Use "red tape" in a sentence

1. That added red tape and bureaucracy

2. Bureaucratitis (uncountable) Excessive bureaucracy; red tape

3. Mandates oversight without adding red tape.

4. He'll bog us down with red tape.

5. There are regulations, laws and red tape.

6. We must cut through the red tape.

7. Red tape encumbered all our attempts at action.

8. What annoyed me most was the red tape.

9. But red tape is an inevitable result of reform.

10. Perhaps you would prefer to avoid the red tape

11. You can get a bunch of digital red tape.

12. Well, after the official red tape has been cut.

13. Many blame Britain's decline on too much red tape.

14. It takes weeks to get through the red tape.

15. U.S. companies fear the red tape will scare off customers.

16. The new rules should help cut the red tape for farmers.

17. Red tape everywhere I went. They sent me from pillar to post.

18. 5 Because of all red tape at immigration I missed my connecting flight.

19. The little money that was available was tied up in bureaucratic red tape.

20. You have to go through endless red tape to get a residence permit.

21. We got bogged down in a morass of detail and bureaucratic red tape.

22. cutting red tape through the payment of fixed fees without checks on actual costs;

23. Sometimes it's necessary to cut though the red tape and strike at the matter.

24. Dysfunctions of Bureaucracies can include red tape, lack of communication between units, and alienation

25. Red tape and bureaucracy are the most frequently given reasons for people working underground.

26. We embrace our rules and red tape to prevent bad things from happening, of course.

27. This is the basis of our efforts towards transition from ‘Red Tape’ to ‘Red Carpet’.”

28. - Multiannual guidance programme for the craft industry (tax reforms, access to credit, competition, red tape);

29. An Anemic supply chain, poor infrastructure, and government red tape have kept manufacturers away for years

30. A red tape was sewn to one trouser leg and to one arm of our jacket.

31. It avoids unnecessary red tape and keeps administrative costs for citizens and enterprises to a minimum.

32. But after years of training, fighting red tape and vicious sexism, Gera lasted for one game.

33. When I asked for more information, he suddenly got amnesia and threw red tape in my face.

34. It talks about only another layer of government and more red tape and state control, not less.

35. There had been red tape to contend with all along - but at last the children were back.

36. Action plans with ambitious targets and deadlines should also be adopted to reduce red tape, UNICE added.

37. The urban renewal administrative process drew considerable criticism because it was so long and encumbered with red tape.

38. 2 The urban renewal administrative process drew considerable criticism because it was so long and encumbered with red tape.

39. The urban renewal administrative process drew considerable criticism because it was so long and encumbered with red tape.

40. One vexing problem is the inconsistency of the red tape that ensnares businessmen when they try to do practically anything.

41. Former rally driver Jean Denton is battling to reduce red tape and bureaucratic burdens on small firms and start-ups.

42. Therefore, their secret agenda is how best to strangle the utilities with as much bureaucracy and red tape as possible.

43. They must ensure financial management can be strengthened without adding more red tape and burden on departments and line managers.

44. Wright said lobbying to keep red tape and regulatory cost to a minimum for local companies will be a priority.

45. The reduction of regulatory red tape, in particular, will help stimulate innovation and success in Europe's SME sector,' Mr Zennstrom added.

46. Its official policy is anti-Western, and it obstructs aid organisations with so much red tape that they have become discouraged.

47. They are terrified by Labour party proposals to create a great new machine spitting out red tape all over the countryside.

48. If you think our red tape is formidable, remember Morocco is heavily influenced by the French, who invented the word Bureaucrat.

49. The Commission's own internal culture of Cautiousness and red tape is a constraint that nobody in Brussels much likes to talk about.

50. In order to avoid sowing confusion and adding to red-tape, the creation of new Community certification schemes should not be supported

51. Bscstarter is a community-governed launchpad for raising capital for Bsc projects, that isn’t filled with government red tape and KYC rules

52. In order to avoid sowing confusion and adding to red-tape, the creation of new Community certification schemes should not be supported.

53. Governor William Donald Schaefer in Maryland set up a red-tape telephone hotline on which citizens can report cases of bureaucratic mismanagement.

54. Of huge importance was the need to reduce red tape, which is seen as both adding unnecessary cost and taking up valuable time.

