Use "refugee" in a sentence

1. The refugee population in Muyovozi refugee camp presently has 37,000 inhabitants.

2. Providing Refugee Relief

3. I'm a political refugee.

4. Fireman and the refugee.

5. squalid, overcrowded refugee camps.

6. Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition

7. They have acquired refugee status.

8. They were granted refugee status.

9. Trauma and testimony among refugee women.

10. Refugee Backgrounders The Cultural Orientation Resource Center has produced numerous publications providing key information about various refugee populations

11. Basic Grounds for Asylum or Refugee Status

12. European Refugee Fund — Expenditure on administrative management

13. The refugee camps sprawl across the landscape.

14. Abject poverty in a Rwandan refugee camp

15. Refugee crises almost always occur in nondemocracies.

16. Please give generously to the refugee fund.

17. Conditions in the refugee camps were horrendous.

18. The Home Office has refused him refugee status.

19. The refugee problem has now reached immeasurable proportions.

20. Evacuee/refugee (200 After Katrina, refugees became evacuees.

21. Congolese Refugees The COR Center Refugee Backgrounder, Refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, provides basic information about Congolese refugee arrivals.

22. 4 Conditions in the refugee camps were horrendous.

23. The economic migrant is also the political refugee.

24. Many of the refugee villages are in isolated areas.

25. Hope Amid Despair —An Assembly in a Refugee Camp

26. Cover image depicts a refugee fleeing a natural disaster

27. Tran spend five long years languishing in refugee camps.

28. Dysentery and malaria are rife in the refugee camps.

29. Do we have a policy of accepting any refugee?

30. The Refugee Centre may accommodate ~ # foreigners at a time

31. 1 The refugee problem has now reached immeasurable proportions.

32. Becoming a refugee involves many dislocations and abrupt changes.

33. "Closing the Montagnard refugee center doesn't change those obligations."

34. There is no Palestinian refugee population in the village.

35. The army clamped a curfew on the refugee camps.

36. Now, in Lebanon, we have one refugee per three Lebanese.

37. Haitian Refugee Accomplishes a Lifelong Dream of Opening a Restaurant

38. To establish eligibility for Asylum or refugee status under U.S

39. The refugee camps are a tinderbox waiting to catch fire.

40. Agency for Refugee & Returnee Affairs - Arra, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

41. So you're, actually, really more of a refugee, in that sense?

42. After three months in a refugee camp, we landed in Melbourne.

43. 19 The author portrays life in a refugee camp very vividly.

44. The Burundian refugee situation is the lowest funded in the world

45. The story is told through the eyes of a refugee child.

46. We were escorting a u.N. Aid caravan to a refugee camp.

47. UNHCR has addressed counter-terrorism in its work on refugee protection

48. Gashi arrived in Germany as a six-year-old Albanian refugee.

49. In 1992, Hirsi Ali came to the Netherlands as a refugee

50. Refugee workers said such action was a violation of medical ethics.

51. A sandstorm in a refugee camp near the border of Somalia.

52. Bureaucratizing the Good Samaritan is about the organization of refugee relief programs

53. The refugee situation must now be addressed as a matter of urgency.

54. Her parents were Hoa Chinese refugees who fled Vietnam in refugee boats.

55. Youth Allyah was opposed to the very principle of fostering refugee children.

56. A young Korean refugee, Chance is a member of the Fallen Angels

57. The Agency for Refugee & Returnee Affairs(Arra) is the Ethiopian government

58. 22 Refugee workers said such action was a violation of medical ethics.

59. The proceeds from the benefit will go directly to the refugee camps.

60. Berry A leading expert answers questions about immigrant/refugee Acculturation in U.S

61. Germany: Public witnessing with a cart in front of a refugee camp

62. Her experience as a refugee informs the content of her latest novel.

63. The Burundian refugee situation is the lowest funded of any situation globally

64. Bureaucratizing the Good Samaritan is about the organization of refugee relief programs

65. Bureaucratizing the Good Samaritan is about the organization of refugee relief programs

66. Til Mishra, a refugee who arrived in Cleveland in 2015 after spending 23 years in a refugee camp in Nepal, is president of the newly founded Bhutanese Community of Greater Cleveland

67. Question: In other words, the OSCE is not addressing the refugee issue yet?

68. Estimates of the amount and value of abandoned Palestine refugee property varied widely

69. After the squalid conditions of the refugee camps even this place seems preferable.

70. Many illnesses in these temporary refugee camps are the result of inadequate sanitation.

71. Snobbish home-owners are protesting about a refugee family moving into their street.

72. An Asylee is a refugee who doesn’t have UNHCR acting as a middleman

73. UNHCR Arrangerar världens första Globala Flyktingforum – Global Refugee Forum

74. Estimates of the amount and value of abandoned Palestine refugee property varied widely.

75. The difference between an Asylee and a refugee is that an Asylee is a person applying for such protection within the US, and a refugee is the term used for a

76. A refugee brother from Sudan gave the opening talk, “Examining Our Figurative Heart.”

77. Anyone with a foreign accent, including refugee children, were labelled as potential saboteurs.

78. But according to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, “thousands more have remained in the dusty, fly-ridden refugee camp at Kakuma, where they have had to scrape for food and struggle for education.”

79. A Refugee Travel Document is a travel document (very similar to a passport) issued to a refugee or Asylee that allows him or her to travel abroad and return to the United States

80. He reiterated the Committee’s concern about the drastic reduction in the refugee acceptance rate.