him think twice before risking it.

20. Gowron is risking the safety of the Alpha Quadrant and he has to stop.

21. 19 They were afraid of risking failure because they didn't want to lose face.

22. 23 He was afraid of risking failure because he didn't want to lose face.

23. I don't want you or anyone else risking your lives to fix my mistakes.

24. Being capable of risking showing one's own personal vulnerability while still maintaining professional standards.

25. “These people threw themselves into a life-risking situation because they were desperate,” Pearson said.

26. It is not acceptable that China's currency-dumping is risking the economic recovery in Europe.

27. We all knew we were risking our lives -- the teacher, the students and our parents.

28. Synonyms for Adventuring include venturing, braving, risking, daring, imperilling, imperiling, jeopardising, jeopardizing, endangering and gambling

29. “We salute their courage in risking their lives to seek justice and basic rights for all.”

30. In the second extract he might have been risking telling a home truth to his government.

31. Risking severe punishment, Messrs. McCain and Day in the prison courtyard to use as a splint.

32. Risking death to prove I'm still into you and reminding you, you should still be into me.

33. 21 Instead of scaling walls or risking being run over by trains, fans are now paying tourists.

34. Many of those models build upon a common strategy for de-risking investments: assembling a diversified portfolio.

35. We weren't able to remove the shard of watch from your arm without risking severe arterial damage.

36. Vision enough to know when I'm being manipulated into risking my life for someone else's pipe dream.

37. Their economic viability, at no time very great, has become fragile risking complete social and economic disintegration.

38. There are movements afoot at every hour of every day, there are men and women risking their lives.

39. Archai is de-risking the construction industry by using AI to automatically detect archaeology on earth observation data

40. Environmentalists argue that large - scale sand - dredging can deplete fish stocks and cause erosion, risking landslides and flooding.

41. I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing. Anais Nin 

42. Vesper:I got the impression we were risking millions of dollars and hundreds of lives on a game of luck.

43. To prevent cooking disasters , be sure your child is n't measuring ingredients over the bowl - risking a big oops .

44. Hofheinz, however, could only go so far in pursuing administrative rationality without risking the alienation of an important constituency.

45. Could it be because there was something in his office that he felt was worth risking his life for?

46. I was risking no man of my village or those round about being charged with stealing a thing of value.

47. Given such economic momentum, said the story, the Federal Reserve could run a more stimulative monetary policy without risking inflation.

48. He suggested that Gardner join him in the venture, but the new husband had no intention of risking his life.

49. Moreover, in the absence of any evidence of impending upheaval, individual peasants were wary of risking involvement in seditious talk.

50. If such labeling had some positive effects, it might be worth risking the negative consequences for those who are labeled abnormal.

51. The AIM Institute helps you grow organically via B2B-optimized VOC (New Product Blueprinting), B2B product launch (LaunchStar) & de-risking (Minesweeper)

52. Under every imaginable condition, including risking their lives in war-torn areas, they courageously raise their voices in support of God’s Kingdom.

53. Copying is the process of creating copies of a blueprint original to use for manufacturing in dangerous locations without risking the blueprint original

54. While all of you were living safely here in Rome your beloved emperor was risking his life to preserve and enlarge the Empire.

55. Risking her life, she appears before the king with a plea in order to find some way to undo the scheme of Haman.

56. WHY BUDGIE NEEDS A COMPANION? Budgies are sociable, keeping one budgie in a cadge means you are risking the mental health of budgie.

57. An Accomplice uses the power and privilege they have to challenge the status quo, often risking their physical and social well being in the process

58. Article: Trump Assassinates Iran's War Hero, Risking All-out War - The US has admitted to assassinating Iran's most beloved military leader, General Qassem Soleimani, in a …

59. Despite the warnings, poor families have settled on the island, risking their lives, earning a living by fishing and farming crops from the rich volcanic soil.

60. The Committee is concerned about the restrictive abortion laws, which have resulted in a large number of women risking their health by resorting to clandestine abortionists.

61. And now Petyr is risking his life to save you, the daughter of a woman who didn't love him no more than those whores in his brothels.

62. Aunt Tung:( piqued ) You old man! Don't think you can blabber because you are a master! This sword is gained back by Miss Doug's life-risking effort!

63. Fixed-gear bike riders who quickly try to stop Backpedaling may also put too much pressure on their knees, risking tears to cartilage or the meniscus.

64. The Committee is concerned about the restrictive abortion laws, which have resulted in a large number of women risking their health by resorting to clandestine abortionists

65. Every aspect of the duplication can be done at one place thereby eliminating the need to transport anything to another location and risking divulgence of information.

66. 8 It's time to take the bull by the horns. I'm going to demand reform in the sales department even though it may mean risking my job.

67. As we were preparing for departure, we brothers —risking our lives— decided to go up to the women’s barracks and check on the condition of about 20 of our spiritual sisters —among them Elsa Abt and Gertrud Ott.

68. But “Advantageous,” which till then has been quite fascinating in its quiet, methodically paced way, at this point slows to an even quieter near-crawl, risking tedium when it requires

69. The unlikeliest of all role models who started by earning millions as a war profiteer and ended by spending his last pfennig and risking his life to save his 1300 Schindlerjews.

70. Rather than reach across vast expanses of wide tables (thereby risking losing your balance and ending up in the guacamole), simply raise your glass and make eye contact with the group.

71. If this arrangement has to be progressively adjusted towards a new balance without risking economic collapse, an extraordinary and unprecedented level of consultation, coordination and understanding would be required between the two countries.

72. Chief Benge was particularly interested in capturing and taking North Negroes whom he could sell for a price, and the presence of slaves on the Livingston plantation had interested him in risking the attack

73. 30 Newly divorced and at a crossroads, Gilbert steps out of her comfort zone, risking everything to change her life, embarking on a journey around the world that becomes a quest for self-discovery.

74. ‘it Certainly isn't worth risking your life’ ‘It may be true of good wine, but it is Certainly not true of a good sommelier.’ ‘On the other hand, if it turns out to be true, they Certainly …

75. Up to 15% cash back  · Retractable Awnings are great for businesses too, especially if you have outdoor wares you want to show without risking them being ruined by a sudden change in the weather

76. When Ten attempts to recruit Ginji for the East-West showdown, Ginji initially refuses explaining risking having his method exposed on such a large-scale event was too much since it was how he made his living.

77. “Even properly fitted prong Collars dig into the sensitive skin around the neck, risking severe damage to the thyroid, esophagus, and trachea.” Like prong Collars, a shock collar is an “aversive collar” meant to deter a dog from unwanted behavior.

78. Furthermore, deep concerns were expressed by both CESCR in 2002 and the HR Committee in 2004 about the restrictive abortion laws which have resulted in a large number of women risking their life and health by resorting to clandestine abortionists.

79. The release of Jovan Vraniskovski from prison and talks that are supposed to solve the status of the Macedonian Orthodox Church -- Ohrid Archbishopric is offered by Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic as a replacement for solving the long-standing dispute, afterwards risking to be accused of interfering the state in its own church, Branko Gjorgjevski analyzes for Dnevnik.

80. How does Blueprinting fit with Minesweeper de-risking? How does Blueprinting fit with LaunchStar product launch? What innovation metrics should we use? What is "Jobs-to-be-Done?" Market Segmentation (Step 1) How to conduct secondary market research How to engage industry experts How to segment markets