Use "repeats" in a sentence

1. History repeats itself.

2. Crispr stands for “clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats.” Those repeats are found in bacteria’s DNA

3. This cycle repeats itself ad infinitum.

4. 5 Cucumber always repeats on me.

5. 24 This cycle of events continually repeats itself.

6. The most rudimentary algorithm repeats a single instruction.

7. This cycle of events continually repeats itself.

8. Interminable television coverage blocking out the Scooby Doo repeats.

9. Another niggling problem is their inconsistent approach to repeats.

10. The last figure of the decimal 0.63 repeats.

11. A closed Curve is a path that repeats

12. The agent repeats "Any way you want it"

13. Usually you find these tandem repeats outside of genes.

14. The Quran repeats (and embellishes somewhat) the Absurdities of the Biblical Exodus

15. Grandfather is forgetful and often repeats himself when he tells a story.

16. At the coda it repeats the B section groove until the fade.

17. If the director decides additional takes are required, the whole process repeats.

18. The TV station just shows repeats of old comedy programmes ad infinitum.

19. The story repeats the theme of the unfaithful husband and virtuous wife.

20. The acronym ‘Crispr’ stands for 'Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats'

21. It seems almost needless to say nowadays that exposition repeats are faithfully observed.

22. In nature, the Crispr palindromic repeats play an important role in microbial immunity.

23. Chimerism could be proven by variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) analysis

24. It airs Tuesday evenings on the Disney Channel and repeats Sunday afternoons.

25. The metonic series repeats eclipses every 19 years (6939.69 days), lasting about 5 cycles.

26. Additionally the existence of trade commercialtransportation center in consignor dock repeats construction apparently.

27. As frontal lobe function deteriorates further, the patient repeats actions over and over.

28. Most prototypic sequences from RU are consensus sequences of large families and subfamilies of repeats.

29. So for the onlooker, the player merely repeats himself with each run of the level.

30. And at Psalm 29:10, he repeats: “Jehovah sits as king to time indefinite.”

31. Abundancy of polymorphic CGG repeats in the human genome suggest a broad involvement in neurological disease

32. Chávez also repeats, ad nauseam , the idea that others are to blame for Latin America’s ills.

33. Mr. Obama repeats the canard that China's remarkable economic success is due to sinister currency deflation.

34. While a respiratory therapist Auscultates a patient's chest, the patient repeats the words, one, two, three

35. The agent counsels them obliquely against waste, repeats the letter of the law, and smiles.

36. What is an Appositive? An Appositive is a word that repeats its antecedent or renames the noun.

37. In mathematics, a periodic function is a function that repeats its values in regular intervals or periods.

38. Analize official Twitter account of DiAblesse 😈 (@emy_coquine) by words and their repeats of last year

39. Chávez also repeats,ad nauseam, the idea that others are to blame for Latin America’s ills.

40. He repeats the Hogwarts motto: "Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus", Latin for "Never tickle a sleeping dragon".

41. The bibulous Bohunk shows up periodically and just repeats the same damn stupid things, over and over again

42. XForms makes it easy to iterate over nested sets like this through the nesting of the corresponding repeats.

43. The Backwinded jib will once again push the bow off the wind as the cycle repeats itself

44. A Cycle is an event, such as a price high or low, which repeats itself on a regular basis

45. Chimerism testing is performed by analyzing short tandem repeats (STR) using an in-house developed and optimized test

46. They say fashion repeats itself, and that must be true because Cropped t-shirts are trending right now

47. Crispr (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) are segments of prokaryotic DNA containing short repetitions of base sequences

48. These non-coding base-pair repeated sequences bear the complicated name variable number tandem repeats, abbreviated to VNTR.

49. The first text repeats the prohibition against eating an animal found dead, perhaps one that was killed by wild beasts.

