Use "rich man" in a sentence

1. A rich man has great.

2. But the rich man answers harshly.

3. The rich man founded a hospital.

4. Croesus definition is - a very rich man

5. Illustrations: unrighteous steward, rich man and Lazarus

6. The rich man lives in luxurious surroundings.

7. The rich man in his counting house.

8. The rich man waved the beggar away.

9. The rich man always moped about that.

10. David rendered swift judgment against the rich man.

11. Her ambition was to marry a rich man.

12. In her tenement there lived a rich man.

13. 5 In her tenement there lived a rich man.

14. You're a rich man, so your medicine is expensive.

15. A thousand pounds is nothing to a rich man.

16. He came home a rich man, covered in glory.

17. The rich man looked down on his poorer neighbors.

18. She will wed her daughter to a rich man.

19. Meanwhile, the rich man thinks to himself, "I'm an idiot.

20. One of his ambitions is to become a rich man.

21. She wants to marry her daughter to that rich man.

22. He covered himself in glory and came home a rich man.

23. 15 The wealth* of a rich man is his fortified city.

24. She has long dreamt that she will marry a rich man.

25. What a dump for such a rich man to fool around in.

26. The way he spends money argues him to be a rich man.

27. Back then, Cringing before the rich man 's frown was official policy

28. Furthermore, the rich man —like everyone else— is ‘short-lived, like a blossom.’

29. Never saw a rich man who didn't wind up with a guilty conscience.

30. Jack dropped into a good thing there,he is now a rich man.

31. KJV: Abraham's Bosom: the rich man INT: into the Bosom of Abraham died

32. 18 If time is money, mazel tov—you are now a rich man.

33. Mr Brown cast off his daughter when she married an old rich man.

34. And, anyway, what are you talking about, the rich man in his castle?

35. Yet, on the whole, the rich man remains the natural antagonist of the poor.

36. The girl who hooks a rich man got to keep some bait in reserve.

37. Economy is the poor man' s mint; and extravagance the rich man ' s pitfall. 

38. In ten years, he was editor and publisher of the Tribune, and a rich man.

39. When a rich man dies, taxes take a huge bite out of his accumulated wealth.

40. Children are not the only ones who may do foolish things like that rich man.

41. 1) A rich man walks into a room and you immediately say that guy is Balding.

42. 4 Economy is the poor man' s mint; and extravagance the rich man ' s pitfall. 

43. Although he wielded enormous economic power, Park never became a rich man and was not personally corrupt.

44. In speaking to the rich man mentioned at the outset, it was not Jesus’ intention to promote asceticism.

45. The Christian disciple James wrote: “Like a flower of the vegetation he [the rich man] will pass away.

46. Third is the distinction or esteem that accrues to the rich man as the result of his wealth.

47. I've been a rich man, and I've been a poor man, and I choose to rich every fucking time!

48. Midas, whose name has become a synonym for a rich man, had very little profit from his riches.Sentence dictionary

49. For many many years he Buttled and Buttled for him until the rich man reached a ripe old age

50. The rich man was asked to pay a high ransom for his daughter who was taken away by criminals.

51. Once a very rich man, he is now down and out and must depend upon his friends for help.

52. From a tale in the Arabian Nights in which a rich man serves a beggar an imaginary banquet; see Barmecide

53. Then, as now, a town council was so dazzled they rubber-stamped all this terribly rich man asked of them.

54. The rich man who deludes himself into behaving like a mendicant may conserve his fortune although he will not be very happy.

55. The Chowkidar is a protector of the rich man/woman’s wealth and life but the rich never allow any Chowkidar to become rich

56. The move occurred during the tenure of Richard Poore, a rich man who gave the land on which the new cathedral was built.

57. It is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”

58. The repentant “Lazarus” class came into a position of divine favor, whereas the “rich man” class came under divine disfavor because of persisting in unrepentance.

59. “Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches.”

60. 25 It is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God.”

61. 19 Henry David Thoreau: "A truly rich man doesn't have money, but rather courage, truth, and an inner glory that transcends the passiveness of our physical beings.

62. 6 As recorded at Luke 12:15-21, Jesus spoke of a rich man who kept trying to accumulate more wealth but who suddenly lost his life.

63. + 25 It is easier, in fact, for a camel to get through the eye of a sewing needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.”

64. The phrase "Bosom of Abraham" occurs in the Bible only in the New Testament in Luke 16:22-23 in Jesus' story of Lazarus and the Rich Man

65. Hence, the work and message of John the Baptist and of Jesus Christ began to lead toward a complete change in the condition of the symbolic “rich man” and “Lazarus.”

66. But a beggar named Lazarus used to be put at his gate, covered with ulcers and desiring to be filled with the things dropping from the table of the rich man.

67. Raymond Khoury's 2005 debut may seem a shameless knockoff of The Da Vinci Code, but its success proves that being the poor man's Dan Brown is enough to make Khoury a very rich man indeed.

68. Jeremiah 9:23 - Thus says the Lord, “Let not a wise man Boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man Boast of his might, let not a rich man Boast of his riches;

69. Apparently moved by Jesus Christ’s admonition that a certain rich man sell his belongings and give to the poor, Vaudès made financial provision for his family and then gave up his riches to preach the Gospel.

70. He that holds fast the golden mean, And lives Contentedly between The little and the great, Feels not the wants that pinch the poor, Nor plagues that haunt the rich man?s door, Embittering all his state

71. 11 For just as the sun rises with its scorching heat and withers the plant, and its flower falls off and its outward beauty perishes, so too the rich man will fade away in the midst of his pursuits.

72. Some readers may sense a touch of humor when they come across the passage where Jesus said that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.

73. ‘A pamphlet of 1595 described how one Judith Philips ‘Cozened’ a rich man.’ ‘There is a foolish country knight, Sir Nicholas Cully, whom two rogues cozen out of £1,000.’ ‘A good speech is not full of subtle rhetoric, cozening shifts in vocal tone, and facial nuance.’

74. ‘Composition rights are subdivided into publishing rights, which record companies often Cozen the unsuspecting into signing away.’ ‘A pamphlet of 1595 described how one Judith Philips ‘Cozened’ a rich man.’ ‘There is a foolish country knight, Sir Nicholas Cully, whom two rogues Cozen out of £1,000.’