Use "rather" in a sentence

1. He was rather slow, rather ponderous.

2. It's rather colorful.

3. That's rather nasty.

4. Maybe they too are rational rather than irrational, morally disreputable rather than organically abnormal,(sentence dictionary) overwhelmed by adversity rather than by wickedness.

5. Alphonist Bathroom rather small

6. Rather cold, isn't it?

7. She looked rather abashed.

8. It is rather fetid.

9. A rather disagreeable animal?

10. She's growing rather stout.

11. Gary looked rather perplexed.

12. Be honest rather clever.

13. She is rather bashful.

14. Tianjin is rather smoggy.

15. I'd rather shoot myself.

16. She sang rather shrilly.

17. He seems rather pompous.

18. I'd rather be dead.

19. I'm really rather envious.

20. They would rather mull over something academic about a problem rather than ship on time.

21. Avoidable A ' genuine option ' is defined as a decision between hypotheses that is forced (rather than Avoidable), living (rather than dead), and momentous (rather than trivial)

22. Careful: that chair's rather frail!

23. We're being rather glib here.

24. This clock is rather erratic.

25. It's a rather puzzling film.

26. This cheese is rather bland.

27. The car is rather rusty.

28. He's a rather shady person.

29. He was rather a blockhead.

30. Beans can be rather indigestible.

31. Rather 'Blathery' and somewhat boring

32. Rather, the Americans selling weapons.

33. His paintings are rather Amateurish

34. You'd rather burn than kneel.

35. Robert's rather tasteless about it.

36. Rather, salt is a preservative.

37. I'd rather have a cigarette.

38. Her mood was rather solemn.

39. Our accommodation is rather cramped.

40. This article is rather hackneyed.

41. His work is rather patchy.

42. His answer rather disconcerted her.

43. The argument is rather Convoluted

44. Rather, people are infinitely malleable.

45. Rather, they often discourage it.

46. Her teeth were rather yellow.

47. His tone is rather unfriendly.

48. Her movements were rather clumsy.

49. The argument is rather convoluted.

50. The soup was rather tasteless.

51. He's rather unsure of himself.

52. He acquitted himself rather badly.

53. She's rather prim and precise.

54. The fruit is rather squashy.

55. The photograph rather lacks definition.

56. You are rather too easygoing.

57. Rather, we trust in Jehovah.


59. Isn't that jumper rather large?

60. Sir Henry smiled rather wryly.

61. The analogy is rather farfetched.

62. His paintings are rather amateurish.

63. That's rather a knotty question.

64. I'd rather come with you.

65. Functional rather than ostentatious, for telling the time rather than for telling others who he was.

66. Is rather common among Actinians

67. Rather still life or seascapes.

68. I'd rather he takes yours.

69. It's rather large, this shipment.

70. Don't it rather engross him?

71. His views are rather extreme.

72. Their deliberations were rather inconclusive.

73. 16 Gary looked rather perplexed.

74. The book is rather shapeless.

75. This fruit tastes rather tart.

76. The instructions were rather complicated.

77. They shook hands rather listlessly.

78. The example is rather farfetched.

79. His manner seemed rather boorish.

80. He was limping rather badly.