55. "When Confronted by a mass of red tape, many people feel a sense of helplessness." But my teacher said it was incorrect and tell me this is the correct answer: "When Confronted with a mass of red tape, many people feel a sense of helplessness." I don't get it

56. The goal of trade facilitation is to make supply chains more efficient and to reduce costs, red tape and bottlenecks faced by traders.

57. Inc. magazine published 16 ideas to encourage new startups, including cutting red tape, approving micro-loans, allowing more immigration, and addressing tax uncertainty.

58. I say this to all our colleagues here: wrapping yourself in red tape and potentially adding great cost to consumers is not pro-consumer.

59. Our aim is to find a solution which provides real added value without creating more red tape and which respects the principle of subsidiarity.

60. Since Brexit, exporters face a process of up to 26 steps, with every shipment logged in multiple databases and certified by reams of red tape

61. Calls for alignment between traceability requirements in the GPSD and the NLF so as to guarantee a coherent traceability system avoiding the creation of new red tape;

62. Before setting up a new agency, it should be proved that it would bring a clear added value and would not increase red tape and unjustified costs.

63. Many authorities advise against keeping it in a bank’s safe-deposit box because of the red tape involved to get the box opened after a person’s death.

64. Before setting up a new agency, there should be clear evidence that it would bring significant added value and would not increase red tape and unjustified costs.

65. This operational link streamlines existing processes and ensures greater coherence between the coordination of economic policies and the use of EU funds without adding additional red tape.

66. 2 JIM HEGARTY: When we were founding our ecclesia , we could have come across a lot of red-tape from the local government – which is the local urban council.

67. Unfortunately, because of corruption and bureaucratic red tape, a large part of the funds provided by governments, international agencies, and individuals never reaches the people who really need it.

68. hopes, however, that the European platform of Member States will quickly succeed in aligning courses of study, thus cutting red tape and facilitating the movement of health workers within the EU;

69. Wreck Huggers, Aqualungs and Red Tape A heritage process of the middle ground? Mirja Arnshav The arrow of time There are many ways of delineating the slippery and ambiguous concept of cultural heritage

70. Brexit red tape causing trade problems, says top food firm Varadkar’s address daubed on Belfast wall in latest graffiti threat 2:12 Martin and Biden to discuss North in virtual St Patrick's Day

71. The alternatives available (such as two plus four, three plus three) are unviable practically speaking, involve much red tape and threaten to neutralise the positive stimulus that this legislation gives to scientific research.

72. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB The city is bending over Backwards for restaurants, hair salons, barbershops – that they would consider putting another layer of red tape to re-open hotels is really unfair

73. Other challenges include a paucity of skilled labor, difficulty in obtaining expatriate employment permits, bureaucratic red tape, corruption, and inadequate and deteriorating road, electricity, water, and telecommunications infrastructure which hinder economic development in Malawi.

74. The process of alignment to the Treaty of Lisbon should seek to achieve the aim of simplifying all Union legislation enacted for the sector, with a view to relieving organic farmers of the burden of unnecessary red tape.

75. ‘By definition a Bureaucrat is an official who insists on a rigid adherence to rules and routine regardless of the needs of the situation.’ ‘Because the top concern of Bureaucrats is to fend off future problems, the red tape piles up.’

76. It is clear to the Committee that, in order for maritime transport to be an attractive alternative to other forms of transport, efforts need to be made to reduce customs formalities and red tape, without however jeopardising safety or security.

77. Reforms are afoot to liberalize the Indian economy through faster decision-making and cut through red-tape, relaxation of labour laws, and liberalization of foreign investment norms in critical sectors of the economy like defence, railways, insurance and construction, and take up GST next year.

78. Whether a road accident abroad is a minor scratch on a car or a tragedy in which loved ones are hurt or lost, the stress should not be compounded or drawn out longer than necessary due to red tape in cross-border insurance claims.

79. We Are Celerity: Your Outsourcing Solution With the rising push to $15 minimum wage in the US and overbearing state & federal regulations, we believe the answer is outsourcing! Eliminate the red tape at a dramatically lower cost so you can focus on what's important in your business.

80. 11. Since 1991, economic liberalization in India has reduced red tape and bureaucracy and has supported our nation’s transition towards a market economy achieving record growth rates in excess of 8% in each of the last five years – well last year was slightly less but you know why.