Use "resisted" in a sentence

1. They resisted fiercely.

2. 10. Terror must be resisted.

3. 5 She resisted his blandishments.

4. The civil population passively resisted.

5. Probably why he resisted today.

6. I resisted the proposal with obstinacy.

7. It resisted downy mildew and virus.

8. 12 The Mohammedans stoutly resisted Chinese absorption.

9. 6 Bulger, however, adamantly resisted the efforts.

10. The target became aggressive and resisted capture.

11. 19 She resisted the temptation to laugh.

12. 3 At first Lewis resisted their blandishments.

13. The United States resisted an arms cutoff.

14. The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates.

15. Bulger however Adamantly resisted the efforts: 7

16. At first, I resisted this new idea.

17. Any dilution of standards must be resisted.

18. 1 The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates.

19. Creed resisted the urge to back off more.

20. Only the Basques resisted the conquering Aryan speech.

21. They resisted strongly against collectivization of their holdings.

22. At first they resisted the call for reform.

23. when the car stopped at Felpa's, he resisted.

24. Sculley, who hated neckties anyway, resisted this characterization.

25. Wouldn't be much of a surrender if I resisted.

26. If I resisted, he would get even angrier.

27. The city resisted the enemy onslaught for two weeks.

28. 13 Creed resisted the urge to back off more.

29. 12 Only the Basques resisted the conquering Aryan speech.

30. They resisted our attempts to modernize the distribution of books.

31. 17 With an effort of will he resisted the temptation.

32. Her explorer husband resisted all her attempts at domestication.

33. The word Cockney has resolutely resisted any simple etymology

34. They successfully resisted pressure from their competitors to increase prices.

35. 22 The country had resisted the seductions of mass tourism.

36. 3 These formed hard igneous rocks which have resisted erosion.

37. He said the reactor 's containment vessel had resisted the explosion .

38. The prosecution no longer has to establish that the complainant resisted.

39. The children resisted this interpretation, claiming that it was an honorarium.

40. With his help, they had already resisted many of Satan’s attacks.

41. She actively resisted him, crying for help, but she was overpowered.

42. Even so, Guilherme has successfully resisted the pressure to be dishonest.

43. The pictures resisted his efforts to shuffle them into chronological order.

44. But, the Shanxi people have resisted the foreign enemy aggression heroically.

45. As feminists resist sexist language, so many speakers have resisted the alternative.

46. Khan, Tamerlans in the fury of conquest exterminated all who resisted them.

47. Clinton had resisted joining the chorus of other Democrats demanding Rumsfeld's ouster.

48. Beta activity is increased when movement has to be resisted or voluntarily suppressed.

49. Goryeo resisted for about 30 years but finally sued for peace in 1259.

50. Because she was in love with another man, she resisted those advances.

51. Many companies have resisted accommodating women's increasing desire to reframe their lives.

52. Any possibility of further reductions in respite care should be strenuously resisted.

53. Pazhassi Raja resisted British imperialism from 1793 onwards till his death in 1805.

54. For years, manufacturers resisted the idea that laptops could be used for fun.

55. The people of East Timor resisted Indonesian forces in a prolonged guerrilla campaign.

56. 7 He stoutly resisted these demands and campaigned for the retention of the tramways.

57. Johor alone resisted, by modernising and giving British and Chinese investors legal protection.

58. Countries with lower inflation rates resisted revaluation as this would reduce export profitability.

59. Percutaneous Revascularization of Occluded Vein Grafts: Is It'still a Temptation to Be Resisted?

60. Reports indicate that a number of U.N. employees resisted the move to Vienna.

61. When Ji- young resisted sexual assault... you killed her with a brick, correct?

62. When he did make an about-face he resisted the materialistic advances of Christendom.

63. 17 The Canaanite kings fiercely resisted the invaders, but they suffered a humiliating defeat.

64. He fights stubbornly, and has thus far resisted all our efforts to dislodge him.....

65. He resisted arrest and muscle memory kicked in and you had to disarm him.

66. Outnumbered Polish defenders at Westerplatte resisted for seven days before running out of ammunition.

67. Though he initially resisted, Martin made several changes to make the song more upbeat.

68. The fact that the Liberals resisted spending all this additional revenue deserves a compliment

69. "Shadow Word Death" will no longer do damage to the casting priest when resisted.

70. The city resisted for longer than expected, but finally surrendered on 22 September 1415.

71. As France's main rival, Britain had resisted revolutionary ideas and retained its traditional units.

72. Like cream on top of oatmeal, these layers have resisted homogenization throughout their long history.

73. His adversary is St. Bartholomew, who can protect against him for he has resisted Astaroth's temptations.

74. He believed that with such experience she would not have resisted the orders of her assailant.

75. It should be resisted as far as possible, or at least amended to remove its subjectivity.

76. 7 The FA has resisted all entreaties to pledge its support to the cam-paign.

77. I resisted the temptation, but the situation awakened in me the desire to get married.

78. Can you list specific instances in which you have resisted peer pressure? —Romans 12:2. .....

79. 21 He fights stubbornly, and has thus far resisted all our efforts to dislodge him.....

80. In this way, Calvin and his followers resisted political Absolutism and furthered the growth of democracy