Use "quick-froze" in a sentence

1. Marilynn froze, paralyzed with fear.

2. Well, my wings froze solid.

3. The court froze their assets .

4. She froze with horror .

5. It froze hard last night.

6. His hand froze in mid-gesture.

7. The orange crop froze this winter.

8. His smile froze for a moment.

9. I was so nervous I froze up.

10. They froze off his offers to help.

11. He froze the picture on the screen.

12. The smile froze on her face.

13. Lily froze underneath him, her eyes tight shut.

14. So Ramesh froze action on Bt brinjal.

15. The severe cold froze the pond.

16. I'm pretty sure hell just froze over.

17. Clothes stored in my bedroom froze crunchy.

18. The blizzard also nearly froze secondary trading, participants said.

19. The Havel lake froze over for about three months.

20. She froze with horror when she saw the body.

21. I froze with terror as the door slowly opened.

22. I froze and listened; someone was in my apartment.

23. Beneath me June's body froze, becoming utterly immobile, lifeless.

24. Suddenly he froze, standing tall, erect, and sleek.

25. Everyone froze like Popsicles in a meat locker.

26. Soon after, the world’s credit markets froze, stock markets crashed and other major financial institutions failed in quick succession; first in the United States, then in Europe and further afield.

27. She saw someone outside the window and froze.

28. Ellen froze with terror at the frightful sight.

29. The clothes froze solid on the washing-line.

30. He could hear a sudden roaring. His blood froze.

31. The startled boy froze for an instant, then fled.

32. He was so surprised he froze to the spot.

33. 8 Ellen froze with terror at the frightful sight.

34. We froze in a snowstorm, and I was right...

35. Infection went to your brain, froze you right up.

36. She froze up and refused to say a word.

37. Fenn froze, shoulders hunched, until the reverberations died away.

38. The goddamn British bankruptcy administrator froze all of Lehman's customer accounts.

39. I froze, mouth trout-like, agape in anticipation, heart racing.

40. Sea-birds froze on the packed ice on the marshes.

41. 23 His foot eased to the gas pedal, then froze.

42. The pain destroyed their soul and froze their mind in insentient panic.

43. He got lost and froze to death in the woods.

44. 16 He could hear a sudden roaring. His blood froze.

45. She froze when the beam of the flashlight struck her.

46. A sudden terrible shriek froze the passenger to the spot.

47. 🔊 The bank teller froze in Amazement when the customer pointed a …

48. A great bellow of inhuman rage froze his hand in mid air.

49. What if it rained and then froze all through those months?

50. It begins with Proposition the landmark 1978 initiative that froze property tax rates.

51. The air temperature was well below freezing, and lakes and rivers froze over.

52. The largest bank in France froze customer's money market accounts today.

53. Peach trees bloomed late in China, and Lake Suwa in Japan froze early.

54. 23 A great bellow of inhuman rage froze his hand in mid air.

55. The girls froze him off when he wanted to join the party.

56. " Dad , I froze the casserole that was in the fridge so it wouldn't spoil . "

57. At first, she froze with fear, as she thought I had died.

58. Did you know that, you indifferently froze I that reluctant smiling face.

59. 7 The air temperature was well below freezing, and lakes and rivers froze over.

60. Every time it moved it froze, one paw outstretched, not quite touching the ground.

61. Quick at meal, quick at work. 

62. The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze completely solid .

63. Her hand froze against his cheek as the realisation tensed every muscle in her body.

64. 28 Instead it slowly froze in a magma chamber into a mush of coarse crystals.

65. 4 Quick at meal, quick at work. 

66. As it fed on the nectar, its wings tremulously and I froze in my tracks, transfixed.

67. Instead it slowly froze in a magma chamber into a mush of coarse crystals.

68. Numerous countries introduced anti-terrorism legislation and froze bank accounts they suspected of al-Qaeda ties.

69. In 1892 it is recorded that the weather became so cold that the river froze over.

70. Suddenly , the atmosphere froze Stupefied , the group looked back at the Samaritan and remained speechless.

71. Be quick!

72. A choirboy "froze" when he was sexually abused by his Choirmaster, a court has heard

73. PSO2es: Quick Search (Arks Ship Debris) PSO2es: Quick Search (Yggdrasil)

74. Compensation Sector > Pay Processing Schedules Quick Access Quick Access

75. Quick out!

76. Quick Shop for Versace Eau Fraiche Cologne Gift Set QUICK SHOP

77. Quick-adjust wrench

78. Quick, the spray.

79. If Windows Crashed or froze, you’ll see a red circle with an “X” representing the failure

80. It was in January and as the eggs broke, they froze, making a very unsightly car.”