Use "rebuilding" in a sentence

1. Rebuilding glossary cache

2. Rebuilding cache... done

3. Their political party is rebuilding.

4. Rebuilding the walls (1-32)

5. Rebuilding work three months later

6. The frenzy of rebuilding is now past.

7. Then we started a rebuilding process.

8. Rebuilding the area is a priority.

9. Support Coalfield Development in rebuilding the Appalachian economy

10. Braving: Rebuilding Trust with Brené Brown

11. She does a wonderful job rebuilding ecosystems.

12. I thought we were rebuilding trust, Coulson!

13. In addition, any rebuilding would be a colossal undertaking, and no rebuilding of above-the-ground structures has been approved.

14. Video caption: Beirut explosion: The architect rebuilding families' homes for free Beirut explosion: The architect rebuilding families' homes for free

15. Factors limiting rebuilding The absence of rebuilding is due to the current low productivity of the stock, along with fishing effort.

16. We've had over 1,500 volunteers rebuilding, rehabbing homes.

17. Rebuilding the damaged bridge will be painfully slow.

18. Hydrotechnical works at rebuilding of Piastowski Canal (Swinoujscie).

19. The agency has been rebuilding under new management.

20. I relish the challenge of rebuilding the club.

21. The constant rebuilding created an imposing tell, or city mound.

22. She is still rebuilding her life after the accident.

23. Carburetor Technology is a Carburetor rebuilding and service business

24. In Workshop on rebuilding abalone stocks in British Columbia.

25. In 1742 Elector Charles Theodore began rebuilding the Palace.

26. Nothing daunted, the people set about rebuilding their homes.

27. Well, I know that you've been rebuilding Central City at night.

28. Calcitonin helps control the breakdown and rebuilding of bone

29. Rebuilding of the upper levels is also a possibility.

30. Their story is how they are rebuilding their lives.

31. ♪ Of life rebuilding ♪ But mostly anger at myself.

32. After the earthquake, the people set about rebuilding their homes.

33. The ribbons bore the words remembrance, rebirth, renewal and rebuilding.

34. Biden Goals Converge in Asia: Rebuilding Alliances and Countering China

35. Our surveyor warned us that the house needed totally rebuilding.

36. Holford sketched a 10-year programme for rebuilding the city.

37. Calling the task rebuilding trust, I think, also gets things backwards.

38. The government should give top priority to rebuilding the inner cities.

39. More government money needs to go into rebuilding the inner cities.

40. The house needed totally rebuilding, so we decided against buying it.

41. October 29, Piazza Navona Rome: Rebuilding the incident, infiltrators and provocateurs.

42. The villagers hurled all possible effort into rebuilding the bombed houses.

43. 9 Our surveyor warned us that the house needed totally rebuilding.

44. Crankshaft Supply has been repairing, rebuilding, and remanufacturing Crankshafts for over 70 years

45. Backcountry Accommodation The Alpine Club of Canada is rebuilding the Fay Hut (2005).

46. The people of Tokyo took up the enormous task of rebuilding their city.

47. Undaunted by the enormity of the task, they began rebuilding the village.

48. Rebuilding is a corrective measure, required because the clustering process is flawed.

49. The last work they did out there was just rebuilding the dam.

50. Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung promised flood victims assistance in rebuilding .

51. The new administration faces the difficult task of rebuilding the country's economy.

52. Rebuilding our national memory is the original drive for writing the trilogy.

53. A lot of rebuilding took place in the aftermath of the war.

54. Stoically, and with great determination, the people set about rebuilding the village.

55. Co— Roadmap for Rebuilding: Planning Your Financial Future In the latest Co— Roadmap for Rebuilding event, small business owners and experts shared important Considerations about acCounting, financing and long-term growth.

56. The Arduous task of rebuilding When could difficult be used to replace Arduous?

57. We must invest in the fabric of our hospitals and start rebuilding them.

58. Canada is in an aggressive rebuilding mode for chinook on both southern and northern stocks.

59. Expansion without DHL: Rebuilding of the southern runway, DHL does not come to Leipzig Airport

60. Amid talk of rebuilding and reorganising resources it appears suitable material is in short supply.

61. I leave the task of rebuilding Death Race in your very capable hands.

62. 19 Rebuilding is a corrective measure, required because the clustering process is flawed.

63. Measures include rebuilding the road substructure, gravel surface, side slopes and improving roadside drainage. Contact Person :

64. The repatriates started restoring true worship by rebuilding the altar and offering up sacrifices to Jehovah.

65. The people of Tyre assist them by supplying cedar timbers for rebuilding the temple.

66. The rebuilding of London's churches was entrusted to the brilliant young architect, Christopher Wren.

67. Many stations needed repairs or rebuilding and there was a shortage of rolling stock.

68. Alas, there's no such thing as a risk - free approach to rebuilding nest egg.

69. This time LIZARTE FRÍO celebrates its 10th anniversary: 10 years rebuilding air conditioning compressors.

70. There could be several values when public art is added to city rebuilding project.

71. Synonyms for Bettering include mending, repair, repairing, fixing, restoration, ameliorating, patching, rectifying, correcting and rebuilding

72. Antonyms for Blemishing include doctoring, fixing, mending, patching, rebuilding, reconditioning, reconstructing, renovating, repairing and revamping

73. In 1971 the Israeli Government approved the rebuilding of the synagogue, courtyard and adjoining buildings.

74. ‘Expansion without DHL’: Rebuilding of the southern runway, DHL does not come to Leipzig Airport.

75. Many stores and other buildings were burned; rebuilding was not completed until the late 1990s.

76. Over 25 years of Carburetor rebuilding experience gives us a big edge on the competition

77. Our plans for rebuilding have run aground, as the council to allow the necessary money.

78. Upgrading, rebuilding and standard changing of systems, equipment and parts for air and space vehicles

79. The rebuilding of the nave was Begun by 1376 and continued intermittently until Tudor times.

80. The building, rebuilding and strengthening of core State functions is the sine qua non condition for overcoming conflict.