Use "refraction of light" in a sentence

1. Light refraction?

2. Explore Bending of light between two media with different indices of refraction

3. She also has light refraction abilities that are not fully explained.

4. Its origin is required of refraction or reflection of the light by atmospheric ice crystals.

5. Sir Isaac Newton’s 17th-century experiments with prisms led to an understanding of light refraction.

6. Birefringence is the “bending” or refraction of a light wave into two different polarized waves

7. Atmospheric optics and acoustics embrace studies of transmission, reflection, refraction and diffraction of light or sound.

8. Birefringence definition is - the refraction of light in an anisotropic material (such as calcite) in two slightly different directions to form two rays —called also double refraction

9. On a clear day there may be abnormal refraction of light causing distortion in the appearance of features.

10. As with ordinary light, laser range measurements to satellites are not troubled by ionospheric refraction.

11. " Principles of Optical Refraction. "

12. A diamond produces its colors by refraction, that is, by bending light at the surface of the gem.

13. Once again, facets are cut, but two more than on the top, for more effective refraction of light.

14. Between absorption, reflection, refraction and fluorescence, all of the incoming light must be accounted for, and no more.

15. Light from at least one light source is directed at an angle $g(a) onto the boundary surface of two media with different refraction indices.

16. High index of refraction monomers

17. And the index of refraction really just tells you it's just the ratio of the speed of light to the actual velocity.

18. Eye disorders Very rare-Refraction disorders Refraction anomalies may occur upon initiation of insulin therapy

19. It is known that the silicate particles have a real index of refraction ranging between 1.5 and 1.6 for visible light.

20. The colour is due to the refraction of light off the rock flour deposited in the lake on a continual basis.

21. Aliphatics can form crystals affecting light refraction, resulting in a color change and allowing identification of mutants in their synthesis or transport

22. The invention relates to an optical element for transmitting diversified proportions of radiated light, comprising a light admission and a light exit surface and an optical medium which has an intensity-dependent refraction index.

23. Based on Fermat's theorem, the law of reflection and refraction is obtained, and the geometrical ray tracing method of reflected light is introduced.

24. Refraction — Snell's Law.

25. Birefringence definition, double refraction

26. That's the refraction angle.

27. Chromatic Aberration unequal refraction by a lens of light rays of different lengths passing through it, producing a blurred image and a display of colors.

28. Device for measuring aberration refraction of the eye

29. The index of refraction, a number used in physics to describe how light propagates through a particular substance, is an important property of volcanic ash.

30. Borish’s Clinical Refraction – E-Book

31. And the angle of refraction is theta 2.

32. His raw data gave an average height of 9,200 m (30,200 ft) for peak "b", but this did not consider light refraction, which distorts heights.

33. Oedema and refraction abnormalities of the eye o tn

34. In particular, the refraction will lead to beam splitting in the radio light curves of highly magnetized pulsars and allow much greater sensitivities than currently achievable.

35. 9 High thermal conductivity, High index of refraction glue.

36. Turnable acoustic gradient index of refraction lens and system

37. Abū ‘Alī al-Ḥasan ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) of Basra (10th-11th century), mathematician and physicist; made significant contributions to the theory of optics, including refraction, reflection, binocular vision, and atmospheric refraction; first to explain correctly vision as the effect of light coming from an object to the eye.

38. In this work d'Alembert theoretically explained refraction.

39. Dioptometer:an instrument used for measuring ocular refraction.

40. Related issues of atmospheric refraction applied to all astronomical observations.

41. Birefringence is formally defined as the double refraction of light in a transparent, molecularly ordered material, which is a manifestation of the existence of orientation-dependent differences in refractive index.

42. The absolute value of the difference between the index of refraction of the sealing resin and the index of refraction of the optically diffusive organic particles is 0.020-0.135, inclusive.

43. Borish’s Clinical Refraction provides the reader with two varieties of information

44. And we saw this index of refraction 1. 00029 or whatever

45. 3. High homogeneity (index of refraction variance) less than 5 × 10–6;

46. Borish’s Clinical Refraction provides the reader with two varieties of information

47. High homogeneity (index of refraction variance) less than 5 × 10-6;

48. The absolute value of the difference between the refraction index of the transparent resin (X) and the refraction index of the cross-linked resin microparticles (Y) is 0.095-0.115.

49. The answer lies in an optical phenomenon called refraction.

50. Consequently remarkable refraction phenomena are observed in this layer.

51. 3. High homogeneity (index of refraction variance) less than 5 × 10-6;

52. Optometry: Profession concerned with examining the eyes for defects or faults of refraction.

53. This determination of the refraction angle is independent of vibrations and other environmental disturbances.

54. Birefringence, or double refraction, is the splitting of a ray of light into two rays when it passes through certain types of material, such as calcite crystals.The two rays, called the ordinary ray and the extraordinary ray, travel at different speeds.Thus the material has two distinct indices of refraction, as measured from different directions.This effect can occur only if the structure of

55. So we know this is our incident angle This is our angle of refraction

56. One deals with the velocities, directly deals with the velocities, right over here, the ratio of the velocity to the sin of the incident or refraction angle and here it uses the index of refraction.

57. It is translucent to transparent with indices of refraction of nα = 1.461 nβ = 1.478 nγ = 1.485.

58. Probe into Dissecting Refraction Method Statics Processing under Complicated Surface Conditions.

59. Usually, the tests include one for hardness, specific gravity and refraction.

60. Let's think about what the incident angle is and what the angle of refraction

61. The wide range of colours is due to either specific pigments or due to multiple reflections , selective absorption , refraction , defraction and scattering or interference of light waves by the peculiarities in the minute structure of the body integument .

62. In addition, all available refraction data obtained by foreign expeditions was utilized.

63. Crystal to raise living atmosphere, refraction fantastic luster, it is warm.

64. Similarly, the variation of distance refraction and the presence of astigmatism is also lower than for humans.

65. This chapter describes the network of seismic-refraction profiles observed in western Germany and adjacent areas.

66. Shallow Seismic Refraction Survey is one kind of celerity, effective and economic means in engineering exploration.

67. 'Optical thickness' is the mathematical product of the index of refraction and the physical thickness of the coating.

68. ‧Optical thickness‧ is the mathematical product of the index of refraction and the physical thickness of the coating.

69. The wedge shaped layer can also have a variable index of refraction n (x, y, z).

70. The host material's index of refraction may be chosen to maximize the effective active area of the device.

71. Owing to the refraction behaviour of ultrasonic waves, this shape increases the angle of diffusion of the ultrasonic waves.

72. It was Snellius who noted that Ptolemy's equation for refraction was inexact.

73. Types – Bathymetrically controlled Wave refraction is a key process in focussing these rips

74. Geophysical techniques evaluated were ground probing, radar, acoustic seismic and refraction seismic methods.

75. Some transparent minerals with very high indices of refraction have a non-metallic, brilliant manner of reflecting and transmitting light called an Adamantine luster.Diamond is the bestknown Adamantine mineral, and its coveted sparkle is an example of this type of non-metallic luster

76. These waveguides may also be electrically biased to alter the index of refraction and/or absorption of the waveguide.

77. Changes in the travel direction, called refraction, can be used to infer the deep structure of the Earth.

78. The difficulties of an interpretation of the screen picture due to certain secondary effects (attenuation absorption, tropospheric refraction) are emphasized.

79. Back light synonyms, Back light pronunciation, Back light translation, English dictionary definition of Back light

80. Birefringent means that the index of refraction of the material does vary with angle at every point in the material