Use "restricting" in a sentence

1. Restricting Broadcasts with permissions

2. Removable Bollards quickly convert, allowing or restricting access

3. Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: confining, Constraining, constrictive, limiting, restricting (adj) restricting the scope or freedom of action

4. This is a restricting principle for natural laws...

5. People think Budgets are hard, time-consuming and restricting

6. Fire restricting materials (except furniture) for high-speed craft

7. OPEC often tries to influence prices by restricting production.

8. The Taliban adamantly claimed to be restricting Bin Laden's activities.

9. Elastic Beanstalk reduces management complexity without restricting choice or control

10. There is wide public support for restricting advertising for unhealthy foods.

11. 25 The economic conditions are restricting the Chancellor's freedom of manoeuvre.

12. In which way? By restricting the access to a health card.

13. • Number of notifications of administrative decisions denying or restricting market access

14. Some also argue that restricting distribution makes the license less free.

15. Victorian women wore severely restricting corsets to achieve an hourglass shape.

16. Additionally, he said “Burdensome” laws and regulations are restricting growth and affordability

17. Constrictive: 1 adj restricting the scope or freedom of action Synonyms: confining , constraining , limiting , restricting restrictive serving to restrict adj (of circumstances) tending to constrict freedom Synonyms: constricting , narrowing narrow not wide

18. Contractures may also develop in the patients’ joints, thereby restricting natural movement.

19. Legislation restricting freedom of bequest is found in a number of countries.

20. � Restricting the Use of Tobacco Products Act (Official Gazette RS, no. 93/07).

21. Clevis fastener systems allow movement along one axis while restricting it along the other

22. The port there sustained heavy damage, restricting exports in the months following the storm.

23. Many countries have laws restricting advertising on and around historical sites or monuments.

24. Method for restricting external access to hypervisor interfaces of a partitioned computer system

25. Transitional arrangements restricting the free movement of workers on EU labour markets (debate)

26. Transitional arrangements restricting the free movement of workers on EU labour markets (vote)

27. A moveable restricting mechanism restricts access along the return path to a user.

28. Transitional arrangements restricting the free movement of workers on EU labour markets (debate

29. Burrows are user-defined areas in your fort for restricting jobs or/and dwarves

30. This all to say—trying to control Binges by restricting foods makes Binges worse

31. As a result, various governments have passed laws restricting the public advertising of cigarettes.

32. Chipotle has adopted a self-imposed quiet period restricting communications with investors during sensitive periods

33. We'll carefully review the material and consider blocking, removing or restricting access to it.

34. Computer software for restricting user access and authorizations on computers used by multiple users

35. 24 Of course, restricting harmful forms of recreation is only part of the battle.

36. Antitrust Law is an important law for restricting the operation of professional sports leagues.

37. Capacity for doing something Limited resources are restricting our Capacity for developing new products

38. Quotas have the discriminatory intent of restricting a specified group from a particular activity

39. Automatic licensing procedures shall be deemed to have trade - restricting effects unless , inter alia.

40. According to the Guttmacher Institute, over 350 pieces of legislation restricting Abortion have been introduced

41. Demagogic governments sometimes paint foreigners as scapegoats, leading to nationalization or laws restricting foreign investment.

42. Conventional oil shale mining method has higher coat because of restricting by a good many factors.

43. Limitations on the home front can be expected if you have been restricting your mate's freedom.

44. This principle is beneficence and also be used to justify restricting Ms Martin's freedom of movement.

45. This agreement had the object and effect of restricting price competition within the European Community.

46. Method and apparatus for restricting access to visual material to a subgroup of conference participants

47. This kernel patch adds access control lists, an advanced method for restricting access to files.

48. This led to a voluntary agreement , which was valid for five years , restricting working hours .

49. Concurrent is also restricting its sales focus to seven vertical markets to maintain its profits.

50. 940 dams, Barrages built on Ganga restricting its flow: Environmentalists 24 Nov, 2018, 04.27 PM IST

51. Segment of Network: - Usage is limited by IP address range restricting licenses according to network topology.

52. The center cities of Jiangxi develop Backwardly, becoming a big obstacle of restricting the ec

53. There are security protocols restricting access to the database, and the use or disclosure of the data.

54. Restricting the scope or freedom of action Familiarity information: Constrictive used as an adjective is rare.

55. Synonyms for Claustrophobic include confined, confining, cramped, enclosed, limited, restricted, restricting, shut in, stifling and suffocating

56. Agent containing chrysin and cholic acid for reducing weight, accelerating lipid catabolism, and/or restricting calories

57. Synchronous boost converter for restricting switching voltage in shutdown state of power ic for driving amoled

58. I would not be culpable for dividing and restricting computer users, but it would happen nonetheless.

59. Black has the action of restricting overjoy. The color is applicable to mania, endless laughing, etc.

60. Archives staff can discuss options for restricting access to those records and addressing your concerns about sensitive materials.

61. 11 There may be a trade-off between price maximisation and restricting the circulation of the information memorandum.

62. To be confronted with restricting chemosynthesis pesticides used in organic orchards, insect pest control had become a bottleneck.

63. There has not been any case of restricting access to such legislation during the reporting period

64. Some fundamentalists insist that these days are literal, restricting earthly creation to a period of 144 hours.

65. Rangoon reacted to the charges by organising a vehement press campaign and restricting imports from its neighbour.

66. 30 To the mining firms he has pledged to remove the laws restricting arsenic in drinking water.

67. Gaithersburg is considering restricting where Crematoria can be built to make sure they are not near residential areas

68. Restricting tobacco advertising, promotion, sponsorship on radio, television, print media and other media, such as the Internet 8.

69. There are no security protocols restricting access to this database, or the use or disclosure of the data.

70. There can be no “12-mile [20 km] limit” or “territorial waters” restricting their commission from God.

71. Restricting Map Bounds; Resizable Split Map Panes; Inset Overview Map; Delay Loading Dynamic Map; Drawing on the Map

72. The city also tackled air pollution by restricting the use of cars in the centre of the city.

73. Restricting or instituting a comprehensive ban on cross-border advertising, promotion and sponsorship originating from its territory 3.

74. Self-adhesive ready-made bandage for restricting stretching or bending of the metacarpophalangeal joint and of the wrist

75. 2231V Newly styled Cassock with V neck opening that allows more exposure for the tie and is less restricting

76. The Parliament of England retaliated with the Alien Act 1705, threatening to devastate the Scottish economy by restricting trade.

77. However, these liquids are highly viscous especially at low temperatures, restricting the flow of the absorbent in the machine.

78. Restricting the components to suitable analytical (e.g. algebraic) mathematical functions ensures that the calculations can be carried out analytically.

79. The Chinese government is restricting the use of Tesla vehicles at military bases, some state-owned enterprises, and other sensitive facilities, …

80. They have, after all, been traditionally concerned with restricting the use of weapons which are considered indiscriminate or inhumane.