50. Anaphora is a rhetorical term for when a writer or speaker repeats the same beginning of a sentence several times.

51. I could keep writing, but this decimal actually extends on and on forever, without any sort of pattern that repeats.

52. After the visit is over, the visitor asks for permission to leave and repeats the salutation made upon entering.

53. A Catchphrase is a word or phrase that a villager repeats during conversation, which they usually say towards the end

54. If this process repeats itself at random places in the universe, it could mean that "Big bangs" happen relatively frequently

55. Alliteration is a literary device that repeats a speech sound in a sequence of words that are close to each other

56. Consonance (CAHN-so-nanss) is a literary sound device that repeats a consonant sound several times in a sequence of words

57. α-Actinins contain three conserved domains that include an N-terminal actin binding domain, four spectrin-like repeats in the central

58. It repeats this process until all markers are allocated to the closest grid-based marker Clusters based on the map's zoom level

59. 2 days ago · However, Eboni overhears it, repeats it to Leah McSweeney and Confronts Ramona at the dinner table

60. When a trainer repeats "NO" several times this only confuses the dog because he must determine which mental snap shot you are referring to.

61. But after thickly dotted ground repeats a shop to stick wall of good one side, often be dazzling, desultorily , the vision pounds too ultra intense.

62. Typically, a Chaplet follows a set sequence of prayers and then repeats those sequences, commonly known as “decades” of ten or seven repetitions.

63. CRISPR An abbreviation — pronounced Crisper — for the term “clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats.” These are pieces of RNA, an information-carrying molecule

64. Crispr is short for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, a fancy way of describing very precise genetic engineering that may be the …

65. In other words, If you just come to a critical point in your life: whether to be a creative person or one that repeats the predecessors's' knowledge.

66. They occur in a pattern that generally repeats every 243 years, with pairs of transits eight years apart separated by long gaps of 121.5 years and 105.5 years.

67. Balderdash is an American television panel game show that aired on PAX TV from August 2, 2004 to February 4, 2005, with repeats airing until April 22, 2005

68. Contemplative prayer begins with “centering prayer,” a meditative practice where the practitioner focuses on a word and repeats that word over and over for the duration of the exercise

69. Crisprs are regions in the bacterial genome that help defend against invading viruses. These regions are composed of short DNA repeats (black diamonds) and spacers (colored boxes)

70. Crispr is an acronym for “Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats.” Crispr genome engineering technology enables scientists to easily and precisely edit the DNA of any genome

71. Double-stranded inverted repeats or DNA palindromes have the potential to form Cruciform structures by intrastrand base pairing to extrude a pair of stem-loop structures under conditions of

72. To counter this cry that rises from the earth, a joyful chorus of a liturgical nature rings out in the heavens, and in addition to the alleluia, repeats the amen.

73. Cruciform transitions have been analyzed by restriction analysis and gel electrophoresis to show that certain inverted repeats form Cruciforms rather slowly at physiological ionic strengths and temperatures (11,12).

74. The key difference between Copolymer and homopolymer is that there are two monomers making the polymer in Copolymers whereas, in homopolymer, only one monomer repeats and forms the whole polymer.

75. The history of appeasement repeats itself Not only does he Anathematise Stalin, he turns his fire on others who must bear some of the guilt by purporting to see …

76. Use the six-minute time trial to establish your vVO 2 max, then try doing 30-30s or three-minute repeats, in whatever protocol most effectively matches the ones Billat …

77. This can be heard through Argerich's subtle changes in tonal heft and articulation on the repeats, without recourse to tempo-distorting Agogics, and in Maisky's vibrant yet tasteful string slides

78. Some repeats; note that not all these came in the standard sets Fit Singer, Jones, Greist and some other Buttonholer attachments - £2.50 each BH012a Plastic versions (these can be swapped with the above)

79. So from the hand- cranked jump cut early days of cinema to last Sunday's Oscar winner, what follows are some steps and a few repeats in the evolution of visual effects.

80. Arabia is a continuous pattern that’s worked in repeats of 20 stitches and 32 rounds or rows, so you can really use this to make a project in any size you like